emhoward wrote:Hi, the new SLR Magic Microprime APO's in EF mount came out fall of last year. They're APO's I believe.
I have the Zeiss CP2. 21,28,35,50,85 all bought well used in PL for close to the price of the new EF SLR Magic you linked to.
The lenses you linked to should share the exact same optical quality formula as the PL APO versions from what I've seen in video interviews with the designer. Andrew, the designer, also personally answers emails!
John Brawley's Vimeo test is great. I own both the SLR Magic 50mm and Zeiss CP2 and before putting them side by side for myself I couldn't exactly see how unique they were. Enough so that for an independent project I would choose one or the other.
Before SLR Magic released the 32mm, and now I haven't exactly budgeted for it yet, I had used a XEEN 35mm. The Zeiss CP2 set although sharp and detailed still feels classic to me and you will get pink and blue flares. The SLR Magic 25mm and 50mm have a definitive green flare and the look is smooth and modern.
I recommend buying the 32mm if you only have a 35mm Milvus in the Zeiss series and test to see if you want to own one or the other or both. I like owning both, but again have yet to budget for more SLR Magic APOs.