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Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:07 am
by waltervolpatto
gallery still export.

please, now that we can use timecode for the gallery label, when we export we need an option to [use label as name] so we can keep that....

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:55 am
by jussi rovanpera
waltervolpatto wrote:
jussi rovanpera wrote:My no 1. feature request for Resolve is custom mapping of panels...

Which panel?

The one that has an unassigned knob on the Primary page and 5 unassigned knobs on the offset page...

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:09 pm
by jussi rovanpera
Drives me nuts - Circular power window softness: Softness can only go up to 18 with the "visual" controls, I can only make it softer than 18 by adjusting the number field or using a panel... And if I make it really soft and touch the visual softness control, it will jump to 18.

And I always use more than 18 softness...

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:13 pm
by Jed Mitchell
This is probably somewhere already in the last 8 pages of posts, but:

1.) Watch Folders / Auto-ingest locations / whatever you want to call them. I want to be able to set a directory that will check for new clips whenever Resolve updates the media browser. If that creates an issue with accessing the disk too often or something, a manual refresh button would be fine. It's just a pain adding dozens or hundreds of clips & version updates from VFX one at a time.

2.) Project-level preset for the default Alpha mode, like with the sizing preset. Pretty straight forward -- just want to be able to set the default interpretation for Alpha channels instead of having to manually change them every time.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:30 pm
by waltervolpatto
I think is already there, but:
Re-haul of the numbers:
Saturation: 100 as default is an example
Rgb mixer give 4 decimals abs the ability to type
gamma at default should be 1
Lift should be 0 and gain 100...
Change limits: saturation goes only to 200%, make it at least 400%

Something more like the 2018 that we are.

Numeric values in the panel, some way to see them.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:04 am
by waltervolpatto
Clip, color, add red.
I know that red is reserved for missing clips, but once the missions are resolved i wish i can flag with color clips that are "bad" like vfx missing, bad comps, temp clips, wrong edits abs such.

Red is such a powerful color and is a shame wr can't use it

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:53 am
by Kye Leslie
I'd like the option to include audio in optimised media clips.

I edit from my laptop away from my HDDs with large source clips, and I currently have to run a full-manual proxy workflow which is a PITA to generate, manage, and relink. If optimised media included audio I could get the same functionality with basically one click.


Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:40 pm
by Hans Goerdten
Two suggestions:

1. syncronizing more than two sound and/or video clips

at this point it is not possible to syncronize for example two different sound clips to one video clip, which is a BIG issue if you have recordings with different microphones.

I would suggest a solution that merges the multi-cam function with the synchronisation function. This way one could synchronize any number of video and/or sound clips to one another. For example you could synchronize the sound tracks first (by timecode, if they were recorded on the same device) and later add a video track by wave anylysis or manually.

Here is an article by an assistant editor struggeling with resolve. Although it talks about Resolve 12, as far as I know these issues have not been adressed yet.

2. maintaining edits while importing clips from one timeline into another

You can load a timeline into the import-screen by drag-and-droppig it there. Then of course, you can import bits of that timeline into another timeline. Right now Resolve will treat the first timeline as a clip without edits. Any cuts that you import into the new timeline will not be editable.

This is an issue for me, as I tend to cut select reels first, before tackeling the rough cut. In Avid I can import bits of the select-reel-timeline into the timeline for the eventual rough cut, while maintaining the edits. If for instance, I would want to extend a clip beyond the range that I chose for the select reel, I couldn't do that in resolve because it would just load the piece of the select reel as if it was a consecutive clip without edits.

please let me know if you argree, or know these problems!

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:23 pm
by waltervolpatto
A keyboard shortcut to zoom at clip level: sunbathing like cntr/alt/z than zoom to the clip currently selected/ or that is under the playhead

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:35 pm
by PeterMoretti
Hans Goerdten wrote:...

Here is an article by an assistant editor struggeling with resolve. Although it talks about Resolve 12, as far as I know these issues have not been adressed yet.

Hans, I agree with *your* requests, but as for the AE's article, Resolve has progressed very siginificantly since 12. You can pop out bins into standalone windows and sort each individually. Now I've had problems with those bins being not there after switching to another project or database and then back to the current project. So my well done bin layouts have gotten blown away.

As for syncing with waveforms, I've found it very reliable IF I pair down the choices for Resolve to consider. I generally create a smart bin that contains the audio and video files that need to be matched to each other. So 01T01.MOV and CAMERA101T01.MP4, CAMERA201T01.MP4, CAMERA301T01.MP4 would all be selected by a smart bin. I then highlight them all and choose to sync. And it almost always works. And when it doesn't there is something funky.

