I can now replicate exactly where my Resolve 19 keeps crashing and I can make it happen every single time at the exact same spot.
I have a small project where I have added some Motion VFX titles along with Noise Reduction.
If I use the Motion VFX titles and no Noise Reduction then the project renders every time.
If I use the Motion VFX titles and Noise Reduction, but only Temporal, then the project renders every time.
If I render the project with only Noise Reduction Temporal and Spatial, then the project renders every time.
If I render the project with Motion VFX Titles and Noise Reduction BOTH Temoral and Spatial then the project failes every single time when it comes to the part of the Time Line where the Motion VFX start.
The Motion VFX in particular are:
mCallouts Simple 2
https://www.motionvfx.com/store,mcallou ... p3806.htmlI never had any problems when I use this Motion VFX, Noise Reduction and Resolve 18.
Any ideas what is going wrong please?