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BUG - Ironically crashing with BMPCC footage

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Corrupt Frame, Inc.

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BUG - Ironically crashing with BMPCC footage

PostThu Nov 13, 2014 8:32 pm

Yesterday was my first day working with Fusion. I loaded up some old greenscreen footage I had laying around, it was probably something like Dnxhd or Animation compressed QT. And I did a full composite with both Primatte and ultra keyer as well as some roto and effects. Fusion performed flawlessly and everything worked great.

So today I decided to load some Pocket Camera footage into Fusion and see how well that worked. Initially it was fine. I created a loader and added a color curves node to it and went to town. I was working with the footage for maybe ten minutes and then Fusion just randomly closed. No error message the program just vanished. When I re-opened it it gave me a message about having an auto-save of an unnamed composition and asked if I would like to open it. So I said yes, and it loaded up what I thought had been lost. But the second I tried to scrub through the timeline it crashed again. I tried it another two times with the same result before deciding to say no to loading up the recovered auto-saved composition. I created a new project and re-imported my DNG sequence, and yet again it crashed the moment I tried to scrub through the timeline.

So at that point I decided to restart my system and try again. After restart I opened Fusion and created a new loader and re-loaded the footage. Again it crashed when I scrubbed the timeline. So I thought maybe it's that particular image sequence? So I again opened Fusion and created a new loader and chose a completely different image sequence shot on a much later date with a different camera firmware. And it still crashed...

So where I'm at now I can load pocket camera footage but I can't do anything with it. It immediately crashes Fusion the second I touch the timeline...

Corrupt Frame, Inc.

  • Posts: 233
  • Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:38 pm

Re: BUG - Ironically crashing with BMPCC footage

PostThu Nov 13, 2014 8:33 pm

Just now I see if I RAM preview everything it's fine. It's just that trying to jump to any point in the timeline that hasn't been rendered causes a crash...

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