Dave Shortman wrote:The first example you could easily do using just 2 tracks and cropping / repositioning in the edit page, very simple.
I am super new to video-editing and DaVinci Resolve here...
So to your advice - and Peter's advice above - the idea is that when you have multiple tracks they are like their own separate little movies, right?
And the top track covers up the lower ones up, right?
In terms of something I am more familiar with...
In MS Office - especially MS Word - you have the concept of layering and "Bring to Front", "Send to Back", "Move Forward", and "Move Backwards".
Is that similar to what you two are suggesting?
So I would take the interviewee and place him/her on Track #1, and then crop that video so it only takes up the left-half of the frame (e.g. 1st screenshot above), right?
And then I would take the video that the interviewee is watching and put that on Track #2, and then crop things so it only takes up the right-half of the frame, right?
And I would also have to re-position things so the "half" video of the interviewee is on the left-side of the frame, and the video is on the right-side of the frame, right?
Dave Shortman wrote:The 2nd example you probably COULD do in the edit page, you could knock up the 'background' as a static image and then have 2 tracks which gain you crop and reposition, but personally I would probably do that in fusion as for me it would be much easier, but if you are not familiar with fusion it would probably be a bit challenging
Why would you prefer to use Fusion for yourself?
Dave Shortman wrote:You could probably also use the video collage effect to achieve both, but you would have to spend a lot of time twiddling with its config, would probably be harder to do it there to be honest.
I thought the idea of the "Video Collage" effect is that it is supposed to make things easier?
The only reason I questioned using it, is that I wasn't sure if you could bump up two half-frame videos and not have borders/seams around them.