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Please tell me the procedure to refer to SDK DeckLinkAPI.idl

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:59 am
by yasue0893
I downloaded DeckLink SDK 11.6.
Please tell me the procedure to refer to the SDK in the Windows10 VisualStudio2019 C ++ DLL project.
Or if you have any related topics, please let us know.

Re: Please tell me the procedure to refer to SDK DeckLinkAPI

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:44 am
by Cameron Nichols

Please refer to the Desktop Video Developer Support FAQ, under section [Windows] DeckLink SDK missing DeckLinkAPI_i.c:
To use the DeckLink API in VisualStudio, add the DeckLinkAPI.idl file to the project, right-click and select 'Compile', and add the generated DeckLinkAPI_i.c & DeckLinkAPI_h.h files to the project.
