"Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

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"Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostTue Dec 07, 2021 10:40 am

I have a project with clips sorted into Groups - all clips have the same numbered Node structure.

Normally I use the shortcut for "Ripple Node Changes to Current Group" when I do changes.
The shortcut is also setup on a Streamdeck XL.

Today when opening DV, the shortcut did not apply the node changes (applying a gradient to a node) to the rest of the clips in the Group.

After trying the shortcut a few times I got a "Critical Exception" error.
The pop-up could not be read fully as your UI for the pop-up error is also broken. I uploaded a screenshot of what could be seen.

But I took a screengrab of it. I said something like "LmInvalidParamGrpException: The Parameter group Gradient Win....". I saved the details which I pasted here.

I saved the project, closed and opened DV and also created a Diagnostics Log (I can not attach it here since this forum only allows 1MB files and the Log file is 1.4 MB. Maybe increase that 1MB limit?).

The critical error can be reproduced now.

1) Often "Ripple Node Changes to Current Group" does not work. It's a hit or miss. Even if I'm sure I'm in a group with the exact same numbered Node Structure. It's very unreliable which is a shame since it's a very essential part of a fast workflow.
2) If I have a node with a Gradient with fx. Offset applied, if the Ripple function works, it will ripple the Offset to the current group to the entire image, BUT NOT THE GRADIENT. It's very very frustrating.

It doesn't matter if I'm in "Clips > All Clips" or "Clips > my group" and it doesn't matter whether I use the Streamdeck shortcut or try to apply it via the Menu. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Mac Pro (2019), 3,2 GHz, 16-core
256 GB RAM
AMD Radeon Pro Vega II 32 GB
osX 12.0.1
DV: 17.4.2 Build 8

Best regards,
Tony Lindkold

Details for Critical Error Log:

