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Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:29 pm
by waltervolpatto
cadeg_rsh wrote:Sorry, but this forum branch are official feature request or just enthusiasts wish?
Where normal board with vote on feature?

There is no vote, this is the best we have at the moment.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:32 pm
by waltervolpatto
In color, clip, filters, add a search for LUTS and DCTL.

The ability to include/ exclude [pre- clip - post - timelines] in the searches.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:57 pm
by waltervolpatto
I would like to have a drop down menu both in edit and color where i can choose a fixed multiply of the real-time speed:

1 (real-time)

In the faster than real-time, do not compute the unnecessary frames, on slower than real-time, compute them only once

"Change Duration" dialog applies to Transitions

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:31 pm
by studio1492
REQUEST: "Change Duration" dialog applies to the selected Transition too.

I know transition Duration can be edited from Inspector, but "keyboard shortcut" editors always search for light speed while editing avoiding the use of the mouse that involves the Inpector, nor sliding the transition on the timeline with the mouse. A faster and precise method for "keyboard players" may be to change the duration of a Transition as we do with clips, by typing: Change Duration shortcut->number for the duration->Enter.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:55 am
by Hector Corcin
option to Disable Autoscroll timeline... If I forget to stop playback and start trimming something everything messes up while I am dragging the trim and the timeline scrolls because the playhead went ahead.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:09 pm
by Yov Moor
my feature request:
-A unified keyframe editor on each panel (EDIT, COLOR, FUSION) like fusion SPLINE editor and Keyframe editor.
-A better antialiasing quality edge of shape from power windows.
The possibility to keyframe value of level of motion, shaking inside stabilization.
-A option to zoom inside each curve editor like hue vs hue etc...
-A more stable render CACHE , less volatile , a possibility to LOCK ON and LOCK OFF the CACHE to avoid to loose it by a copy past or UNDO and REDO process.
-A more free customisable interface UI.
-A the possbility to keyframe value of Stabilsation result like the possibility of have variable for shaking value, motion value and Lock value.

Working Time Traking Stadistics

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:45 am
by studio1492
I don't know if this has been said before, but I will find useful a working time tracking calculator.

This can give stadistics of the hours we've spend working on each project, in each timeline, and per timeline the hours spent in Media-Edit-Fusion-Color-Fairlight-Deliver. This can include the global time spent on renders, for our own stats.

This is also great to evaluate and refine our future working strategy, elaborate invoices and budgets, both as independent editors or as CEO at a videoedition farm (in both cases, it will be useful to count when Resolve has been left in the background of another application like an internet browser, or even Solitaire).
On any way, it will be easy to generate a "Project progress report" that can make an estimation of how much hours are left to finish the project, useful for projects budgeted by time or money, duration of timeline. Also adding a "stage splitter" on out project stats, can help to divide our progress on phases, so one can measure the time invested on secondary corrections asked by the client.

Very low preference request: For DaVinci Studio ONLY:
On the Deliver page, add a button called "Generate Invoice", or simply "Stadistics".
So while the computer is rendering, one can have fun printing and emailing an invoice to the client, see the detailed stats of the hours we've spent working on the project and save it to .xml or .csv a with a detailed table with stats of our work along the project. A generated invoice has the power to automatically calculate our Grand Total regarding hours per money, or money per hours with the information gathered from the new "Working Time Tracking Stadistics". Subtotal of color correction, edition, audio...hours split per timelines as option, to report our client in the style and detail he deserves. Simply add a dialog when generating the invoice with a field to input how worth is our time (in money, or karma, or love... that's currency, then tax), or how much you were paid to calculate how worth it was each hour. Davinci Resolve can integrate the tedious time we spend in MSWord issuing invoices for each full project.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:33 pm
by Gabriele Gelfo
already requested but probably Blackmagic programmers were distracted:

full 360°/180° video editing capabilities with vr headset monitoring and/or streaming on Oculus Go for realtime wireless preview.
Skybox uses the airscreen technology that can be implemented also in DaVinci Resolve Studio.
Playback of 4Kx4K videos is super smooth on 5GHZ wi-fi.

360° video is the challenge, celluloid is death and now it's the turn for cinemas too.
Home cinema is the present and VR is the future.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:00 pm
by JesusSheep
Support For BorisFX Mocha Pro And Mocha Inside of Continuum 2019 And Sapphire 2019.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:01 pm
by Oyvind Stiauren
We are using Resolve more and more as a tool for our final deliveries. So what we often do is importing the final reels of video and audio into a new project for mastering, edit the reels to a continuous video, adding slates, logos, synchronizing sound etc. It works great except for one thing. If the video master you have is already in a compressed format (say Prores 422 HQ), and your final delivery is to the same compressed format, Resolve will still recompress all the frames a second time, and in that process you will have some quality loss.

