Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

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Fred Rodrigues

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Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

PostThu Sep 21, 2017 3:36 pm

After watching you all go through the pain of beta testing for BM, I decided to switch to 14, so I have no idea if this problem was present in the betas. I do a lot of audio work and have a lot of plugins, I noticed after adding their folders for resolve to scan resolve becomes unstable with a lot of plugins. I will get a windows error asking me to debug the program or quit. I can get out of it through debug and then closing the debug windows and resolve seems ok. I own a waves plugin bundle and it is up to date, there are a lot of VSTs in the bundle, I started getting the errors when I added waves to resolve. It does function but the error message is strange and annoying.

Resolve will also randomly rescan the plugins on exit (not all the time) this is quite time consuming and it drove me crazy as the resolve audio plugin too windows was initially minimised and the task bar header is not named, just a blank running program minimised.

Also I noticed a few errors with the VST implementation, sometimes (again all plugins are recent and up to date) I will get a feedback loop for the first plugin I initiate in a timeline. Again, with waves plugins this is more common. There will be a digital glitchy feedback emitting from a timeline channel when there is no audio. These errors seem to point to a miss-match in buffer size at initialisation. but I cannot find a place to manually set the audio buffer size.

Does anyone else have similar problems?

Reynaud Venter

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Re: Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

PostThu Sep 21, 2017 3:43 pm

On OS X, so a different configuration. Generally, AU and VST 2.4 plugins perform as expected within Resolve. I have yet to experience the issues you have, but then I don't use any Waves plugins.

Currently, I have a short list of 9 AU and VST plugins that have very specific issues with Resolve 14. Mostly the issues relate to UI anomalies, AU plugin window resizing, and incorrect registration of inputs (i.e. the plugin is stereo but only provides a mono input, or no input at all).

To put that in to perspective I have tested roughly 100 AU and VST plugins from a variety of different plugin developers with Resolve and only 9 have very specific issues.
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John Paines

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Re: Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

PostThu Sep 21, 2017 3:55 pm

I have about a dozen VST plugins running on Windows (Izotope rx6 plus a few freewares), without any of these issues, or with minor UI issues, but Waves makes hundreds of plugins, so that may not be a fair comparison....

If Waves installs in multiple folders (VST, VST3, etc.), did you try de-selecting and/or deleting all but one version, to reduce the clutter and the scanning?

Reynaud Venter

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Re: Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

PostThu Sep 21, 2017 4:00 pm

In Preferences you also have the option to disable duplicate plugins or plugins with specific issues within Resolve.

You are also able to have an indication as to which plugins are causing issues on your system by scanning the plugin list's "Status" column.

Simply untick the plugins you would rather not have Resolve load (without removing them manually from the plugin directories).

⟦ Fairlight Studio Console ⊕ Merging Hapi • Anubis • Ravenna CoreAudio Premium VAD ⟧
⟦ Mac Pro 7,1 Rack • Resolve Studio 19.0 • macOS 14.5 (23F79) ⟧
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Fred Rodrigues

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Re: Resolve cant handle a lot of VSTs

PostThu Sep 21, 2017 4:56 pm

Cheers I am aware of this, I don't have any problems with these plugins in any other host, so I am guessing there is a bug in the vst loader on windows.

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