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display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:54 am
by ramesh.b
Dear sir,
I have read the Black magic sdk fully and applied also but i donot know which interface is to retrieve the program input video .pls help me to display program input (video).

Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:18 am
by Cameron Nichols
Hi Ramesh,

The steps to configure program input are as follows:
  1. Connect to switcher with IBMDSwitcherDiscovery::ConnectTo
  2. Create your mix effect block iterator with IBMDSwitcher::CreateIterator
  3. Iterate through to required ME block by calling IBMDSwitcherMixEffectBlockIterator::Next
  4. Create your switcher input iterator by calling IBMDSwitcher::CreateIterator
  5. Iterate through each switcher input by calling IBMDSwitcherInputIterator::Next, you will likely need to filter the inputs to input type (GetPortType) and index
  6. Call IBMDSwitcherMixEffectBlock::SetProgramInput to set the program input, you will need to call IBMDSwitcherInput::GetInputId to get the ID of the required input
The SDK samples SwitcherPanel/SwitcherPanelCSharp demonstrate the usage of BMDSwitcherMixEffectBlock::SetProgramInput.


Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:35 am
by ramesh.b
Thanks for you reply but through this method i could capture only input id .
i need to show the program selection video on my application(how to capture the stream)

Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:39 pm
by Xtreemtec
Which model Atem are you using?? Only the OLD Atem TVS and Atem 1M/E 2M/E can capture PGM video over USB. (The flat Atems with passive heatsinks)

All newer Atem switchers.. 2014+ have no capture option anymore.. The USB is strictly for firmware updates and network settings. ;)

Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:33 am
by ramesh.b
Thanks for your Reply.
I am using ATEM Television studio HD. I understood your point.
can we capturing the program-input video (Atem TVS HD)using DeckLinkApi.dll?
can you guide which interface is related to Video capturing?
I have tried with StreamingDeviceInput interface,DeckLink but
could not casting the Decklink interface object to Streaming Device Input interface.
I am waiting ....
Please reply

Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:16 pm
by Xtreemtec
No the Atem TVS HD will not be able to capture anything!! You need a seperate capture device to do that.

As stated before in my post. ONLY the old Atems from 7 years ago had a capture by USB function. All newer switcher do not have this option anymore!

You need 1 of these to capture the output SDI signal of the Atem Switcher >>

Re: display Atem switcher Program input video

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:45 am
by ramesh.b
Thank you for your support sir.

How to Obtain IBMDSwitcherInputAux obj with IbmdSwitcherInp

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:31 am
by ramesh.b
I have tried to obtain the IBMDSwitcherInputAux interface object with IBmdSwitcheInput:QueryInterface
using following way. But it failed

IntPtr pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(input);
Guid guidDerived = typeof(IBMDSwitcherInputAux).GUID;
Guid guidBase = typeof(IBMDSwitcherInput).GUID;
IntPtr pI;
int hr = Marshal.QueryInterface(pUnk, ref guidBase, out pI);//OK
IBMDSwitcherInputAux viewFlashObject = Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(pUnk,
typeof(IBMDSwitcherInputAux)) as IBMDSwitcherInputAux;