So what I am proposing is as long as the input codec equals the output codec, Resolve should have the ability to re-wrap all the frames back into a new self-contained Quicktime (or MXF, IMF etc). rather than re-encoding them. This, of course, only works as long as the frames are not being manipulated (with a color correction, text layer etc), but it still would save you some rendering time, but more importantly you would know that frames has not been altered in any way.

I do realize that Resolve was primarily just a color correction system, and in such a system it makes sense that all frames are being decodec and re-encoded, but now Resolve has such an incredible feature set and rightly it’s being pushed it as a complete finishing and mastering system. So I think a re-wrap feature would be very useful.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:34 pm
by waltervolpatto

360° video is the challenge, celluloid is death and now it's the turn for cinemas too.
Home cinema is the present and VR is the future.

I beg to disagree.
If you like to be alone and watching a video, please do.
I still enjoy going to a movie with popcorn and my 5yo daughter.

There where reasons why cinema won 120 years ago and not the edison kinetoscope, and sociality is one of them.

Also, there are literally millions of library hours on the hand of content provider, they are not going to go down easy.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:55 pm
by Robert Arnold
It would be lovely to have a keyboard command on the Color page for "Go to Next Ungraded Clip". I often find myself toggling back and forth between sorting for Ungraded Clips (to find ones that have been missed), then back to All Clips to have the context. "Go to Next Ungraded Clip" would be nice to have.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:07 pm
by waltervolpatto
Robert Arnold wrote:It would be lovely to have a keyboard command on the Color page for "Go to Next Ungraded Clip". I often find myself toggling back and forth between sorting for Ungraded Clips (to find ones that have been missed), then back to All Clips to have the context. "Go to Next Ungraded Clip" would be nice to have.

I kind of like it, i will add to have the behavior go both ways: even pressing backwards should jump to the first ungraded clip

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:26 am
by Dermot Shane
+1 for the ungraded clip option

another request for color -> Cmode sort to sort by file date then timecode
reason: i just finished a feature doco that shot over three years, useing C mode as it stands was pretty useless due to three years of overlapping timecodes

kb shortcuts for color -> clip-> slelect -> flags-> color would help, as would increasing the flag colors to match the options in clip colors
reason: this to get around the C mode thing a bit more elegantly, i ask an assistant to flag by year/month/whatever in the media pool, and i mouse to select flagged clips, then C mode.. kb shortcut would make this alot faster

and one more:
a kb shortcut to select all to get back to the full timeline
reason: i have a macro recorder trigger for "select all" and for "selected clips", i find them very useful, but the hassle of creating a macro to go through dropdowns is more than i care to take on... not everyone bothers to write macro's to replacate non existant kb shortcuts

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:58 pm
by Jim Simon
Hector Corcin wrote:If I forget...

I always find these requests odd.

"If I mess up, I want the software to do what I want, not what I tell it."

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:01 pm
by tomekm
UI changes to better support high res multiple monitors (4K).

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:42 pm
by JesusSheep
Add Nvidia and AMD Deeplerning Into Divinchi Resolve.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:04 pm
by Alexandre Westphal
JesusSheep wrote:Add Nvidia and AMD Deeplerning Into Divinchi Resolve.

And a shortcut to make a good coffee... clients will love it. :mrgreen:

But please, change the splashscreen. No more noodles !

Fairlight: paste contents inside a range-selected area

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:14 am
by studio1492
On Fairlight: Fill an area with pasted content.

The operation would be:
1]- Copy a clip or a range of a clip (CMD+C)
2]- Select the "Target" area by using the Range Tool, or the In-Out markers,
3]- Paste the content (CMD+V) trimming it inside the selected area only, leaving the unselected area unaffected by the operation.

The copy/paste operation will work as normal when there is not selected area after copying the contents, or when the In/out markers have not been modified after copying the contents.

This operation of selecting a range to paste may also move also the playhead to an area coherent to the wished operation, leaving the clipboard ready to be pasted inside the boundaries of the target area.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:16 am
by Zeb Chadfield
ProRes IMF support (SMPTE TSP 2121:2018 IMF Application DPP - ProRes), even if it's Mac only would be fine. Requests for this delivery format have already started to roll in.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:44 am
by bifericeras
Oyvind Stiauren wrote:So what I am proposing is as long as the input codec equals the output codec, Resolve should have the ability to re-wrap all the frames back into a new self-contained Quicktime (or MXF, IMF etc). rather than re-encoding them. This, of course, only works as long as the frames are not being manipulated (with a color correction, text layer etc), but it still would save you some rendering time, but more importantly you would know that frames has not been altered in any way.

