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Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:31 pm
by Lindsay Brooks
Is there any plan to make the Blackmagic Camera App available for Android phones like the Samsung S-series?

That app looks so cool!

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:26 pm
by dsharp75

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:55 pm
by cmactavish
Also curious about this. I understand there is a lot more device fragmentation on Android, but it could be limited to devices that meet certain spec? (Pixel, Galaxy etc)

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:48 pm
by RaulAndres
Yeah, I'd love to use this app with my Pixel.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:57 pm
by xchrisx
+1 for android

ar at least give some infos if you guys are planning


Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 6:53 pm
by Jasper Huizinga
I agree and join the queue. I don't even have a smartphone but I would love to see the remote camera functions and an eventual camera app for Android as well. I am slightly considering investing in a Fairphone because I don't want an iPhone for many reasons.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:46 am
by CreatorVes
Would be interested in seeing this happen as well

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:46 pm
by Brian Depew
+1 for Android.

Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:25 am
by carlomacchiavello
When android sdk will be unified…
The main problem to develop an app to do photo or videos under android is that sdk is different from producer and from line to line of phone.

I had 5 different android in my drawer, I bought many apps to do photo and video and between different brand I can have or not can have some manual controls, from Sony that give me raw recording photo to Samsung that give me shutter control but not raw and more, on the same apps.
I came back to iPhone especially for this reason, if I buy an app I can know it work, ever or better, not that I invest the same money on an android device and when one year later I will buy powerful device I will see problems on app or I cannot use that app (filmic pro, proPhoto and more).

When android producer decide to develop an United sdk to allow developer to work better and comfortable, we will see more photo and video app under android. I know many developer that stop to develop under android for this reasons, they waste more time to do compatibility under different brand than develop newer feature.

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Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:52 am
by swordprod
I third this I have Note 9 Samsung app

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:19 am
by Uli Plank
The same is true for the (IMHO, best) light meter for any smartphone, Adam Wilt's Cine Meter II.
He told me that the hardware in Androids is too different, not only from one manufacturer to the next, but they even change suppliers for the same model without telling you.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:52 am
by Sarasota

I'd love to see this App on Android -- Even if Android devices can’t save a specific file format as an I-Phone, everything else can be ported.

If we used the same logic with Resolve, it would be a MAC only package because Resolve on Windows will not render Prores.

Androids have manual control of cam (Open camera, Filmic Pro, etc) and you can save raw with other apps such as MotionCam Pro. It’s just a matter of BMD developing it for Android & its supported file formats.

I’m guessing the initial rollout for I-Phone is just the first stage and we’ll see an
Android version once BMD sees how it’s received, reviews feedback, fixes a few bugs, etc…

Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:58 pm
by carlomacchiavello
Sarasota wrote:+1

I'd love to see this App on Android -- Even if Android devices can’t save a specific file format as an I-Phone, everything else can be ported.

If we used the same logic with Resolve, it would be a MAC only package because Resolve on Windows will not render Prores.

Androids have manual control of cam (Open camera, Filmic Pro, etc) and you can save raw with other apps such as MotionCam Pro. It’s just a matter of BMD developing it for Android & its supported file formats.

I’m guessing the initial rollout for I-Phone is just the first stage and we’ll see an
Android version once BMD sees how it’s received, reviews feedback, fixes a few bugs, etc…
Seems you not have used so much device (android) to see how it change from brand to brand or you was very lucky :-)
Windows is the same Os on every hardware, hardware give you limitation not windows.
android is strongly customised from every brand and change also device to device on same brand, and limit many operation, for this reason exist group that develop alternative custom Rom for android device to “give freedom” of native android Os.

In past I used them from many group to update many outdated device and allow them to shoot raw photo where original Rom not allow you.
XDA developer was my chooses, now I thing there are better :-)

OpenCamera … ok I can save raw on one Sony, not on two Samsung (top level device 600$ each one) I had in past, in LG someone allow me, other not. On Panasonic device never allow me to save in raw.
I bought Filmic Pro on iPhone and Android, if you have it you know that themself suggest before to buy it test your device with their app that tell you what can or not can control on your device.

