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Change composition settings for new compositions on startup?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:04 am
by sntshk
I'm developing a python startup script for Fusion. I want that whenever a new comp is created.

* The HiQ to be turned on.
* The MB (motion blur) to be turned off.
* Proxy to be disabled. AutoProxy as well.
* Selective updates to Some.

I want to do this through a python script. I have already gone the Fusion Scripting Guide. I have also found the settings, the COMPB_HiQ and the COMPB_Proxy. The problem is:

* I don't know where the startup file will be placed (in which directory).
* I have also trouble getting the comp setting instance.
* I'm not able to find settings for MB and Selective Updates.

Re: Change composition settings for new compositions on star

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:55 am
by Kristof Indeherberge

Re: Change composition settings for new compositions on star

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:42 am
by sntshk
Kristof Indeherberge wrote:Just read through this thread...

Although I now know how to turn on HiQ and disable proxy.
Code: Select all
comp.SetAttrs({"COMPB_HiQ": True,
            "COMPB_Proxy": False})

Some question as still unanswered. What is the location of directory where Fusion will look it for when creating a new comp.

Where are the settings of Motion Blur, AutoProxy and Selective Updates? They are not in comp.GetAttrs().