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More Network Rendering Failures : Give me useful error msgs

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steve oakley

  • Posts: 568
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More Network Rendering Failures : Give me useful error msgs

PostTue Oct 20, 2020 7:37 pm


I'm sorry but I have to shout at the painfulness of this for absolutely NO reason. Maybe some laziness on the dev's parts. This lack of concern is costing people absolute hours, days, weeks of totally and utterly wasted time because useful error messages telling you what the actual problem is with useful detail doesn't seem to matter to the devs, BUT IT MATTERS TO YOUR USERS !!!!!!!

to wit :
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 1.01.50 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 1.01.50 PM.png (116.16 KiB) Viewed 584 times

WHAT FUSE ? @ ! ?

why can't you tell me ??????

the code knows EXACTLY what failed. Writeln(fuse.name) !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! would that hurt ANYONE to add ? would it take more than a few minutes to implement ? would it save weeks of people's time ?

Send me the source code and I'll fix it. C / LUA / Whatever. I'll fix it for free.

Ditto :
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 1.01.50 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 1.01.50 PM.png (116.16 KiB) Viewed 584 times

WHAT OFX ? @ ! ?

why can't you tell me ??????

why the secrets ??????

enjoy wasting my time ???????

Why doesn't this say "Saphire:S_glow failed to [load / authorize / support color space / whatever }"
oh thats whats missing... Ok install it, licence it, a couple minutes and fixed. No aggravation, No guessing, just a quick intelligent solution and fix. Why is that so hard ?

my lucky guess I needed to install one set, authorize another, got that fixed.

For bonus points, list EVERYTHING thats missing all at once. Build a list, print it.

But wait, it gets worse.

That missing Fuse ? well its not actually in the comp as far a I can tell.

Ok, let me just CLONE the App support/BMD/Fusion folder because I have Reactor installed. then I'll have all its bits from the machine that created the comp to the render machines. Simple ? if you have Chronosync it is since you can set up automated cloning on a schedule.

That doesn't solve it. MAybe I'll have to look at the same folder in the user app support/bmd/fusion

Of course back to what I said about useful error messages. I utterly wasted a good hour or two on this, chasing down system bits while one machine renders and I could have several working on this.

To further add insult, I can open the comp on one machine with fusion studio mostly fine. No errors about missing tools / OFX / Fuses. Renders final output ! why won't the render node do the same ?

Oh, BUG : I look in console and accessing TIFF seq across network is generating Authoriztion ERROR trying to read frames. I look, volume is locally mounted, folder and files are 0777. Sometimes it loads the frames but mostly not. all the other media - jpg, tiff, FBX, OBJ load ok from same volume. why this one ? who knows.

Fine, I'm not network rendering this. To get it to work is just too painful a guessing game without better daig info.

The devs need to take network rendering seriously. It has any number of failure points some of which could be easily fixed but no one views this as important. Please see other thread with Bryan Ray where we created a new loader that can copy assests to the local folder to prevent a common and annoying render failure point : missing media files.

reliable network rendering is important to anyone trying to get work done and get paid for that work, it matters.

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12.37.45 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 12.37.45 PM.png (137.86 KiB) Viewed 584 times
mac Studio Ultra 128gb OS 13.5+
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4K 27Dell
Presonus Quantum 2626 TB3 Word clocked 96K
MiniPanel via enet
Behinger Xtouch USB via USB3 Hub->PCIe USB3X4 card
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Peter Chamberlain

Blackmagic Design

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Re: More Network Rendering Failures : Give me useful error m

PostWed Oct 21, 2020 1:00 am

Is this on Fusion Studio or Resolve 16.2.x?
DaVinci Resolve Product Manager

steve oakley

  • Posts: 568
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Re: More Network Rendering Failures : Give me useful error m

PostWed Oct 21, 2020 4:33 pm

Hi Peter

this is Fusion Studio 16.latest.

in a perfect world, Fusion would have a clone / copy function so that render nodes would always have all underlying scripts / macros / Fuses copied to them if not present. this could be a small standalone app, or part of the render manager as part of render node management. even better would be render node manager that could compare machines for different : OFX, codecs, fonts. One point of failure may be that I have ffmpg installed on one machine, but not the others. I actually have Chronosync running a weekly font sync on all my machines to eliminate that. All the common things that cause renders to fail simply because they are missing... but at the very least simply telling the user as outlined whats missing / wrong would be a giant help. sorry for yelling but I've been battling this for a couple weeks on and off w/o results that are reliable. thank you !

oh, and the error msg greeting me this morning :(

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 10.59.28 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 10.59.28 AM.png (88.56 KiB) Viewed 481 times
mac Studio Ultra 128gb OS 13.5+
TB3 ext 1TB SSD Cache, 1TB SSD Sys
4K 27Dell
Presonus Quantum 2626 TB3 Word clocked 96K
MiniPanel via enet
Behinger Xtouch USB via USB3 Hub->PCIe USB3X4 card
Wacom XL Pro

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