Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:40 pm
DSTE third-party batteries worked out alright for me; oddly, they communicate metadata to the camera as to percentage remaining, whereas the generic one included with the camera does not and simply shuts down unexpectedly -- though the included one actually lasted longer despite having a lower printed mAh rating. Clearly this is all over the place, and the only sensible strategy is Pocket HD redux: having a huge pile of cheap batteries in your bag ready to switch out at half charge or so.
Meantime, the dummy battery approach is purely stopgap and lazy, compared to a direct connection through the proper albeit proprietary LEMO-like 12v port. It's just a matter of time, since the camera is just out, and the cable pack isn't shipping yet. (I'm in the camp who grumbled about the Blind Spot Power Junkie getting gobs of love, for innovating practically nothing -- as correctly noted earlier, it will fail to output enough voltage to power the 12v port.)
For the interim, I'm using a cheapo battery sled for Sony NP-F batteries that are available by the billions everywhere (no need for anything by Ikan, etc.) -- but that's implicitly risky as it's an insecure barrel connection, and as you're using a dummy battery, there's nothing to fall back on with an accidental disconnect, so your shot is toast. Only sensible if you're locked down and immobile.
Last edited by
focuspulling on Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Paul Moon | FocusPulling (.com) | On the art & technology of filmmaking | | @focuspulling