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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:43 am
by Grant Petty
Welcome to the Official Blackmagic Forum.

We have created this forum to allow people to communicate with each other and to learn and get advice from some of the wonderfully talented people who work in the television and film industries and take the time to post here.

We really want this forum to be respectful and friendly, so we have created some rules in the registration process to protect these forums from trolls and product vs product fights etc. While some people think fights on forums are entertaining, my feeling is what's better is a place that eliminates fights and just focuses on people helping each other to become more creative.

I think there is enough fighting and hate in the world, so lets just have the creativity here! Thats what we are trying to do.

I hope you can all help us achieve that. I hope you can use the knowledge posted here on these forums to save time and money and to learn more every day. After all its constant learning that makes life exciting.


Blackmagic Design

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:40 am
by David Battistella

It's great to see the direction Blackmagic is heading. It's nice that you created this forum for users. I hope that it evolves into a great place for creatives to share knowledge and expand their creativity.


David Battistella

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:51 am
by Ian Sun
Congrats on the creation of the forum. I'm eagerly anticipating the release of your camera and what it will be used for in the hands of creatives. Here's hoping this forum developes into a vibrant and happy place.

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:50 pm
by Alino
Hello !

Thank you Mr Grant for opening this forum as a way to give us the opportunity to balance your vision of the future of Broadcast and Digital cinematography with members of this new and exciting platform .Following your acquisition of Cintel,i am suggesting to you to open your eyes in your Backyard in Australia on a struggling company that will make a perfect fit with blackmagic.That company have the best technology in professional audio that can be ported in the Mac for Digital Cinema and dramaticaly enhance your Porfolio in Audio and video hardware acceleration processors,interface controllers to name just a few.The company is FAIRLIGHT .You can replicate what you did with Teranex and Davinci and create the best ecosystem in the industry.

Blackmagic Digital Cinema Camera is what will finally bring real democratic values to the industry.The 2.5 K tease gave you all the answers you was hoping for and go big next year at NAB 2013 with a 5K or 6K sensors to make a strong statement.You have no legacy product to protect.Built your own Imaging sensors to match or exceed Davinci Resolve specs and it is time to design a graphic acceleration card mainframe with expansion slots to take advantage of PCIe 3.0 or Thunderbolt and link it to Resolve user interface.

Go big and don't look back,the wind is on your side...

Best regards.


Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:42 am
by Geoff Boyle
Good luck Grant.

I wish you well, after 16 years of running CML I realise how hard it is to keep a discussion civilised!!

Geoff Boyle

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:01 pm
by Vladimir Vucinic

I wish you all the best and thank you for the effort to bring us some very nice products. I hope this will be the place to exchange some interesting ideas and experiences.

Best regards,

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:09 am
by popcornflix

Thanks for listening to your customers and announcing the Cinema Camera MFT. This has already put BMD into the lead as Most Responsive Camera Developer.

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:26 am
by atul
I love BMD cinema camera, decided to purchase in MFT mount but it is said to be $2995 camera but price in INR272000 is $ 5000 in current exchange rate. which is 66% more than $2995. As Nikon D800 is also $3000 camera its INDIA price are also $3000that is INR 165000. So your camera is being quoted INR 107000 more that is $1945 more or say $ 3000 camera in $5000. while Nikon is selling D800 $3000 camera for $3000 in INDIA. Your camera MFT mount have vast potential in Indian film industry as cinema lens can be used with PL mount, huge base in TV and independent films.Please check with your Indian distributors.Your $3000 BMCC shoud cost us reasonable, which is philosophy of BMD behind this product, as I know FROM NAB 2012 TO IBC 2012. Thanking you.

Re: Welcome

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:38 am
by Wayne Haag
Just saw the article in the SMH Grant! Great to see things still going strong. Btw have your cameras been used to shoot full features yet?

Shoot me an email when you're free.

All the best!