This is a free app, Blackmagic Design develop for device that give them best performance with reliable stability, and real control on hardware.

iPhone mean few device models, worst situation mean 5-6 device (yes I installed on my old iPhone 7 Plus, but performance are low today). Android mean to have to calibrate (wb/tint only) not less 500/1000 device and you are sure that a brand update not change something.

Ask to every android developer how is the nightmare when you access to camera sdk and you should go over the simple capture image but you have to deal with direct control of shooting.

I stopped to buy android phone be cause I was tired to see app bought that not work on newer and powerful phone, waste of money and time to find other app to replace them.

In my life I changed since 11 android phone (different brand), 2 windows phone, 4 iPhone, yes in a period I used both Os to test some interactive app, and for comparative test.
Under android I found a lots of things but… to me stability and reliability is more important than other feature.

I suspect that we cannot have more in future, but less be cause often under different android phone you can reach same camera, same sensor.
If you have unlocked sdk, you can buy a less expansive phone and unlock the quality of camera with few bucks… is not what most of android brand want for them.

Anyway I add my
+1 to Android version

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Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:51 pm
by Sarasota
carlomacchiavello wrote:Seems you not have used so much device (android) to see how it change from brand to brand or you was very lucky :-)
Windows is the same Os on every hardware, hardware give you limitation not windows.
android is strongly customised from every brand and change also device to device on same brand, and limit many operation, for this reason exist group that develop alternative custom Rom for android device to “give freedom” of native android Os.

In past I used them from many group to update many outdated device and allow them to shoot raw photo where original Rom not allow you.
XDA developer was my chooses, now I thing there are better :-)

You’d be correct, I’m not a heavy cell user and only owned a few models. To be honest, I hate these things. Not to sound snobbish or anything, but I spend most of my days & nights in front of 50” with several 27’s camped around it… My eyes, brain, and the whole “workflow visual field” are spoiled at this point (lmao).

My wife can schedule an entire work week, make a grocery list, book a vacation, make plans for that vacation, order new pillow cases, and send me reminders in 2 min flat!!!! At the same time I’m still fumbling around like an idiot – scrolling and scrolling, scrolling, looking for ONE SEARCH RESULT – ACK! Spent a lifetime around tech but cell phones are my kryptonite -- It’s just embarrassing and hard to watch, lol.

I remove my hat and take a knee to all of you (seriously). Ok, silliness aside... I mainly use cell cam for “snapshots” or sometimes to grab interesting b-roll if it pops up when I’m running around doing other stuff.

Even if BMD releases a “nurfed” version for android, all the other features would be nice to have. We’ll have to wait and see.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:58 pm
by robin0112358
Even if the Android app was limited to some major brands for compatibility (starting with Samsung), it would be better than not having an Android app at all.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:45 am
by xchrisx
I know BM is an Apple fan, but I really hope they are working on an Android app as well. Also hope they are making a statement about it.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:41 pm
by Garth McElroy
If Blackmagic is all about being accessible and open to the masses, then they need to port this for Android or come up with an Android solution. There are WAY more android devices out there than Apple. I'm an Android user and own a 12k. I'd love to have just an app for Camera control. Nothing fancy is fine by me. I don't want to be pushed into using Apple just so I can use the camera app!

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:20 am
by Uli Plank
Do you mean camera control, like remote control for your BM camera? There are a few for Android.
This discussion is about an app for the internal camera.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:34 am
by John Griffin
My Galaxy S23 doesn't apply the same horrible tonal / HDR effects that is embedded in my previous iPhone 13 pro footage although the compression, NR and sharpening common to both platforms are pretty image degrading. I really don't see this app as anything but a gimmick until the phone developers give 3rd party apps access to the RAW sensor data or offer at least less processed data ( NR and sharpening being likley by products of compression)

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:08 pm
by SalopFilms
I've only got an iPhone 8+ so no bloody use for the App :(

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:48 am
by Uli Plank
Isn’t that similar to the SE II? It works here.

Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:43 am
by carlomacchiavello
xchrisx wrote:I know BM is an Apple fan, but I really hope they are working on an Android app as well. Also hope they are making a statement about it.
No, Blackmagic Design is not Apple fan, they develop software and hardware for windows, Mac and Linux.
Developing for android against develop for iOS is a different work.

Ask yourself why most of camera related app had worked on iOS instead android? Be cause is simplest and reliables solution.

iOS = same os, same sdk, few hardware where calibrate software on hardware
Android = many different Os, many sdk with tons of lock and limits from brand customisation, hundred and hundred of hardware where test and calibrate app.

The same filmic pro under android suggest to test with another app what they can do or not be cause is very hard to develop, and under android they sell since 12% of total their market be cause android people usually not invest on App market.

How many lightmeters you have under android? How are their precision?

I would be happy if android sdk will be simpler and smarter, but actually android market is done from different brand that fight ones against another to be better and closed to external dev app.

I had many android device, and every app I bought is working on not random, also if I buy a newer device.

Android had the same problem of Linux (derived from), is compiled and customised from distributor and from user, is difficult to software developer or driver developer to develop correctly for wide market.
If you are also a creator on desktop, you can discover that if you want to run resolve, nuke, maya, Houdini under Linux machine you should install that distribution, that version of distribution, that version of driver, or you cannot start these high end software.
Windows and Mac (iOS) build a intermediate layer of working between software and hardware that allow a simpler developing for them.

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Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:04 am
by steino
If you have used mcpro24fps on different Android brands you find that options are possible or not, deep in menus, during your live changes, not easy to make one such app for all the different versions of Android. Different between a brands models and between brands. I hope Blackmagic do not go in this direction.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:42 am
by Uli Plank
Be sure, they won’t. Not for free, anyway.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:23 pm
by zhincic
+1 for the android

The Filmic Pro really failed me with subscription + it doesn't utilize native camera's AI stabilization (at least on my Huawei P40 Pro), but I've seen Blackmagic Camera APP does that

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:38 pm
by Steve McDonald
Last time I checked, Android does have a standard SDK. Features can be turned on and off and extended. They do not always parallel iOS which is why there have been like 20 different frameworks allowing developers to write code once and compile to run on iOS and Android and other operating systems. So it comes down to the question of "how much can you control the settings of the camera built into the device?"

There is no question that on the iPhone there will be far fewer lenses and lens manufacturers. But even in the Android world, changing the lens does not change the SDK API. It will be the same SDK API.

Do a google search for top camera apps for Android and you will quickly find a few different takes on scores of different versatile apps.

Long story short, it will probably take longer to produce an android app but in the end it will probably facilitate more owners across more devices and lenses. It's probably a matter of time.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:02 pm
by ChipFTW
I too want this for Android.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:58 pm
by pablovieira
carlomacchiavello wrote:
xchrisx wrote:I know BM is an Apple fan, but I really hope they are working on an Android app as well. Also hope they are making a statement about it.
No, Blackmagic Design is not Apple fan, they develop software and hardware for windows, Mac and Linux.
Developing for android against develop for iOS is a different work.

Ask yourself why most of camera related app had worked on iOS instead android? Be cause is simplest and reliables solution.

iOS = same os, same sdk, few hardware where calibrate software on hardware
Android = many different Os, many sdk with tons of lock and limits from brand customisation, hundred and hundred of hardware where test and calibrate app.

The same filmic pro under android suggest to test with another app what they can do or not be cause is very hard to develop, and under android they sell since 12% of total their market be cause android people usually not invest on App market.

How many lightmeters you have under android? How are their precision?

I would be happy if android sdk will be simpler and smarter, but actually android market is done from different brand that fight ones against another to be better and closed to external dev app.

