Joe Shapiro wrote:There’s a system call in every OS Resolve is on that tells the program when a file it’s interested in changes. No cost.
True, but as a developer myself I don't imagine it would be all that easy to implement in Resolve. It's an asynchronous call from the OS to the application, and given that there are many Resolve "pages" that are involved, all of which I suspect are separate processes which would have to be independently notified, it might need a fair bit of work and validation to get running properly. With asynchronous notification there are all kinds of edge cases you have to deal with - for example what happens if an asset changes just as you're rendering it? Changes can be trivial or very consequential, such as changed resolution. And there might still be some limitations where assets are stored on remote computers for the purposes of sharing.
I'd be happy with a check against the project assets that's done when the project is loaded. That would require the project to be closed/opened, but IMHO that's still miles ahead of what I have to do right now, which is to create a new version of the changed asset with a different name (I use a "_V1", "_V2" etc. suffix) and then go into the media pool to relink to it.
But hey, if they want to invest in the effort to "do it right" then more power to them!