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Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:57 pm
by John Brawley
mario wrote:John - can you give some more colour on the sound. How does it compare to a 5dmkii (as a low benchmark) or a H2n (as a high benchmark)? Is there enough sensitivity to use an NTG-2 or do we need to use DSLR mic such as Rode VM Pro? Many Thanks!!

If you're only using the camera's mic, it's far from HiFi ! It's the same as a 5D really. Good enough for something like PluralEyes to work, but you can easily get handling noise and pick up the fan noise of the camera. The fan is actually very very quiet compared to say an EPIC, but because the chassis of the camera is a single piece, it's hard to isolate that sound.

If you use the mic/line input from another source then it's very good ! I'm a Cinematographer though and don't have any more knowledge about the audio side of things with regards to the Mic's you mention.


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:01 am
by kenth32
I am very excited about being able to download the RAW DNg files to work with them. However I cannot get the Davinci Resolve Lite to install on my computer. I am running a Windows 8 Consumer Preview and the installer won't run because it can't recognize the operating system.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:01 am
by John Brawley
kenth32 wrote:I am very excited about being able to download the RAW DNg files to work with them. However I cannot get the Davinci Resolve Lite to install on my computer. I am running a Windows 8 Consumer Preview and the installer won't run because it can't recognize the operating system.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?


You should ask in the Resolve forum here.


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:32 am
by mattbatt
Thanks John for the RAW files to share! This was my first time grading in Resolve, I used some nodes and pretty much had no clue what I was doing - on non-calibrated PC monitors too, :lol:

Here is my grade:

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:02 am
by CaptainHook
jameswicks wrote:The clips play fine until you do a simple grade, then Resolve crashes every time.
I added a power window, and tried to do a track. Crash. Every time. Every clip.

I have the same problem with the tracker and DNGs, so i ended up just grading without tracking anything. I want to report some bugs i've found in 9b3 in the forums here, but haven't had time yet to detail it properly with reproducible steps, crash logs, etc.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:08 am
by Toby Angwin
There is a resolve forum on here peeps. Let's keep this to congratulation John and asking shoot and footage specific questions eh?

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:55 am
by Rohit Gupta
kenth32 wrote:I am very excited about being able to download the RAW DNg files to work with them. However I cannot get the Davinci Resolve Lite to install on my computer. I am running a Windows 8 Consumer Preview and the installer won't run because it can't recognize the operating system.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?


Did you install the 64-bit version? The 64-bit version of Windows 8 should work with the Resolve 9 installer.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:55 pm
by Johannes
Just now i forgot all the techno babble and wanted to point out that the girl in Afterglow is super beautiful. If anyone knows her (John B. you probably know her) then someone should tell her that thanks to her these few days for us geeks has been very exciting and a pleasure to grade those beautiful images :)

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:55 pm
by Jeggintonfilms
Here is a clip of my grade I created in Lightroom

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:34 pm
by John Brawley
Johannes wrote:Just now i forgot all the techno babble and wanted to point out that the girl in Afterglow is super beautiful. If anyone knows her (John B. you probably know her) then someone should tell her that thanks to her these few days for us geeks has been very exciting and a pleasure to grade those beautiful images :)

Why don't you tell her yourself.


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:07 am
by Dimitrios Papagiannis
Actually there isn't a dedicated Resolve forum on here. :shock: At least not one that I could find. I mentioned it to Grant. Hopefully he will include one. I think now any Resolve Posts are meant to be put under Post Production.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:51 am
by Johannes
Why don't you tell her yourself.


Thank you sir, i'll do that

This camera will sell like hell!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:17 am
by Felipe Arruda
I've made 3 gradings pushing different things on 2 and being "me" on the 3rd.