I agree this would be great.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:56 am
by JesusSheep
Add 2060+ Deeplearning support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:25 am
by HobbyistMachine
JesusSheep wrote:Add 2060+ Deeplearning support.

Might as well add support for RTX and make everything in the scene reflective like polished chrome :lol:

But seriously, I don't think that's going to happen. What do you mean by deeplearning support anyways? Almost every device supports it, some are just faster at it.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:04 pm
by anikolic
I have a few simple requests that would help me with copying and pasting on the timeline.

Basically this is a hangup from me using Avid, and I guess others might disagree, but maybe there could be an option to choose between the behaviour you want.

In Resolve, when I copy a range, and then paste, the program insists on pasting all of the content that has been copied and will create new tracks to do this if I have purposefully switched off the auto track for some tracks. I would rather that it is only pasted to the tracks that have Auto track selected. Other content would be just ignored.

Also, at the moment Resolve has a command to switch on Auto Track for all audio tracks and a separate command for all video tracks. Could we have an extra command that works for all tracks (video and audio)?

Similarly command clicking on a auto track selector for an audio track switches off the auto selector for all other audio tracks, but I would like a way to switch off the video tracks at the same time.

Basically what I am looking for is behaviour more similar to Avid's copy to clipboard and paste from clipboard and it's Select all/Deselect all tracks option.

If people disagree and think that Resolve's way of copying and pasting is better, could you please let me know why you think that. It could be that I am just not getting the logic of it.


Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:44 pm
by Hector Corcin
Customizable startup splash screen.
There are two kind of software, the ones that let you customize the splash screen, and the ones that don't. One gives priority to the user who buys the software who can customize it to do whatever they need. The other lets the software company decide what is best for the user who buys the software. Some of them let you customize some basic keyboard shortcuts but that's all. Like an illusion.
The concept is deeper than that. So many software companies should have a look and learn from Cockos REAPER, which of course also let's you customize the splash screen with the logo of your studio or whatever you want.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:28 pm
by Diego Borghello
Version Tags by scene.

It would be nice to allow the use of tags in versions, which could be handy for setting up scenes. Changing the version of an entire scene by selecting a tag instead of going shot by shot and changing the version manually.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:22 pm
by waltervolpatto
Diego Borghello wrote:Version Tags by scene.

It would be nice to allow the use of tags in versions, which could be handy for setting up scenes. Changing the version of an entire scene by selecting a tag instead of going shot by shot and changing the version manually.

You van now settled c multiple shots and change them at once

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Peter Cave
Diego Borghello wrote:Version Tags by scene.

It would be nice to allow the use of tags in versions, which could be handy for setting up scenes. Changing the version of an entire scene by selecting a tag instead of going shot by shot and changing the version manually.

As Marc says, you can select a group of clips in the Colour page and change the grade version in one operation. I usually create a smart filter in the Clips menu on the Colour page, which is based on my Scene metadata in the Inspector which I enter from the shoot log notes.
Screen Shot 2019-01-24 at 3.37.59 pm.png
Screen Shot 2019-01-24 at 3.37.59 pm.png (162.82 KiB) Viewed 9422 times

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:44 am
by Levi3d

Import .eps/Illustrator as splines/shapes, and add the ability to extrude the shapes?

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:13 pm
by JesusSheep

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:00 pm
by Jonathan Happ
Linked timelines for indivual Language Versions

Don't know, if it's already requested, might even be possible, but not aware of.

I have projects with different languages. So I have for each language 1+ separate VO narration tracks plus the subtitles. And maybe Fusion Titles...

It would be great, if i could have interactive timelines, where i can mute specific tracks, but where i do have the same edit always. So, if i have later on changes, that the delivery of the language versions doesn't drive me nut, because i mix German VO, with Swahili Subtitles and English Fusion titles.... :-)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:30 pm
by Fred Rodrigues
JesusSheep wrote:Might as well add support for RTX and make everything in the scene reflective like polished chrome

But seriously, I don't think that's going to happen. What do you mean by deep-learning support anyways? Almost every device supports it, some are just faster at it.

AI will come for sure, and for noise reduction, it is looking pretty amazing and much less resource hungry than current methods ... atermarks/

I just tested out some audio noise reduction tools (that have parallel problems of artefacts) that use AI and they were pretty mindblowing.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:59 pm
by Nathan Morgan
Currently you can only import one subtitle file at a time through the Import subtitle dialogue.

It would be nice to be able to import multiple at once.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:08 pm
by Oyvind Stiauren
waltervolpatto wrote:
Diego Borghello wrote:Version Tags by scene.

It would be nice to allow the use of tags in versions, which could be handy for setting up scenes. Changing the version of an entire scene by selecting a tag instead of going shot by shot and changing the version manually.

