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Compression in fusion 9 and Da vinci Resolve 15

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:23 am
by Claude Lec
Windows 10 Fusion 8 and 9, Da Vinvi Resolve 15

I used fusion often for text incorporated in clips. Wenn I try
with Fusion 9 to save my clip (only text) with alpha channel
transparent I came to a list of compression expressions which
I don't know.
I am basic and work with compression PNG which is find for me.
I couldn't find it on Fusion 9.
Is there a liste of those compression staff which explain for
which purpose they are?
Further wenn I open DVR 15, my .move clip with my png
Compression does't show. They seem to be invisible for DVR 15.
What do I don't understand or do false?
Thank you.