Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

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Robert Kallström

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Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostTue Mar 19, 2013 7:04 pm

Hello! I have just order the Blackmagic Cinema Camera but i haven´t got it yet. Mean time i installed DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac to try it, but now i have to get ride of it because it is interfering with color corrector in FCP. But unfortunately the uninstaller only removes Resolve and leaves various BM and NVidia drivers on my system. Can someone please tell me the correct way to get rid of these from my system?

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Robert Kallström
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Robert Kallström
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Dwaine Maggart

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Re: Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostTue Mar 19, 2013 7:31 pm

Resolve should not interfere with FCP. If you have Aja I/O hardware AND you installed BMD Desktop Video software, that might cause issues. To uninstall that, run the Desktop Video installer and select the Uninstall option.

If you don't have Aja hardware, what exactly is being affected in FCP?
Dwaine Maggart
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Support

Robert Kallström

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Re: Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostWed Mar 20, 2013 2:09 pm

Hello and thank you for our answer! It is the eye dropper tool in color corrector 3 -way in FCP ho has gone mad. If a take a clip with bars and add color corrector 3 -way tool to it and then use the eye dropper tool in the limit effect area to select, let´s say, red. Since it is a bar, the red is only one color, but when i drag the tool over to red it will end up with any color. In fact if you hold down the left mouse button and drag only in the red area it will cycle throe to hole rainbow. The funny thing is if a connect a another screen so a have to (i am running FCP on a Mac Book Pro i7 from 2010 with NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB-grapich card which i am using when i teach, i am working as a teacher in a upper secondary school in making of Television and film making) everything is back to normal if a run FCP and use eye dropper tool in color corrector 3 -way on the other screen. So my idea is that something happen when the Cuda driver that was installed among with DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1.

What do you think? Please let me now
Best regards
Robert Kallström
Best regards
Robert Kallström
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Dwaine Maggart

Blackmagic Design

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Re: Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostWed Mar 20, 2013 6:24 pm

I think people have been running FCP7/Color on systems with Resolve installed for a long time, and I've never heard this complaint. CUDA would only be used if the Mac has NVIDIA graphics in it. But Resolve always installs CUDA, regardless of whether the Mac has graphics that can use it. But since your Mac has the GT330M, it COULD use CUDA. Are you sure that was not there before you installed Resolve? I'd hate for you to remove CUDA and potentially break something else.

If you are sure Resolve installed CUDA, and you wish to remove it, instructions below.

Removing CUDA from Mac

Below is from an Nvidia support forum, responding to a request to remove CUDA from the system:

Use the Finder Go menu, and select Go to Folder, and then enter /usr/local

Then remove the /usr/local/cuda folder.

Then in Finder, navigate to this location and remove the CUDA folder:


Then in Finder, navigate to this location and remove the CUDA.framework folder:


Then in Finder, navigate to this location and remove CUDA.kext file:


In Mac System Preferences, there is still a CUDA icon. To remove the CUDA pane, right click it and select Remove.

Empty the trash.
Dwaine Maggart
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Support

Robert Kallström

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Re: Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostThu Mar 21, 2013 2:18 pm

Hello and thank you for your efforts! Yesterday a decided to format my HD an reinstall everything and today a discover something horrible. The problem still remains, so it has nothing to do with BMD software. Probable it is a hardware problem since a try it on a identical computer and there it was no problem at all. Sorry if a waste your time but at least a learn something today.

Thank you again and a´m looking forward to get my camera but right now no one can tell me a delivery date but if you are waiting for something good, you are always waiting to long ;)

Best regards
Best regards
Robert Kallström

Robert Kallström

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Re: Uninstall DaVinci Resolve Lite 9.1.1 for Mac

PostThu Mar 21, 2013 3:30 pm

Hello again! A found the problem. It´s is the automatic change of graphic card in the power management. If a change it to always use the NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB graphic card, then it is no problem. Learning all the time. Problem solved but why it is like that on my computer is still a question for a Apple hardware support.
Best regards
Best regards
Robert Kallström

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