Sorry if they are stupid questions...

Getting started with a Blackmagic product? Ask questions here about setup and installation.
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Simon Westmore

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  • Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:51 am

Sorry if they are stupid questions...

PostTue Jul 11, 2017 7:06 am

Hi all,

I am currently and have been for some years a SONY person... I currently have the FS100 and was about to hit the buy it now button on a 700 with 4k external upgrade kit.

I have now gone into melt down trying to decide which way to go. I like the idea of the URSA mini 4.6k but I am getting very confused with some of the comments on the forums. I do feel as though I need to 'up my camera game' but don't want (nor have the time) for patches, upgrades, and such.

These may seem like stupid questions but I genuinely don't know the answer (in my profession, we say no such thing as a stupid question, only an inquisitive fool) so please be kind :-)

1. If I buy the mini 4.6 will it actually record and export 4.6k footage out of the box? (assuming buying new from BM directly)

2. Is the unit currently waiting for upgrades and or patches or will I be a happy customer from day 1?

3. Can I 'effectively' continue to use FCPx until I have had time to play with the resolve software or is resolve a must for anything useful?

4. For someone who is new to BM and trying to keep my life simple, would you say it's not the camera /brand for me?

Thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to read and or reply to this. :-)

Many Thanks
Simon Westmore

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