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Using filters with wide angle lenses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:23 pm
by Pete Tomkies
I am looking to get some ND filters and an IR cut filter for use with my BMCC. My lenses range in filter size from 77mm to 52mm so my intention was to go for the largest size and get adaptor rings for use with the smaller lenses.

I have read a lot of reviews and forum posts on ND filters and IR cut filters but had a couple of questions left unanswered. The IR cut filter of choice seems to be the Hoya UV IR cut filter but I have seen on the Hoya website that they don't recommend using it on lens with a field of view wider than 60 degrees due to possible colour cast issues. Has anyone used the Hoya (or any other IR cut filter) with the Tokina 11-16mm lens and if so did they experience any issues?

Also with that same lens have users experienced vignetting issues if stacking an ND and IR cut filter? I had wondered about using 82mm filters with a step down adaptor to 77mm to avoid vignetting with such a wide lens.

I am not looking to achieve shallow depth of field with the lens through using ND filters, rather I want to be able to keep the aperture around f8 on very bright days to avoid the softness that can come when stopping down to f22.

Thanks :-)

Re: Using filters with wide angle lenses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:54 pm
by timbutt2
I use a 77mm Firecrest NDIR 1.5 with that 11-16mm Tokina with no issues. It's even fine on the 4.6K. No vignettes or color cast issues. So you can go 0.9 to go from 22 to 8 instead of 1.5. I really like the Firecrest line from Formatt Hitech and use their 4x4 filters in my matte box.

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