ATEM Mini Webcam Video out Freeze after several hours

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  • Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:25 am
  • Real Name: Ian Harris

ATEM Mini Webcam Video out Freeze after several hours

PostSat Jul 18, 2020 6:44 am

I've been the proud owner of an ATEM mini Pro since early May and it is a fantastic device,

My use case is primarily for working from home on many long duration Zoom and Teams sessions. The 4HDMI inputs consist of :-
Sony a6400 - HDMI 1- Main camera
Panasonic HC-V770 - HDMI2 - Overhead / Whiteboard camera
GoPro Hero 4 - HDMI 3 - Garden view for background via Chroma keying
Apple TV 4 - HDMI 4 - Many uses!

USBC Webcam out to 2015 27inch iMac 5K Retina - beefy machine with 32GB of RAM
HDMI out to Blackmagic 4K Video Assist

I have noted one issue and wondered if anyone else had experienced something similar. Every so often, typically after several hours of webcam operation, the webcam output freezes completely. The live HDMI out continues to run normally but the only way to recover an active webcam output from the ATEM Mini Pro is to power cycle the unit.

This issue is very intermittent (happened twice in the last 5 days after very long Zoom sessions), only affects the Webcam output (Live video still available at Video Assist) and seems to be without any pattern or trigger. I have tried rebooting my Mac when the problem occurs to no avail so the issue really does appear to be localised to the ATEM Mini Pro.

Any thoughts from anyone?
Thanks, Ian

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