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Beginner: Highlight/Exsposure reduction with 32 .exr's

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:27 pm
by Dan Corris
I'm a relatively new user so forgive any a misunderstanding here, but all I am trying to do, is reduce the exposure in certain parts of an animation I've rendered out. I can't for the life of me find anything that mimics ACR (adobe camera raw) in this regard, which is fabulous at targeting the different ranges within HDR image formats.

I basically want to replace the over exposed portion of the tiled floor with the reduced version. I've managed to create a black and white alpha mask (top line nodes) using Brightness-contrast, which is then fed into a CHB. The nodes below that also linked into the CHB, reduce the exposure of the tiled floor, which altogether produces the the Reduced.png screen grab attached. The bottom line node is the beauty pass animation sequence.

How do I go about merging the beauty pass sequence, with reduced floor exposure sequence?

I would be extremely grateful for any help!

Re: Beginner: Highlight/Exsposure reduction with 32 .exr's

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:18 pm
by JPOwens
The advantage of doing this in Fusion might be negligible other than a slightly jmproved matte qualification (maybe...) but I'd just do a secondary key separation with an outside window... the way we've been doing this since... oh, forever.

jPo, CSI