YUV to BGRA conversion with hardware acceleration

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YUV to BGRA conversion with hardware acceleration

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 2:32 am


I'm trying to get video frames from "DeckLink Quad 2" capture card via SDI cable.

I need input stream in RGB format for some image processing.
This is because the input video frame is processed by hardware acceleration of OpenGL.
But the capture card provides input stream in only "bmdFormat8BitYUV" format.
I think it's because the camera's output type is YUV422.
Camera output format cannot be changed. (Not supported)

I've tried "IDeckLinkVideoConversion::ConvertFrame" API, but it's too slow for even using SIMD because it runs on CPU.
Because it has to process 8 input streams at the same time, it cannot be processed by the CPU (SIMD).

I want to receive RGB (or BGRA) format input stream directly from capture card without "IDeckLinkVideoConversion::ConvertFrame" API.
Does the capture card support color conversion (hardware)?
Is it possible to change the format directly from the Capture Card?

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