That said, there is no metadata field that says where the appended sound tracks came from, and there is no way have stereo and mono tracks in the same source clip. So stereo tracks have to be converted into L and R mono tracks. This sucks b/c most camera audio is stereo and most location sound is mono. So if I append tracks, I'd like to keep both track formats.

I do think that AE's will generally find Resolve lacking when working with large amounts of footage.

Clip Levels, fades, and automation in AAF Exports

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:39 pm
by Travis Marshall
Not only are AAF exports reference files with accompanying media (as opposed to embedded AAFs), but none of the cross-fades, clip levels, or automation are translated for an audio mixer to use as a reference. Please please improve this process. Fairlight is nice, but most mixers still use Pro Tools.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:40 pm
by Cameron Porter
1. Would love to be able to preserve transparency when creating compound clips
2. Would love some kind of subtitle/caption functionality
3. Able to use Fusion Connect with CinemaDNG image sequences as video clips
4. Would love to be able to synchronize clips based on audio after they're on the timeline.
---most audio work happens after at least the rough cut, so being able to synch footage with the audio after the clip is already in the timeline and cut down would be great

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:34 pm
by Hector Berrebi
Following a recent thread dealing with interlace in Resolve...

1. Would be nice to have Enable Field Processing moved to the clip level instead of project level where it is today. Maybe to Clip Attributes?

When Field Processing is currently enabled, no De-Interlace options are available, whether it is Resolve's internal de-interlace or external OFX plugs like Sapphire's S_Deinterlace
This limits operations in projects with interlaced source media mixed with progressive...

2. Would also be nice to have an option to view either both or single field in GUI viewers.

3. Unless I really missed it... The ability to de-interlace at output in the export setting tab, a checkbox or so. An interlace project with interlace sources should be simpler to render to progressive

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:31 pm
by Michael Kropfberger
sidechaining in fairlight.... so we can do a ducking compressor for voice overs

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:14 pm
by alan bovine
Real simple ones :

Export file with naming from CLIP name/display name AND track name.

Real useful ones :

Full python support for things like integrating an external VFX workflow.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:36 am
by Andy Mees
In DaVinci Resolve > Preferences... >> System >> Video and Audio I/O >> Speaker Setup
Please add Multichannel to the Monitor set format options.

Right now we have null, Mono, Stereo and various Surround options, but no way to setup for 'non-surround' multichannel playback/monitoring. I'd envisage that selecting Multichannel would reveal/enable an "Audio Channels" field so that the user can enter the number (n) required, and thereafter be able to map Outputs for Stem 1 to Stem n as needed.

EDIT: Alternatively (Additionally?) a User Preference to always override/bypass channel mix down from the Media Pool / Page and Source window i.e. force direct source channel output regardless of Speaker Setup.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:24 am
by Jack Swart
Andy Mees wrote:In DaVinci Resolve > Preferences... >> System >> Video and Audio I/O >> Speaker Setup
Please add Multichannel to the Monitor set format options.

Right now we have null, Mono, Stereo and various Surround options, but no way to setup for 'non-surround' multichannel playback/monitoring. I'd envisage that selecting Multichannel would reveal/enable an "Audio Channels" field so that the user can enter the number (n) required, and thereafter be able to map Outputs for Stem 1 to Stem n as needed.

Oh yes please.....I often shoot 4 tracks of mono audio and just monitoring is a nightmare let alone delivery.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:09 am
by Craig Marshall
I use a BMD HD-Link Pro with my 12G Decklink card to convert 4K SDI video to Display Port for my calibrated IPS Grading Monitor. The HD-Link boxes have 8 RCA audio outputs so they can extract up to 8 simultaneous channels from Resolve's SDI output which can then be routed through any cheap analogue mixer for audio monitoring.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:09 am
by Andy Mees
Craig Marshall wrote:I use a BMD HD-Link Pro with my 12G Decklink card to convert 4K SDI video to Display Port for my calibrated IPS Grading Monitor. The HD-Link boxes have 8 RCA audio outputs so they can extract up to 8 simultaneous channels from Resolve's SDI output which can then be routed through any cheap analogue mixer for audio monitoring.