I had many android device, and every app I bought is working on not random, also if I buy a newer device.

Android had the same problem of Linux (derived from), is compiled and customised from distributor and from user, is difficult to software developer or driver developer to develop correctly for wide market.
If you are also a creator on desktop, you can discover that if you want to run resolve, nuke, maya, Houdini under Linux machine you should install that distribution, that version of distribution, that version of driver, or you cannot start these high end software.
Windows and Mac (iOS) build a intermediate layer of working between software and hardware that allow a simpler developing for them.

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Since you seem to be a long time Apple user, I don't expect you to be up to date with Android development, but I do expect you not to spread false information either.

There's only one official Android SDK. Of course it updates regularly, but you just need to use the latest and you'll be good to go. BTW, unlike Apple's, it's free and multiplatform.

There's only one Android OS. Again, it updates regularly and manufacturers can customize the look and feel, but apps will work on every Android phone, as long as it's modern enough (just like iOS).

Nobody's asking Blackmagic to support every Android phone out there, the same everyone understands an iPhone 8 won't play ball with this app. Everybody will be happy with BMD testing just on Samsung and Pixel to start with, for instance.

BMD is an Apple fan indeed. Their software development for Windows and Linux is less polished than the one they do for Apple. (No ProRes support on DaVinci Resolve for Windows and Linux is egregious; when Fusion for Windows/Linux supports it). Every software presentation uses Apple hardware, every demo, every manual is done on MacOS. You must be blind not to see that.

So, please, if you don't have a clue about why BMD wouldn't provide an Android version of the Camera App in the future, I kindly suggest you stop spouting nonsense.

Meanwhile, 80% of the smartphone market is asking BM when the Camera App is due for Android.

Oh, and while they're at it, I hope they make a deal with Samsung and Google to provide BRAW recordings.

Enviado desde mi Pixel 6a mediante Tapatalk

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:50 pm
by bobosola
pablovieira wrote:There's only one official Android SDK. Of course it updates regularly, but you just need to use the latest and you'll be good to go. BTW, unlike Apple's, it's free and multiplatform.

There's only one Android OS. Again, it updates regularly and manufacturers can customize the look and feel, but apps will work on every Android phone, as long as it's modern enough (just like iOS).
Not altogether true. Have a read of the FAQ for mcpro24fps, a fully-featured Android camera app. Among other things, it says:
Not all of my phone’s cameras are shown in the camera menu. Why?
Almost all manufacturers carefully hide access to sensors for external programs, except access to the main and front cameras. At the same time, the mcpro24fps app often sees even more than the phone manufacturer allowed it. And if there are still invisible modules in your phone, then 99.9% that they can’t be activated and used in a third-party application.

Some of the filming modes that are available in stock camera are not available in mcpro24fps. Why?
In short: the stock camera is an application written by the manufacturer of the device. It always has maximum access and opportunities. Third-party applications have access only to those functions that the manufacturer has opened for them.
They should know - they actually write Android camera apps. My Xperia 1Mk4 suffers from this, for example the 85-125 zoom lens zoom only works as an 85mm fixed lens in third party apps. Features failing to work on third party Android apps is very common. So unless Blackmagic wrote a really simple Android camera app with basic features only, they would be opening themselves up to an avalanche of support calls asking why feature x doesn't work on their particular phone. My guess is that they don't want that risk, but I hope I am wrong.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:46 am
by carlomacchiavello
pablovieira wrote:
Since you seem to be a long time Apple user, I don't expect you to be up to date with Android development, but I do expect you not to spread false information either.

There's only one official Android SDK. Of course it updates regularly, but you just need to use the latest and you'll be good to go. BTW, unlike Apple's, it's free and multiplatform.

There's only one Android OS. Again, it updates regularly and manufacturers can customize the look and feel, but apps will work on every Android phone, as long as it's modern enough (just like iOS).

