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Feature Request: Better Caching Behavior

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:48 pm
by vincentlepes
I spent the last two entire working days chasing down the source of what I thought to be bugs--my audio wouldn't play back or render in the timeline/program monitor but played fine through the source viewer. I followed every rabbit hole, changed preferences, cleared caches, rendered in layers...still no audio. Then I started getting write permission errors, even though I checked and checked and every folder was writable.

Last night I got the idea to try manually deleting the cache, and when I looked I discovered that it had completely filled my scratch drive! Most of it were projects I was already done with.

As a new user, I had no idea I would have to manually clear the cache per project. There are even files in there from a deleted project! And no global way to empty it all? This is just a headache waiting to happen for new users! I personally lost about 12 hours to this!

And I even R'd the FM ;)

So here are some requests I think everyone could get behind so Resolve performs better and we don't waste our time chasing symptoms because the problem is hidden away:

  • Resolve should warn users that the cache is getting full, rather than waiting until it's so full that it produces misleading errors like write permissions
  • A global way to clear the entire cache would be helpful (and necessary as a way to clear renders from deleted projects)
  • Deleting projects should also delete their cache files
  • Resolve could be better about cleaning up cache files and making space as it renders more (I set it to smart and it does not seem to be doing much housekeeping at all)