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DaVinci Resolve Studio keeps creating an empty folder

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 2:47 pm
by d00m7985
So, when I first bought and installed Resolve some time last year (shortly after buying a camera which necessitated doing so—Premiere would auto grade proxies generated from Canon's raw files without auto grading the raw files.. anyway), I was using the throw-away pre-render folder for everything.

Now, I'm using entirely different hard drives (the old drive that folder lived on is out of service, probably indefinitely, no trouble because I have a backup in cold storage) and I thought I nuked everything on resolve and started from scratch when I reinstalled it, however, it keeps creating that throwaway folder I used last year on every new hard drive I try. It doesn't use it for anything, it just creates an empty "project backups" folder in there.

It's not really an urgent issue, but it's annoying for organizing stuff. Is there a way to get rid of this without having to nuke my whole Windows install? Recall that it's doing this even after a fresh install of the program.

I can delete the folder, but it creates it again every time the program starts. I cannot find it anywhere in the settings, and I've spent a few weeks digging for it at this point (not sure if search optimization on phpBB forums is just terrible, but I did try searching for this specific issue and all that comes up is common sense stuff I've already tried like nuking the project database, changing folders in the persistent preset project setup, etc.).

Re: DaVinci Resolve Studio keeps creating an empty folder

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:20 pm
by Jim Simon
You set this in Preferences>User>Project Save and Load>Save Settings.

Re: DaVinci Resolve Studio keeps creating an empty folder

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:27 pm
by hiningo
Same bug here..... is there a solution? i try to delete empty folder in my db, and they keep recreate every time i go to an other folder.

Re: DaVinci Resolve Studio keeps creating an empty folder

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:21 am
by Uli Plank
I don't think that's the same issue. Don't mess with the data base (aka Library).