Nobody's asking Blackmagic to support every Android phone out there, the same everyone understands an iPhone 8 won't play ball with this app. Everybody will be happy with BMD testing just on Samsung and Pixel to start with, for instance.

BMD is an Apple fan indeed. Their software development for Windows and Linux is less polished than the one they do for Apple. (No ProRes support on DaVinci Resolve for Windows and Linux is egregious; when Fusion for Windows/Linux supports it). Every software presentation uses Apple hardware, every demo, every manual is done on MacOS. You must be blind not to see that.

So, please, if you don't have a clue about why BMD wouldn't provide an Android version of the Camera App in the future, I kindly suggest you stop spouting nonsense.

Meanwhile, 80% of the smartphone market is asking BM when the Camera App is due for Android.

Oh, and while they're at it, I hope they make a deal with Samsung and Google to provide BRAW recordings.

Enviado desde mi Pixel 6a mediante Tapatalk

No, I’m long time user of Android and Apple, and no, not exist Ones android Os, but every brand deeply customize and decide what hardware feature can or cannot be reached from app. Along 14pro I had Samsung s22 and as usual, most of bought app not unlock all feature along photos, raw saving, all lenses using. The same that a friend of mine with latest Sony have unlocked most of that features.
I use both be cause I teach often shooting and photos also with smartphone and I can see in my classes how android phone are all different.

I not not spread false infos, it’s direct experience. :-)

The only one unlocked android are on Google phone or when you install stock rom on phones, but most of people that had android are not so skilled to install stock android rom, then more difficult to enable all feature hardware on external app.

If you are updated on Android buy some pay app to do photo and video, or simpler use some free app like filmic pro test and check on ten different android where and what feature you can enable or not. The filmic pro developer waste their time to develop a second app to test android what can or not can be enabled before you buy their app, be cause in the first period of release (I was ones of first to buy also for my android device) they are submerged from moan of people that saw grey out most of feature.

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Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:17 am
by Steve Fishwick
I've never bought an Apple device in my life. As an editor I'm pretty agnostic and often work on both Mac and Windows, with the latter being more common on Avid in the UK. But after shooting a pilot in Sicily on an iPhone with the BMD app and a gimbal/radio mics, very successfully, I'm sold and I bought an iPhone Pro Max, when I came back. I rely on Android Auto in the car and so the only thing left is to swap that to Carplay before I make it my main phone. But I bought it as a camera.

The cost of entry is a ridiculous no brainer IMV, at least here. From my operator it was 35 quid a month, interest free. I was going to get a pocket, as a B cam to the Broadcast G2, but this fits the bill. Android is all over the place and I agree it would be very intensive for BMD to deliver the same experience consistently, plus the lens and camera on the iPhone are stellar. I couldn't get the 15 Pro Max for love nor money here, so I was a little disappointed in not having log but a one off payment app called Cinema P3 Pro solves that and is very comparable to the BMD app, with a few more bells and whistles, including an exportable automatic display lut for the log workflow. So both apps are now very workable for me.

I am sure BMD's app has driven a large surge in iPhone 15s alone, certainly with somebody like me who would never have considered one before.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:44 pm
by John Brawley
BMD and Apple are very tight.

Remember when nobody made a camera that anything to do with ProRes? In 2012 aside from the still new Alexa, BMD were the only camera and for years after doing ProRes internal.

Think about the short lived eGPUs.

Think about how Resolve and M silicon almost begs to show off how good M silicon is. Many times you’ll seen a Resolve screen shot in apple marketing talking about performance.

I wouldn’t hold my breath for seeing it appear on other platforms very soon.


Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:28 am
by Uli Plank
John Brawley wrote:BMD and Apple are very tight.

Maybe, but then why no ProRes RAW in DR?

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:35 am
by John Brawley
Uli Plank wrote:
John Brawley wrote:BMD and Apple are very tight.

Maybe, but then why no ProRes RAW in DR?

I wish I could say.

But think about Apple being a huge company with many parts.

