GamerKitty Euphoric wrote:I may or may not understand you, but I'm going to go off a limb here and assume you are saying that you have several takes in your media, and you want to render out each one individually? so you can throw away the bad takes, and just keep the good ones, from the severely long clip.
Not so much throw away bad clips - more like this...
In a 1-hour timeline, maybe at (hh:mm:ss) 00:05:00 - 00:15:00 and at 00:37:00 - 00:47:00 are two takes that I want to keep and render. So I just want to grab/select those and export out those segments WITHOUT having to delete out the rest of the timeline.
That way I am not being destructive to my work, because right now my timeline is a large "workbench" of sorts where I might want to use other parts later, and I don't want to lose all of my global edits (e.g. adjusting the audio for the entire clip.
GamerKitty Euphoric wrote:If this is the case, do this. Cut at the point where your take ends, then turn it into a compound clip and do this for each of the clips you wish to export, separate, and delete the ones you don't want anymore
How do I create a "compound clip"?
And will that capture the video and single-track audio into one "bundle" to be rendered?
GamerKitty Euphoric wrote:then, in export, export as "individual clips" and each one will export as it's own file in the location you choose