The issue for me is not having the physical capability to monitor multiple channels (I use a TSL AMU2-BHD+ full rack Audio Monitoring Unit and a Tektronix WFM7200 that both allow me to monitor up to 16 channels of embedded audio from my Decklink card) ... it's rather that Resolve doesn't currently appear to have any simple option to directly feed / pass through more than 2 channels of audio to downstream hardware without using a preset 'surround sound' audio mapping... which is great if you genuinely want LCRS output etc but not if you want multiple mono/stereo pair mapping eg A1(L1), A2(R1), A3(L2), A4(R2) etc

On a similar note: I'd also really love a user preference option to be able to disable the built-in Volume and Dim controls on the Edit and Fairlight pages, so that those of us feeding audio to downstream technical monitoring equipment can be sure we are always sending correct levels.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:10 am
by Olivier MATHIEU
2.39 Safe Area Aspect ratio, for DCI Scope Project

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:28 am
by Olivier MATHIEU
More clear LUT use/naming
For example :
Monitor LUT ➧ Only for The monitoring (Decklink,...)
Viewer LUT ➧ Only for only and ALL (Pages) Timeline (and Source?) Viewers
Scope LUT ➧ Only for the Scopes in all Pages
Output LUT ➧ For Deliver & Monitoring & Viewers

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:05 pm
by Noel Sterrett
A few minor things:

Save Monitor Set and Monitor Set Format with the Project/Timeline. Each time Resolve is opened, they revert to Main/Stereo.

Save Mixer position when set all the way left.

Workspace > Layout Presets > Your Preset > Delete Preset ... causes crash (in Linux).


Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:36 am
by Peter Chamberlain
Noel Sterrett wrote:A few minor things:

Save Monitor Set and Monitor Set Format with the Project/Timeline. Each time Resolve is opened, they revert to Main/Stereo.


Are you taking about the existing item in Preferences, System?
Is that not setup how your system is setup?

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:30 pm
by Noel Sterrett
Peter Chamberlain wrote:Are you taking about the existing item in Preferences, System?
Is that not setup how your system is setup?

No, not the Speaker Setup in Preferences. That is currently saved in preferences.

However, the Control Room Speaker Bus and Format choices are not saved with a particular timeline or with the project. So each time you switch between timelines which might require different choices (e.g., Stereo timeline to 5.1 timeline, or reopen Resolve), you must remember to check both the Bus and Format in Fairlight Meters or the speaker output will likely be wrong.

Quite a bit must be done for a 5.1 surround project/timeline to work properly. Some settings are saved with the project and/or timeline, some are not:

Preferences > System > Speaker Setup (add 5.1 Monitor set/Monitor set format and assign Control Room Outputs)
Fairlight > Bus Format (add Main 2 bus and assign it 5.1 format)
Fairlight > Meters > Control Room > Speaker > Main 2
Fairlight > Meters > Control Room > Format > 5.1
Deliver > Audio > Output Track > Main 2 (5.1)

Much head scratching (at least by me) could be avoided if the above settings could be linked and saved with the timeline.


Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:09 pm
by Dermot Shane
almost a joke by 2018, but yet another yearly request to open up the mapping on the small third party panels

and less of a joke is a request to put the audio track routing from v12 back in v15

and next is to show raw audio data n the media page (this may have been sorted by now, i have not been using Resolve fo mastering recently, so have not had reason the check this, bu thave not seen anything in teh release notes to make me think it's been addressed)

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:50 pm
by Noel Sterrett
Dermot Shane wrote:and less of a joke is a request to put the audio track routing from v12 back in v15

I think it's all there, just a bit too much is there to grasp quickly. Lots of settings. Some aren't saved. Here's my cheat sheet:
ResolveFairlight.jpg (43.78 KiB) Viewed 26224 times

It doesn't even include Bus Assign, Link Group, and Patch Input/Output. Easy to get lost.

Fairlight "templates" could be a big help.


Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:29 pm
by Dermot Shane
thanks Noel, i downloaded it. read it, said @$^* mess,
and went back to DS.... it was so clean in v12, and is still in DS with near identical track routeing to Resolve v12

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:50 pm
by Lee Niederkofler
#1 Please make it easier for people with wacom tablets. It has gotten a little better over the years bit it still is far away.. I shouldn‘t need to grab my mouse/shuttle for scrolling every minute.. Please let me scroll via holding ALT+PenDrag like in Nuke or any other 3D software. That would speed me up another 10%!

#2 Audio Tracks. Like many others before, I really need easy IN&Out for up to 16 Audio tracks when mastering
#3 Fill in the missing MiniPanel buttons and let me customize the buttons like promised ;)

Thank you guys, v14 is great!!

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:47 pm
by Seth Goldin
Sort or re-order the list of timelines above the viewer. It'd be great if it could somehow reflect the order sorted in the "Timelines" smart bin.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:15 am
by g2m.agent
DAVINCI 15 | my request list.

