Alien Ant Farm Music Video Shot with Blackmagic Design

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Grace McInnis

Blackmagic Design

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  • Real Name: Grace McInnis

Alien Ant Farm Music Video Shot with Blackmagic Design

PostMon Aug 12, 2024 6:36 pm

Blackmagic Design today announced that director and cinematographer Bobby Hewitt recently shot the music video for Alien Ant Farm’s latest single “Storms Over” using the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro digital film camera, as well as finished using DaVinci Resolve Studio editing, color grading, visual effects (VFX) and audio post production software.

Hewitt, a former member of the band Orgy, has known Alien Ant Farm since his days as a musician when the two bands toured together. “That sure was a long time ago,” Hewitt reflected. Having transitioned into directing and cinematography, Hewitt is now known for his filmmaking work on a wide range of commercial and music video projects, but he remains friends with Alien Ant Farm.

“They recently reached out to me and asked if I was interested in shooting a music video for them, and of course I said yes,” continued Hewitt. “The Ant Farm guys are so awesome, and I couldn’t wait to collaborate with them and create something cool.”

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