QuadPreview detailed description and tutorial ?

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QuadPreview detailed description and tutorial ?

PostThu Dec 14, 2023 2:47 pm

I am really struggling to understand the structure and functioning of your sample code programs and referring to the SDK manual does not help at all. Today for me it is a mystery how frames from my 4 input channels are grabbed and sent to the four windows in the QuadPreview software.
To add an example of my basic problems, the program allows to add a title to each window and correctly name them accordingly with the respective input channel. I can't figure out where is located the association between name and frame to correctly match them, because there is no index around.
OpenCV with different boards has an index-based grabbing mechanism such that one always knows what data refers to which channel.
It is weird that your code has no tutorial or document attached ...or am I just unable to find it ?
Can anybody please help me to get started the correct way ?

Many thanks in advance,

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