Plus, made some stabilization and a slow motion test.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:01 pm
by emmikiruba
Hi jim

I loved the footage, I have done grading in my style using RAW sequences. the camera should be a real wonder I love to receive one soon

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:28 pm
by John Waldorff
I love this. Thank you for this beautiful footage. I graded in Photoshop and am sold on your product.
I noticed that CS6 Speedgrade lacks support though. We should make Adobe aware of that.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:46 pm
by thefcpxeditor
Thank you Blackmagic and John Brawley for kindly making these RAW files available.

I understand to get the most latitude when grading this footage you need to use the Blackmagic Divinci Resolve Application, Photoshop, or something of that nature. In this test though I thought I would give the footage more of a challenge and did all grading in Final Cut Pro X.

Here's the video I created with the shots testing various color corrections:


1.) Opened Final Cut Pro X and created a New Event and Project for the test.
2.) Imported the DNG's into the test Event.
3.) Put all the DNG's into the timeline and set the duration for all of them to one frame.
4.) Selected all the DNG's for a particular shot and Command+G to make each shot a compound clip therefore separating each of the four shots out for editing as a video clip.
Steps one through four took about a minute to do.
5.) Corrected and colored the clips one step at a time as shown in the video. Including the use of's mLooks 2 Color Correction Plugins in combination with Final Cut Pro X's Color Board. I can't tell you how much I love the Color and Shape masking abilities that are right there within the program!
6.) Exported 1080P

Also notably, and amazingly, Final Cut Pro X played back the 2.5K footage un-rendered in the 1080P timeline no problem, even with all grades, color and shape masks, and titles applied. Put that on the list of things that make me smile as an editor. :D

In the end I was very impressed with how clean the footage was as I largely have had to work with DSLR footage. It's a big difference. It held up incredibly well to grading directly in the application. It was very resistent to the normal color noise and artifacting you see when grading DSLR footage. There is some noise in the final low light shot but it is mostly luminance, not color noise. That I can deal with.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:50 pm
by Charlie Anderson
What is everyone using for color space? I see P3, 709 and then different gamma options.

Also, is there a way to enable "Film" mode on the DNGs? I'm curious about applying a film emulation LUT that I have to this footage but I need a Log-type image and not a 709 one. Anyone have any suggestions for shooting in a Log-style scenario?

Messed with P3 and gamma 2.4 settings for a few of these shots (all shots have a Film Emulation LUT applied to them). Just a quick first light on them, nothing special.

Love the range on this camera!


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:44 am
by Joe Gonzalez
Thanks John for the inspiration! This company knows what there doing and im glad to be apart of it. Reminds me how Apple revolutionized the industry with their iphone now BMC with their cine-cams! Heres our grade using Resolve from the footage you gave us.
heres a graded DNG Image

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:08 am
by Aharon Rothschild
The BMC footage keys and grades exceptionally well. Shooting RAW and following a RAW workflow through post isn't going to be for everyone, and it's great to have the choice between less time in post vs options in the grade.
This camera really levels the playing field in a significant way, I'm excited to see the Indie films that release in 2013.
Shot2.jpg (237.18 KiB) Viewed 58410 times

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:47 pm
by Barry Sanders

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:23 am
by Kholi Hicks
Aharon Rothschild wrote:The BMC footage keys and grades exceptionally well. Shooting RAW and following a RAW workflow through post isn't going to be for everyone, and it's great to have the choice between less time in post vs options in the grade.
This camera really levels the playing field in a significant way, I'm excited to see the Indie films that release in 2013.

DAMN that's some great color work. Stylized reds, but good stuff, man.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:48 pm
by Alexnder Chertok
The BMC footage keys and grades exceptionally well indeed!
Even HEAVY color-correction has no artifacts after the Hue Shift because there is no compression.
That proves how good this camera is VFX and post.

Plus DaVinci is a very intuitive software. Here is the quick DaVinci test.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:41 pm
by tomchoorapoika
BMC Raw....nice to work, i would say it is in hand...

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:56 am
by Raymond110168
This looks incredibly nice!! omg, really want to get hands on it to try!! :DD

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:54 pm
by Theodore Prentice

Test Grade with Photoshop RAW

These are lowly scaled down jpegs.
I scaled the original DNGs up to 4k and the images were still very amazing.

