Thu May 16, 2024 11:51 am
Are you talking about anamorphic lens flare? That is not a motion blur, its by product of of a lens shape, but if you want to simulate lens flares there are various options out there, just need to track the things you want to attack a lens flare and choose an anamorphic one.
Edit: I just noticed that you might mean the light speed effect or warp speed effect when spaceship elongates to the distance. A stretchy effect. I've not done it myself, but there are some tools in fusion like trails that could be used or in Color page, maybe Directional Blur combine with something else, I would have to experiment. Depending on what you want, you might want only portion of the screen, like spaceship to stretch, meaning you need to have it as a new composite layer. That is how they have done it in Star Trek, I imagine.