2 Resolve 0x00000001017eb3a4 _ZNK5boost9xpressive6detail11boyer_mooreINSt3__111__wrap_iterIPKcEENS0_16cpp_regex_traitsIcEEE5find_ES7_S7_RKS9_ + 305316
3 Resolve 0x00000001017e2eb2 _ZNK5boost9xpressive6detail11boyer_mooreINSt3__111__wrap_iterIPKcEENS0_16cpp_regex_traitsIcEEE5find_ES7_S7_RKS9_ + 271282
4 Resolve 0x00000001018692c6 _ZN5boost2io6detail13call_put_lastIcNSt3__111char_traitsIcEEN8VaCommon7ParamIDEEEvRNS3_13basic_ostreamIT_T0_EEPKv + 94134
5 Resolve 0x0000000101867273 _ZN5boost2io6detail13call_put_lastIcNSt3__111char_traitsIcEEN8VaCommon7ParamIDEEEvRNS3_13basic_ostreamIT_T0_EEPKv + 85859
6 Resolve 0x0000000101866f04 _ZN5boost2io6detail13call_put_lastIcNSt3__111char_traitsIcEEN8VaCommon7ParamIDEEEvRNS3_13basic_ostreamIT_T0_EEPKv + 84980
7 Resolve 0x000000010186798b _ZN5boost2io6detail13call_put_lastIcNSt3__111char_traitsIcEEN8VaCommon7ParamIDEEEvRNS3_13basic_ostreamIT_T0_EEPKv + 87675
8 Resolve 0x0000000100887dc0 _ZN17QtMetaTypePrivate23QMetaTypeFunctionHelperIN8VaCommon13OFXParametersELb1EE9ConstructEPvPKv + 1377136
9 Resolve 0x0000000102f7ab74 _ZN9QtPrivate11QSlotObjectIM19UiColorControlPanelFvbiENS_4ListIJbiEEEvE4implEiPNS_15QSlotObjectBaseEP7QObjectPPvPb + 456468
10 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011eccde50 _ZNK11QMetaMethod6invokeEP7QObjectN2Qt14ConnectionTypeE22QGenericReturnArgument16QGenericArgumentS5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_ + 1472
11 Resolve 0x000000010578d20e _ZN17QtMetaTypePrivate23QMetaTypeFunctionHelperIP16UiMenuItemActionLb1EE9ConstructEPvPKv + 76414
12 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011ecf4502 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectPKS_iPPv + 3410
13 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000011f1020ff _ZN7QAction9triggeredEb + 63
14 Resolve 0x0000000104ccbdfe _ZN17QtMetaTypePrivate23QMetaTypeFunctionHelperIN5UiCss14BackgroundDataELb1EE9ConstructEPvPKv + 687534
15 Resolve 0x0000000104ccfd20 _ZN17QtMetaTypePrivate23QMetaTypeFunctionHelperIN5UiCss14BackgroundDataELb1EE9ConstructEPvPKv + 703696
16 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011ecf4642 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectPKS_iPPv + 3730
17 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000011f12cfd1 _ZN9QShortcut5eventEP6QEvent + 161
18 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000011f10b2d6 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 262
19 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000011f10c68d _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 477
20 Resolve 0x0000000102d44313 _ZN5boost16re_detail_10620012perl_matcherIPKcNSt3__19allocatorINS_9sub_matchIS3_EEEENS_12regex_traitsIcNS_16cpp_regex_traitsIcEEEEE11unwind_caseEb + 821811
21 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011ecc3e06 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent + 166
22 libQt5Gui.5.dylib 0x000000011a5d408b _ZN12QShortcutMap13dispatchEventEP9QKeyEvent + 2571
23 libQt5Gui.5.dylib 0x000000011a5d3258 _ZN12QShortcutMap11tryShortcutEP9QKeyEvent + 120
24 libQt5Gui.5.dylib 0x000000011a580a7f _ZN22QWindowSystemInterface19handleShortcutEventEP7QWindowmi6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEEjjjRK7QStringbt + 159
25 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001c27574e7 qt_plugin_instance + 165335
26 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001c2757608 qt_plugin_instance + 165624
27 AppKit 0x00007ff80c37227c -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 7150
28 AppKit 0x00007ff80c37046e -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 352
29 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001c275a9cd qt_plugin_instance + 178877
30 AppKit 0x00007ff80c36f2aa -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 3022
31 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001c27618ba qt_plugin_instance + 207274
32 AppKit 0x00007ff80c62780b -[NSApplication _handleEvent:] + 65
33 AppKit 0x00007ff80c1ef37e -[NSApplication run] + 623
34 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001c275e064 qt_plugin_instance + 192852
35 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011ecc04c7 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE + 471
36 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000011ecc43a2 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv + 130
37 Resolve 0x0000000102d654d8 _ZN9QtPrivate11QSlotObjectIM10QEventLoopFvvENS_4ListIJEEEvE4implEiPNS_15QSlotObjectBaseEP7QObjectPPvPb + 49096
38 Resolve 0x0000000102d6317b _ZN9QtPrivate11QSlotObjectIM10QEventLoopFvvENS_4ListIJEEEvE4implEiPNS_15QSlotObjectBaseEP7QObjectPPvPb + 40043
39 Resolve 0x0000000102d3cb43 _ZN5boost16re_detail_10620012perl_matcherIPKcNSt3__19allocatorINS_9sub_matchIS3_EEEENS_12regex_traitsIcNS_16cpp_regex_traitsIcEEEEE11unwind_caseEb + 791139
40 dyld 0x00000001253cd4fe start + 462
41 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
42 Resolve 0x0000000100000000 __dso_handle + 0
Skærmbillede 2021-12-07 kl. 11.37.14.png
Critical Error Message
Skærmbillede 2021-12-07 kl. 11.37.14.png (135.84 KiB) Viewed 1558 times

Peter Chamberlain

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostTue Dec 07, 2021 2:26 pm

Please provide the log via a link to Dropbox with a space in the path. We will only look at the complete log generated by Resolve
DaVinci Resolve Product Manager
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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostTue Dec 07, 2021 4:52 pm

Peter Chamberlain wrote:Please provide the log via a link to Dropbox with a space in the path. We will only look at the complete log generated by Resolve

Here's a dropbox link to the zipped log file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wb3momx2w5x4k ... 9.zip?dl=0
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Marc Wielage

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostWed Dec 08, 2021 10:08 am

Lindkold wrote:I have a project with clips sorted into Groups - all clips have the same numbered Node structure. Normally I use the shortcut for "Ripple Node Changes to Current Group" when I do changes.
The shortcut is also setup on a Streamdeck XL.

