I'd like to add my voice to the "please don't leave" camp! I understand your frustrations, but ultimately its contributions from the likes of you that prevent forums from just being a collection of fanboys and imbeciles.
(no offence intended to anyone specifically with this comment!) The emerging live production scene really needs experienced professionals to help explain the basics to people, and whilst it can be frustrating when certain people demand help whilst refusing to listen I hope that you'll find a way to continue to contribute.
I've been thinking that it would be good to create some tutorials to cover some of the basic principles of "doing it properly" - i hope that having such resources newbies might be in a better position to understand how proper live productions are carried out, and how their own systems could be improved to become more professional. I'd be more than happy to have contributions towards these resources from other professionals such as yourself. I'll discuss this idea further on , if you'd care to add your views (or even to tell me its a stupid idea) then i'd be very grateful.