Restore ATEM Mini settings automatically on boot

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Restore ATEM Mini settings automatically on boot

PostThu Feb 08, 2024 10:03 pm

Hey all,

I'm working for a performance club who records multiple sets of comedy every night. We've got 4 pocket cinema cameras up and the ATEM Mini Extreme bringing them all together.

In the setup, I started tweaking the camera settings within ATEM software control. All good and everything looks great. I also set up a macro to do some basic auto switching of the different feeds. Looks great

However, after turning off the ATEM for the night, I was surprised that the device lost those camera settings and the macro stopped. I learned about saving the settings as an xml and then hitting restore which does the trick.

I'm wondering if there is anything that could be done through the ATEM SDK that would allow me to automatically restore those settings on boot and start that macro. They want this to be as hands off as possible. thanks y'all!

Brendan Dower

Blackmagic Design

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Re: Restore ATEM Mini settings automatically on boot

PostWed Feb 14, 2024 6:04 am

Hi chperrone,

You can automate ATEM macros with the ATEM Switchers SDK.

You could, for instance, have an application running in the background that listens for events on the switcher with a callback method and controls your macros based on the actions that occur within the ATEM Software Control.

For Macros, I recommend reviewing section 9 of the SDK:

- The IBMDSwitcherMacroPool object interface provides functionality for the transfer and deletion of
macros and for accessing and modifying macro properties.

- The IBMDSwitcherTransferMacro object interface provides methods to cancel a macro transfer, monitor transfer progress, and retrieve transferred macro binary data.

- The IBMDSwitcherMacro object interface provides access to macro binary data used for transferring macros.

- The IBMDSwitcherMacroPoolCallback object interface provides notification when an IBMDSwitcherMacroPool event occurs, such as macro property changes.

- The IBMDSwitcherMacroControl object interface provides macro recording state, playback state, and control.

- The IBMDSwitcherMacroControlCallback object interface provides notification when an IBMDSwitcherMacroControl event occurs, such as a macro playback and recording states.

Please see the SDK Documentation for details about each interface and all their associated methods.
Brendan Dower
Blackmagic Design Developer Support

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