More fiddling around in Resolve (bars added in PS)

Resolve test grade
blu.jpg (576.51 KiB) Viewed 57865 times

Resolve is very powerful, the possibilities are endless with this software

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:12 pm
by mirko pod
the files do look fantastic!

i would love to try grading those, but im just getting started with
davinci resolve and i have a slow machine, so is there any way to rescale
the original dngs to 1080 without loosing the benefits of raw?

i might be plain stupid, but i couldnt get it to work ...

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:21 pm
by Raphaël Thiollier
Here are some more color corrections, just to enjoy the subtilities you can play around with, even on a rather difficult shoot...

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:07 am
by Evelyne Theodose
Post moved to the Afterglow Grades topic.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:56 pm
by John Waldorff
Many beautiful grades!
The greenish one from Alexnder is IMHO most impressive.
I wish I could watch the whole scene with this grade and not only the screencap.


Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:24 pm
by John Tissavary
Resolve 9.01, commercial style grade for balance & beauty (skin)

Look forward to working more with this camera!

02bmcc-postcollective.jpg (68.76 KiB) Viewed 57953 times

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:49 pm
by John Waldorff
She looks lovely that way.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:09 pm
by John Tissavary
Thanks John! Hopefully cameras will be shipping soon and I'll start seeing more material shot with it.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:30 pm
by roncad
Hi Brian@202020

The RAW bayered image size is 2432 x 1366 which gets debayered to 2400 x 1350. There is a slight crop to get rid of the edges of the image because when you are debayering, the very boundary of the frame will not have enough surrounding information to be accurately debayered and will need to be discarded. This is a pretty standard procedure for debayering images.

The DNG has a DefaultCropSize tag which is explained as:

Raw images often store extra pixels around the edges of the final image. These extra pixels help prevent interpolation artifacts near the edges of the final image.
DefaultCropSize specifies the size of the final image area, in raw image coordinates (i.e., before the DefaultScale has been applied).

EDIT: ..the files are indeed 2432x1366..

i got proactive and have written a small tool that can process a folder of BMCC dngs at full res. (2432x1366), and extract the raw greyscale cfa etc , and do some other stuff

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:06 pm
by Rude
Question! I saw this spot on vimeo and looks fantastic. Congrats! Now, does the glass choice affects the image quality a little bit? What a mean is, I'm an indy short film and music videos director, so I'm planning to buy a BMcinema 2.5k but with MFT mount, so I have better choice for lenses and faster too. I know there are tons of factors about the image quality, specially lighting a scene but... does the EF mount influenced the image on this spot because of the lens choice (beside lighting) or I shouldn't be concern about the mount as there are lot's of choices out there for the MFT mount, even PL mount I can put cooke lenses...

Thanks :mrgreen:

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:00 pm
by AndréRodrigues
John Brawley wrote:Afterglow

Hi John, I sent you a message on facebook messenger and here on PM. If you could, please answer me ok? Thank you.

Re: Afterglow

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:01 am
by Uli Plank
Yes, lens choices influence color and character of the image in a subtle way. Not like: Oh that's the lens you shot with! Well, only those in the know can tell sometimes, like with Cookes or some Zeiss due to peculiar bokeh. But color rendering is influenced a lot by glass and the coatings, flare too. Then there are factors like vignetting (not always a bad thing) or softer edges (again, not always bad).

With EF mount you have less of a choice due to the long distance of the mount, with MFT you can adapt nearly every piece of glass that was able to focus on a plane from the last 100 years (or so). Depends if you are intro that whole thing, makes a lot of sense if you want to make period pieces, for example.

Have a look at:
– (for a general overview)
(poor man's Zeiss, among others) ... ival-Guide (by Nick Morrison)
(for not so poor man's Zeiss) ... ival-Guide (by yours truly)
(for very poor man's Leica)

And feel free to discuss here.