You van now settled c multiple shots and change them at once

Changing version on multiple shots at the same time is a great feature. What would be even greater is if you could add a version to multiple shots in the same way.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:29 am
by waltervolpatto
Oyvind Stiauren wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:
Diego Borghello wrote:Version Tags by scene.

It would be nice to allow the use of tags in versions, which could be handy for setting up scenes. Changing the version of an entire scene by selecting a tag instead of going shot by shot and changing the version manually.

You van now settled c multiple shots and change them at once

Changing version on multiple shots at the same time is a great feature. What would be even greater is if you could add a version to multiple shots in the same way.

Yes you can

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:50 am
by Diego Borghello
You van now settled c multiple shots and change them at once

Except your versions need to live in the same slot, they need to be in the same order. Tags can free you of that.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:42 am
by waltervolpatto
Diego Borghello wrote:
You van now settled c multiple shots and change them at once

Except your versions need to live in the same slot, they need to be in the same order. Tags can free you of that.

Yes and no, versions in resolve are numeric, a tag write revert to a number.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:47 am
by Diego Borghello
Right, but the idea is that they don't, otherwise it's not a tag but just another label.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:15 pm
by Dermot Shane
Project manager -> archive;
could it be a background task, or a standalone app?
reason; currently i'm running an archive to a client's drive, the machine has alot of resources avb for other tasks;
CPU useage = 1%,
GPU = 0%,
Disk array = 2%,
clients drive = 99%

it will take several days to copy across the media, Arri RAW, feature film, about 11Tb

i can afford to tie up a machine for several days,t his is excatly why i have mutiple machines, but others may not have the same resources at hand...

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:58 pm
by mindgrenade
BATCH STABILIZATION. Just spent nearly 1/2 an hour stabilizing my clips (shot on gimbal but still have a little movement) when all of them had the exact same settings. You should be able to bring up a dialog or the option to add it to a queue, and choose perspective translation or similarity and it just does them all at once.

In my case, all of the clips were set at translation with default settings. Such a waste of time!

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:04 pm
by waltervolpatto
More batch operations in general: experts, conversions, stabilizations.

Make it queue list with priority where we can keep piling, organize, prioritise, save, load lists, pause, restart etc.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:07 pm
by waltervolpatto
Annotation, being visible and editable in color and farelight, and a toggle on/off for put it temporarily on main screen.

In color will be really hands to have the client see where we put it and what we want to do, then move over and go back later with precise instructions at your hand.

(I'm on 15.2.1, if anything changed in 15.2.3, disregard this post)

Full Screen Panel Toggle

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:31 pm
by gjhobbs
It would be great to be able to go full screen with panels with a simple keystroke (like "~" key in Premiere)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:44 pm
by Oyvind Stiauren
waltervolpatto wrote:
Oyvind Stiauren wrote:
Changing version on multiple shots at the same time is a great feature. What would be even greater is if you could add a version to multiple shots in the same way.

Yes you can

You are absolutely right Walter, by using the contextual right click menu, you can add versions to all selected clips. Thanks for that information. But I guess I wasn't completely wrong either. I've only tried to do this by using the "ADD VERSION" button the the Advanced Panels, and if you do that, it does not work. Only the current clip, not all selected clips, will have a version added to it. The strange thing is that toggling versions on multiple clips on the Advanced Panel works just fine. I guess we have another entry into the big book of bugs.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:54 pm
by waltervolpatto
Thanks for trying!

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:57 pm
by Dermot Shane
media pool;
a link-copy function;
link to media so we can start working with it imedatly
and copy it in the BG to a pre-defined directory (a NAS for me)
when the media is copied the software updates the link

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:08 pm
by Nathan Morgan
I can't believe this isn't already in the program so please feel free to reply and let me know if I am missing it, but it would be great to have the ability to subclip a sequence.

I know compound clip is similar, but the problem with compound clip is that you have to add edit points at the extents of what you want and it replaces the clips in the sequence with the compound. It would be great to be able to set an in and an out an have the program make you a new timeline based on those marks + active tracks while leaving the original timeline as is.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:22 pm
by Lucius Snow
Export in PNG with alpha layer.

A "pause" button when delevering.

A "clean" button to remove all unused medias.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:19 pm
by Nathan Morgan
It would be really great if there was a way to easily transfer multiple sequences between projects.

One idea might be to have a "send to" context menu that allowed you to select other projects in your database and place a sequence into that project. Dynamic project switching is great, but sometimes I need to send over multiple sequences and there does not seem to be an easy way to do that.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:50 pm
by Jim Simon
anikolic wrote:the program insists on pasting all of the content that has been copied

I think that is the way it should work. If you don't want something pasted, don't copy it.