Only one part looks after ProRes. The same part that manage FCP. A direct competitor to Resolve.

And the launch partner for ProRes raw is a company that also have a terrible history with BMD and frankly are now in a lot of trouble for other reasons. For many years you could only record PRR with a single brand external device.


Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 12:52 am
by Uli Plank
You are right. Apple even demonstrated the power of the iPad Pro Mx with DR, only weeks before publishing FCP for it.
And then, at least FCP-X roundtripping works better than with Premiere. BM is also pretty fast to support new versions of FCP-XML, when others are still stuck with a version from old FCP 7.

I didn't expect you to know why, but I really wish we had ProRes RAW.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:24 am
by filmbuddy
The short answer to the question is, "yes, of course".

The long answer is an "Apple only" is a very dated business model and well established companies with the manpower and resources should ALWAYS be supporting cross-platform, unless they enjoy missing out on large swaths of the market, which won't please shareholders too much. The motivation is always about profit vs risk and in my view the risk is missing a sizeable chunk of the market because personally Grant is an Apple fanboy. That's a terrible business model and market approach. It's a good way to get yourself sacked. If it can happen to Steve Jobs, it can happen to anyone in tech.

All the above said, and if we're being honest the app seems like a gimmick. But that's my personal opinion, and my opinion shouldn't dictate the value and usefulness the app might present to others.

The only reason I'd use it is for the BMD UI. Then again, my Samsung 23 Ultra's native camera app is actually quite capable too.

Would I use a smartphone for high-level client work? Only if specifically requested. Until smartphone manufacturers can address (not likely) their compression algorithms that would enable more raw-level quality the output is simply not there on a larger screen, not serious post color work. One day, with the help of AI it might be. But we're still not there yet.

For those saying "Andriod fragmentation", please stop. That's a very tired argument in 2023, when the tech to do ports has never been more acheiveable, approachable and affordable, especially with the rise of AI technology. Don't be a manufacturer bootlicker, it supports laziness and complacency.

BMD can afford it, and by all means should do it. "Apple first", totally acceptable and reasonable. "Apple only", nope, not in 2023. No excuse other than internal bias, which is a very poor justification. Shareholders don't care about your personal technology hangups. The market decides demand, not some old guy in Sydney.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:41 pm
by John Brawley
filmbuddy wrote:The short answer to the question is, "yes, of course".

The long answer is an "Apple only" is a very dated business model and well established companies with the manpower and resources should ALWAYS be supporting cross-platform, unless they enjoy missing out on large swaths of the market, which won't please shareholders too much.

BMD is a private company. There are no share holders.

filmbuddy wrote:The market decides demand, not some old guy in Sydney.

He’s from Melbourne. He’s barely into his 50’s. (Is that old?)

Not doing what the market says they want is kind of his thing. ... pielbergs/


Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:17 pm
by Leon Benzakein
John Brawley wrote:Not doing what the market says they want is kind of his thing.

and that is why us old guys love him.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:53 pm
by John Morton
+1 more for Android (Samsung in my case)
BMD really do need to do this IMHO... The Android user market must far outnumber the Apple iPhone fanboy base :D :D

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:57 pm
by carlomacchiavello
John Morton wrote:+1 more for Android (Samsung in my case)
BMD really do need to do this IMHO... The Android user market must far outnumber the Apple iPhone fanboy base :D :D
But most of android user not do pro video ;-)

There tons of different cars in the market, but most of driver are not interested in to run racing

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Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:01 pm
by carlomacchiavello
Again, I not like elite, I have both android and iPhone, I would like was easier to do some kind of app, but I’m enough skilled to know the difference of develop this kind of app on two different environments and why most of developer prefer IOS when you have to deal directly with sensor and control.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:24 am
by i want to know
xchrisx wrote:I know BM is an Apple fan, but I really hope they are working on an Android app as well. Also hope they are making a statement about it.

