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Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:57 pm
by amellon
I realize this is not necessarily a Fusion question. I have a SVG that includes text I don't need and is in an inconvenient resolution. I want reference the path(s) from the SVG so a transform/resize etc don't work. Initially I thought I could do my animations and then merge it over a standard resolution but its becoming increasingly difficult to match things up.

Anyone know I way to place a path onto a new BG while maintaining aspect ratio?

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:00 pm
by Sander de Regt
Can you show us a screenshot of your setup?

In theory, your question is already the anwer. Mostly when you import SVGs you get a couple of backgrounds for the color. If you just change the resolution of those backgrounds to what you need, with the correct aspect ratio and you should be good to go, since the paths are driven by the backgrounds they're feeding into.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:34 pm
by amellon
Thanks for reply, and a quick one at that.

Even if I change the BG resolution I still have to maintain aspect ratio, so I am still going to have massive empty space on the right side, no?

I should have added, as the SVG is right up against the border of BG it seems to be giving me issues when I have other elements follow the path, as in glow nodes etc. I was thinking it would be easier if I was able to place the logo in the center of a 1080p or square resolution BG. But I am a beginner so may be thinking about this wrong. The few google searches I did didn't turn up anything that seemed to work.


Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:44 pm
by Sander de Regt
Oh, right. Just add a Crop tool after your logo set to something like 1600 X 1600 and then adjust the X and Y offset to make your logo end up in the middle more or less. This should solve both of your problems in one go.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:11 pm
by amellon
This is the problem. When I have other elements follow that path, they follow the original pre-crop, which makes sense as that is the path I publish. Again maybe I might be going about it the wrong way. Hope the screenshot tells the story.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:17 pm
by Sander de Regt
Ah. I didn't know you wanted to use the paths in that way.
I'll have to think about that a little. Any chance you can share the SVG or at least your basic comp, so we can follow along at home?

Just copy/paste your nodes inbetween 'code' tags here in this forum.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:39 pm
by amellon
Says SVG extension is not allowed to attach, do you know another way to send it?

When I try to copy/paste the comp its says it exceeds the character limit. I dont think its that big. AND apparently txt files are not allowed. I guess I can trim down the comp to the relevant portion and past between the code markers.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:42 pm
by Sander de Regt
It may not be that big, but curves take up quite a lot of characters. Just put it on a Dropbox/Google Drive/Onedrive and it will be fine.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:56 pm
by amellon
Didn't think of that. SVG and settings file uploaded. It's messy but I think you can figure out what I am trying to achieve. Before messing with the SVG I thought I did a pretty good job of having the particles emit from the end of the "Laser" but its off now. Sincerely thanks for looking at this. I am in a totally different time zone than Holland so we will be going to bed, but thanks in advance. ... sp=sharing

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:19 pm
by amellon

Appreciate it you're still looking at this but I somewhat found an external solution. While trying to make the reactor VectorSnapShot tool work I thought I could export the SVG as a PNG (as I only have a SVG) bring it into PS and put it onto a standard resolution canvas, crop, and use a on-line PNG to SVG converter. This seems to work but know I am battling with the the points being numbered differently so when I animate the length it moves in the opposite direction than I want. At least I got to resolution fixed.

Many thanks!

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:47 pm
by Sander de Regt
Good thinking!

Sometimes doing things in a suitable program is more useful than trying to do it in other software.
You can input text in Fusion, but for a screenplay I'd use Word anyway. If you install Inkscape, you can import your svg in there, remove the bits you don't need and export as a svg again.

All free and open source without having to go through an 'online converter' which personally I always find a bit iffy.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:08 pm
by xunile
Couldn't you have opened the svg in something like Inkscape and remove the text and resize it?

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 2:23 am
by amellon
Are even better just have access to the SVG in the correct aspect ratio! Unfortunately I do not.

I have Photoshop and rudimentary understanding of it so decided to go that way. Never used inkscape but may be worth looking at in the future.

Re: Put a SVG on a new BG while keeping its resolution

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:37 pm
by xunile
The good part about using Inkscape with an SVG is you have access to all of the individual objects that make up the image and can also export it in any resolution or aspect ratio since you are just manipulating the vector graphics.