# about software:
1. Support Windows 7!

# about edit:
1. More modern "mouse-keyboard" style of operation, adding "press-release" operation. (please refer to Edius 8: Press TAB to move the full track clip directly, release the TAB to return to any previous state).
2. Drag the Clip on the timeline to the Media Pool will automatically convert it into a REAL Subclip (which has a own duration time, has own thumbnail). and has a Hotkey to do that.
3. in Media Pool, there should be a "Tag" or "Flag" tell me that which clip already used. *** Please refer to Edius 8.

# about color:
1. quickly preview LUT files.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:58 pm
by waltervolpatto
color page, when I go in [lightbox] mode, the [clip] menu disappear: please leave it, more often than not I switch back to normal just to select another [smart selection] and then go back to [lightbox]

and, while here, the ability to select an arbitrary number of clips and make a [smart clip selection] in the [clip] menu.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:27 pm
by Nathan Morgan
Ability to use a keyboard shortcut for "Add into a New Group", "Add into Current Group" & "Remove From Group".

Working in unscripted TV we have tight turnarounds to grade shows. One of the ways we are able to speed up the grade is to go through and group together similar shots and then do the majority of our color in the Group Pre-Clip (similar to a tape related workflow in Avid). In order to enable this it means I am often creating 500+ groups per show. An additional low priority request would be to disable the automatic pop up for the group name (We normally don't take the time to name the groups but rather just use the default generated number and then just identify the groups visually).

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:15 am
by AndreasOberg
Folders for Smart Bins. I want to work in a similar way to FCPX where I create metadata for each clip and then I sort everything based on them (instead of using traditional bins). But if I have 200 smart bins it is not going to be easy to navigate them without folders.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:59 am
by Howard Roll
-10 to 109 IRE waveform that corresponds to -10 to 109 IRE.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:36 pm
by David O'Shea
Sometimes I grab a lot of stills from the footage for export as jpg or tiff. At the moment you can select all stills from the gallery, if I could right click and choose export selected which would probably bring up a dialog to choose the format, similar to the way it's done with one.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:48 pm
by jaysmith
waltervolpatto wrote:When a piece come as long format and you use an edl to cut it, you cannot anymore do temporal noise reduction because it grabs the frame before and after the cut that is s completely different scene.

A button in the temporal NR that allow to extend the calculation on tails (like now) or stop within the boundaries of the cuts.

Does the "show current clip with handles" in the view menu fix this?

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:23 pm
by Andrew Kolakowski
Boring thing.
Link Proxy Mode (1/2, 1/4 and add 1/8) to Cineform decoder, so we can work on 4K or even 8K projects on laptops without any need for proxy files.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:06 am
by Charles Lyons
John Paines wrote:
Nick Lear wrote:I am grateful for BMD for implementing some of our requests - e.g. next clip/edit now has a partial solution in that if the highlighted clip is off screen, it ignores it, deselects it and goes to next edit. That's great.

Thankful for that improvement, but I wonder why they didn't listen to us(!??!), and go whole hog -- next/previous completely independent of clip selection? Or at least a switch to turn off automatic clip selection mode and decouple the playhead from any given selection. There *is* precedent, with other switches in Resolve, for that sort of user accommodation.

For me at least, this issue can't be over-flogged. And it's hard to believe that, among editors, there's any constituency for the current design.

This is, right now, my single biggest issue - I'd like the ability to change the current selection behavior to be more suitable for an editing workflow. Namely, I'd like a setting such that:

1. Auto-selection of clips after an edit operation is disabled. If I want a clip selected I can do so explicitly.

2. Navigation ignores selection. Therefore, up/down arrow for prev/next edit point would actually work consistently instead of frequently jumping elsewhere in the timeline, disrupting my workflow while I re-orient myself (and disable the selection).

3. Blade would always be applied at the playhead location.

I have "selection follows playhead" turned off, it isn't enough. It's slow and painful to edit with the auto-select, with navigation jumping unexpectedly, with blade not applying to the intended location because there's some auto-selection elsewhere. I'm assuming the current behavior is desirable for dedicated colorists, but for editing it's awful. It's reminiscent of when Final Cut Pro's zoom used to follow the selection all the time rather than the playhead (which eventually was made an option), except worse.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:07 am
by Andrew Kolakowski
This is crazy annoying problem- makes you go mad.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:53 pm
by Hector Berrebi
Charles Lyons wrote:3. Blade would always be applied at the playhead location.