I would also like an aneroid app for the remote monitoring in davinci resolve... and a davinci resolve app for other devices not only on apple ipad

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:43 am
by John Brawley
“ Using the Blackmagic Camera app designed exclusively for iOS users, the crew was able to leverage the same interface as Blackmagic Design’s award-winning digital film cameras, which provided the same tools used in feature films, television shows, and documentaries. ”

Note the use of the word “exclusively”. ... on-iphone/

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:11 am
by cmactavish
John Brawley wrote:“ Using the Blackmagic Camera app designed exclusively for iOS users, the crew was able to leverage the same interface as Blackmagic Design’s award-winning digital film cameras, which provided the same tools used in feature films, television shows, and documentaries. ”

Note the use of the word “exclusively”. ... on-iphone/

The use of that word is accurate, in that it is currently only available on iOS, but I think it's also a bit of Apple marketing spin. I think the reason it is not currently on android is for all the other reasons discussed on this thread, not any kind of exclusivity agreement between the two companies.

BMD had a presence at SXSW Sydney last month and whilst it's not a lot to go on and obviously no guarantee, one of the staff on the booth did say they were looking into an Android version.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:16 pm
by ShaheedMalik
cmactavish wrote:
John Brawley wrote:“ Using the Blackmagic Camera app designed exclusively for iOS users, the crew was able to leverage the same interface as Blackmagic Design’s award-winning digital film cameras, which provided the same tools used in feature films, television shows, and documentaries. ”

Note the use of the word “exclusively”. ... on-iphone/

The use of that word is accurate, in that it is currently only available on iOS, but I think it's also a bit of Apple marketing spin. I think the reason it is not currently on android is for all the other reasons discussed on this thread, not any kind of exclusivity agreement between the two companies.

BMD had a presence at SXSW Sydney last month and whilst it's not a lot to go on and obviously no guarantee, one of the staff on the booth did say they were looking into an Android version.

If it was exclusive and Blackmagic didn't get ProRes Raw out of the deal, they got ripped off.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 pm
by carlomacchiavello
Do you want Blackmagic Design camera app for android?
Well… write to all android brand phone and force them to follow every single line of Google android sdk guideline.

Ask them to expose every single parameters on open source to manage their sensors and camera hardware controls, every single data should be open and avible in a unique sdk for every brand
then you will have real camera app well done.

Android is more closed then you think, every device, every brand, every line had different develop line. I worked near many android game developer in Augmented reality and was a nightmare between hundred of high end phone to do compatible the app on most of device, and often stop to work at first is update. The same app under IOS work like a charm be cause there is under all device a unique Os, a unique sdk and a simple way to access to all data’s of camera.

Blackmagic do that for free against people like filmic pro that now (after their buying from Italian society) ask you a rental fee very high, more than double of what I pay for all package to have it for one year.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:18 pm
by ricardo marty
Not all android phones have good cameras so maybe it should be segmented to those highend android.

Ricardo Marty

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:05 pm
by BenFury
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

That's the list. Support these two phones, and if that support happens to easily bleed over to the non-Ultra variants, fine. If not, no issue.

Most folks who are SERIOUS about doing cinema quality on Android have one of these two phones.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:31 pm
by Nikonya
I also don't think it can be an Android problem since you have app like MotionCam which basically pulls raw video directly from sensor. Ok, it is not working right now on all phones, but it covers almost all the big ones. The only possible issue is file size which comes around 1,6GB for 10 seconds, but you can convert the video in the app to Prores (or other formats like DNG), or convert it in Windows with their program. The funny thing is, they have created even the plugin for Adobe Premier Pro so you can work with raw video without the need of converting it to some other format, but they can not do it for DR because BM is not interested in it.
So there is a way if you need it even for Android phones, but I'm guessing that Apple has locked them somehow and possibly paying them a good amount of money to stay "IOS only" app.

Re: Blackmagic Camera App for Android Phones?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:28 pm
by baroquepawel
+1 for Android app please :roll:
(Pixel 8 Pro)