That's an interesting problem. I do Ripple Node Changes all the time, but not to groups -- only a "Ripple Node Changes to Selected Clips." What happens if you do that as a workaround? You could also choose "Clips -> Grouped -> (name of group)," and only the group-graded clips will show up in the timeline, and that might facilitate the process of highlighting just the clips you want to change. I agree that it shouldn't create a Critical Error.
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer • AdvancedColorTraining.com
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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostWed Dec 08, 2021 1:42 pm

When I Ripple to selected clips it works.

Today I could also Ripple to Groups, but the third time doing it (with changes to the Warper) I got the critical error again. Very frustrating when ripple changes don’t work as I use it all the time. Only having the Group visible in the timeline makes no difference.

I tested "Ripple to Selected Clips" and it worked.
I took a node and made a crazy offset and it rippled to the Group.
BUT - when I Reset the Node grade, that would NOT reset using "Ripple to the Group" only with "Ripple to Selected Clips". Not having a software you can trust is so annoying.

Another odd thing - which has been going on for longer - most times I have to click twice on the Streamdeck shortcut button the changes to take effect. One click is usually enough but sometimes it needs two clicks on the Streamdeck for it to work.

I’ve never seen as many (different) bugs as with 17.x. When I go full screen and back the UI layout changes and I need to reset.

My wish for Christmas is that BM's work for ver. 18 is all about stability.

Rohit Singhal

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostMon Dec 13, 2021 7:57 am

Hi Tony,

Can you send us a sample project which shows this critical exception - we are not seeing it here.
Rohit Singhal
DaVinci Resolve Software Development
Blackmagic Design
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Marc Wielage

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostMon Dec 13, 2021 9:42 am

Lindkold wrote:When I Ripple to selected clips it works. Today I could also Ripple to Groups, but the third time doing it (with changes to the Warper) I got the critical error again. Very frustrating when ripple changes don’t work as I use it all the time. Only having the Group visible in the timeline makes no difference. I tested "Ripple to Selected Clips" and it worked. I took a node and made a crazy offset and it rippled to the Group.
BUT - when I Reset the Node grade, that would NOT reset using "Ripple to the Group" only with "Ripple to Selected Clips".

I have seen some weirdness with the Color Warper, but it was fixed in a recent update. My only suggestion is to use the workaround of pulling up just the clips in that group (Clips -> Grouped -> Group Name), highlight all the thumbnails, and Ripple to Selected Clips. I do this rarely enough that it's not something I worry about -- in fact, hell, if I want to only change the clips in the group, I'd add another node at the end of the Group grade and make the change to that new node. Now, just those clips are changed. If it doesn't work, I delete that node from the group... problem solved.

Another odd thing - which has been going on for longer - most times I have to click twice on the Streamdeck shortcut button the changes to take effect. One click is usually enough but sometimes it needs two clicks on the Streamdeck for it to work.

I have seen cases where macros have failed to "fire" (on XKeys and Streamdeck), and my guess is the USB busses being polled get busy and the command doesn't make it to the system. A second push does result in the macro working. I'm not convinced it's necessarily a Resolve problem.

On the other hand: I've had cases where a Keyboard Customization shortcut fails, but a second push fixes it. I think that's all internal to Resolve, so I'm guessing it just slipped up and missed the command.

Still: my advice is should look into using a Fixed Node Tree (if you aren't already), and I think you'll find this is a better way to work. That plus Flags and Markers, plus using Metadata, is a great way to organized clips and accomplish very specifically-targeted global changes with no malfunction and (generally) no risk. I did this on a huge documentary some months ago, and it saved my life (and hours of work) several times.
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer • AdvancedColorTraining.com

Mix Master RGB

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostMon Apr 15, 2024 3:30 pm

I can't get this to work at all. It's a pretty simple tint change in the primaries. I want to ripple to other clips with same exact node structure, and nothing.

Macbook Pro 16 in 2021
M1 Max
64 GB Memory
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Marc Wielage

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Re: "Ripple Node Changes..." - Critical Error!

PostWed Apr 17, 2024 4:32 am

Mix Master RGB wrote:I can't get this to work at all. It's a pretty simple tint change in the primaries. I want to ripple to other clips with same exact node structure, and nothing.

Can you take a screen grab of the node tree? I have never, ever had a Color -> Ripple Node Changes to Selected Clips operation fail. I don't use the one for Groups because it's just not the way I work.

I use Ripple Node Changes so heavily in my work, it's the kind of thing I probably do 40-50 times a day. If it was breaking, I'd know about it.
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer • AdvancedColorTraining.com

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