Blade isn't meant for that, You can use the Split Clip command instead, which ignores auto selection. if clip is selected.

Also, it's helpful to memorize Alt/Shift clicking the Auto Selection buttons to get quickly from all to one/none or vise versa..

I definitely don't think Auto Select is currently broken or buggy. Though, for one function, maybe it has a bit too much responsibilities on its shoulders...

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:17 am
by Nathan Morgan
Tiny UI request.

I love how when you are adding audio output tracks in the deliver page the timeline track will automatically increment. The problem is after you add the first track the UI updates and adds a - sign to the left of the +. So if you click multiple times you add and then delete the new track. Super minor request I know, but if possible to add the minus sign to the right it would save a little bit of frustration.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:58 am
by waltervolpatto
jaysmith wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:When a piece come as long format and you use an edl to cut it, you cannot anymore do temporal noise reduction because it grabs the frame before and after the cut that is s completely different scene.

A button in the temporal NR that allow to extend the calculation on tails (like now) or stop within the boundaries of the cuts.

Does the "show current clip with handles" in the view menu fix this?

not when your clip was a long play chopped with an EDL

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:49 am
by Andy Mees
Hector Berrebi wrote:
Charles Lyons wrote:I definitely don't think Auto Select is currently broken or buggy. Though, for one function, maybe it has a bit too much responsibilities on its shoulders...

You might try selecting multiple adjacent clips (with linked audio) and then try doing a swap edit operation ... whenever I try it much weirdness ensues, and Auto Select seem able to tame it, Still a work in progress is my guess.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:49 am
by Zeb Chadfield
I'd love an easy way to have smart bin templates. I can create a project with them all setup to duplicate but it would be great to be able to load collections of smart bins for different needs or just create a bunch that can be auto loaded in any project.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:35 am
by Kye Leslie
Probably mentioned before, but the ability to assign a shortcut key to any tool, or anything I can click on for that matter.

I'm going through clips and using the white balance eyedropper on each of them (using ceiling white as a rough reference) but I can't assign a shortcut key to the white balance eyedropper, so I have to go back and forwards with the mouse to accurately click on the eyedropper tool each time. Annoying.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:59 am
by TalRom
1. Option to capture (Deck capture) from many offline clip and not just EDL offline clips.
batch capture a list of selected clips, change codec and audio options of captured clips (like FCP 7 used to do)

2. Embedding of Ultimatte keying software in Resolve

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:54 am
by Margus Voll
1. Option to disable clip to see if VFX matches original grading. Now i need to go to edit page for that.
Ideal would be select clip and D like on edit page. Still leave it in place but just disable it.

2. better color options for fusion connect (specially ACES in mind)

3. cleaner file structure on fusion connect like human readale folder logic, all the coded names could be hidden from user. Also important when working with many post houses and they all use Nuke for VFX

4. force pre render cache of timeline - typically we get materil on slow external disk and would only like to cache material locally on M.2 SSD. This could be done by force pre cahce. Now adding node with cahe render manually seems not to work all the time.

5. intensity level of computing when cache making as user select option. I want my CPU to hurt when i ask it when smart cache. Some times moderate background cache is fine other you need it to really work as fast it can.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:15 pm
by Hector Berrebi
Margus Voll wrote:1. Option to disable clip to see if VFX matches original grading. Now i need to go to edit page for that.
Ideal would be select clip and D like on edit page. Still leave it in place but just disable it.

+1 for D in color page...

As a workaround you can click the track number on very left of color page timeline on/off so if your VFX are all on same track it would almost serve that function. I know its not a shortcut but how I do it now.

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:24 pm
by Margus Voll
And it is not very elegant way to do it specially with no shortcut :D

Re: DAVINCI 15 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:04 pm
by Thomas Dove
Support for Windows 7 64-bit Professional

I know it is an 'old' OS but in the Windows world in my experience it is still by far the most popular OS in post (at least in the UK: among a bunch of post-houses I asked - no-one uses Windows 8 - 10).

Many Resolve users on Mac of course, many high-end users on Linux: but I am guessing that a large number of smaller post houses are on Win 7 64b Prof and would like to switch to Resolve, but can't realistically go from Win 7 [even if they wanted to, which like us, they don't].

Resolve 14 has such great editing and audio capabilities that I think this has now opened up a whole new potential market of those who would really like to switch from Adobe, but lack of Win 7 64b Prof support precludes it for many/most. (Our post house included: we have one copy of Studio but will not switch over wholesale from Adobe due to this one issue.)

And also add Fusion to that, switching from AE.