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Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:17 pm
by Shrinivas Ramani
Piero, Joshua, exporting timeline clips to external audio processes is already possible.

Please take a look at the "Setup External Audio Processes" panel under DaVinci Resolve Preferences > System > Audio Plugins. Once an application or two have been set up, context click on clips in the Fairlight page to export, process and bring the clips back as a new layer.

Reynaud covers this aspect in more detail here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=81992#p454824

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:12 pm
by Jim Simon
VioletWolf wrote:The ability to save the project file where we choose on each project..

You can do that now from the Home screen.

It's not a bad idea for backups and archiving.

But I think the current Database method of project storage offers benefits that other NLE's like Avid and Premiere Pro can't replicate.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:12 pm
by PieroLass
Hi Shrinivas,
thanks for your suggestion but you mean I have to do this clip by clip, and after all that I have the same timeline with the same time code in pro tool???
After a quick test on this I was able to open a clip In a Daw, but not in Pro tool, but you can't do it with multiple clips, only one by one. I will do other tests with my sound editor but I feel this is not the way I dream about. Having to deal with feature film the idea to export to pro tools all the audio clip one by one seems like a nightmare. Please take a look at the way avid export an aaf to pro tools (link or embedded, with metadata), or premiere (wich anyway doesn't work with metadata!!) or even X2PRO for Final cut pro x, wich is very buggy but at least you are able to send to pro tools an aaf that works.
As a professional editor I work months on a movie, and davinci is almost perfect, and I need AAF only just one or two days...but when I need it I really need something that works in a resonable amount of time. Right now in my experience exporting AAF from da vinci is days of tests,export and adjustment of the result since there is a lot of missing stuff or out of sync, and I recive always lots of complaints from audio guys since metadata are not present(no tracks mic etc). I think if Black Magic design test the pro tools option or the avid option delivery in a real world situation (a feature film or a long form documentary for example…) tryng to go to pro tools ( that for the moment is the most common situation dealing with audio post production) can see the amount of problems that you have to face it and the lack of metadata that audio guys think are very ususefull (I m talking about professional cinema or tv world). Peter Chamberlain wrote in the forum that ale file brings the metadata, but after many test with avid media composer, to try to merge the ale with the clips from the aaf from davinci, i still don't know how to make this work. So I think a simple and realible option to export aaf to a daw, easy to see to everyone is the best thing I hope for Davinci Resolve to make this software safe to use by editors.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:06 pm
by VioletWolf
Jim Simon wrote:
VioletWolf wrote:The ability to save the project file where we choose on each project..

You can do that now from the Home screen.

It's not a bad idea for backups and archiving.

But I think the current Database method of project storage offers benefits that other NLE's like Avid and Premiere Pro can't replicate.

If they could add the ability to choose it would be great.
IE: When creating a new project a checkbox - "Project Files Location":
*Let Resolve Handle This
*Let Me Choose

Devs, I understand that that Resolve probably needs to sort files in it's own folder structure, but most DAWS simply handle this by having the program create them in the specified top folder. For example you create a folder for the song, then when creating the project in the DAW it asks where to save, and you point it to that folder. Then when you view that folder you will find "Audio", "Waveform Images" etc subfolders that the DAW has created for it's housekeeping.

I do understand that the professional community has the standard practice they're used to. But with the editor addition, Black Magic appears to be expanding the user base to us YouTubers and wedding folk etc. who will probably make up 98% of the user base once everyone comes over from Adobe, (and we are) so I see this becoming a hot topic.

I'm not asking to change it, just add the option to decide.

Hopefully we'll see something like this in Ver 16 which I'm very excited to have a look at :)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:26 pm
by Jim Simon
VioletWolf wrote:If they could add the ability to choose it would be great.

Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I would advise adapting your work flow. I did when I made the switch from Adobe, with no regrets or inconvenience.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:40 pm
by VioletWolf
Jim Simon wrote:
VioletWolf wrote:If they could add the ability to choose it would be great.

Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I would advise adapting your work flow. I did when I made the switch from Adobe, with no regrets or inconvenience.

I agree Jim. I'm in the process of "adjusting my thinking" right now lol.

But I thought I'd throw it out there. As Davinci continues to attract an ever widening user base I'm sure there are many like me that are editing on-the-go. I work at home, at my studio, and on a laptop on-the-run. So the workflow has always been grab the project file on the way out the door.

As of yesterday I've decided the advantages of using Davinci over Premiere (since CS3) outweigh the minor annoyances that I will get used to. Amazing app!

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:51 pm
by Tom Early
VioletWolf wrote:
Jim Simon wrote:
VioletWolf wrote:If they could add the ability to choose it would be great.

Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I would advise adapting your work flow. I did when I made the switch from Adobe, with no regrets or inconvenience.

I agree Jim. I'm in the process of "adjusting my thinking" right now lol.

But I thought I'd throw it out there. As Davinci continues to attract an ever widening user base I'm sure there are many like me that are editing on-the-go. I work at home, at my studio, and on a laptop on-the-run. So the workflow has always been grab the project file on the way out the door.

As of yesterday I've decided the advantages of using Davinci over Premiere (since CS3) outweigh the minor annoyances that I will get used to. Amazing app!

You can still export the project then double click to import it

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:39 pm
by Gary Hango
Isn’t it possible to select the location of a disk based database? Just create a new database for each project where you want.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:38 am
by Andrii Dovhyi
franciscovaldez wrote:
Jim Simon wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:i have to modify the timeline or the settings

Exactly. Keep those controls where they belong.

This would only make sense for my workflow, if I could at least have a different transform for monitoring and for output. As it stands now I monitor and do my main final delivery in P3, but have to constantly be exporting in Rec709.

A compromise could be to have separate settings for output and deliver (don't see why this option couldn't be in the deliver page), monitor as usual in P3, while exporting revisions in Rec709. Then at the end changing to P3 output for the DCP and then back to Rec709 for the rest of the deliverables.

So that's how it is for me. And always worried to forget to reset my settings for the next render, or worse do some color work while in the wrong color space.

Maybe someone can suggest a more practical workflow... But one that doesn't include making separate projects per color space.

I totally agree with that.
Moreover, due to the inability to override the color management settings for individual delivery, DaVinci remains the only one in the stall of losers.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:19 am
by Andrii Dovhyi
Jim Simon wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:i have to modify the timeline or the settings

Exactly. Keep those controls where they belong.

If you want to render HD project in SD, all you need to do is change the resolution in delivery not in the project settings.
And why is it so awful to be the next to able to change the output color space, which, like the resolution, will by default correspond to the project settings?

Let even in advanced, if it is so scary clumsy users)))

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:13 pm
by anikolic
Just came across this post from earlier in the thread and wanted to give it +1:

1. Toggle Timeline view between Program Monitor and Source Monitor

If we were able to view the source monitor in the timeline viewer we could be able to scrub and pinpoint our In/Outpoints with ease instead of performing this task in the monitor. Swap Timeline and Source Viewer only works when a timeline is loaded into the source and it is also a bit convoluted. The monitors do not need to be swapped. Only the timeline itself. When the timeline swap occurs, just changing the color of the play head would simply indicate "hey your looking at what is in your source now"

If you also added proper source/record side patching, you would have a killer product.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:25 pm
by Dermot Shane
my semi yearly request for mapping of surfaces.. this is how DS handled it,

a pop up menu, all balls, buttons, knobs, rings on the left hand side of the menu

3000+ paramiters on the right hand side... it's easy to map anything to anything in a session, just drag from the right hand side and drop on the left hand side

and fast to quickly revert back to default or a user defined setup using the load button at the bottom, many other software have similar functionality, Flame, Nucoda, Scratch, Baselight.....

controler 2.jpg
controler 2.jpg (125.41 KiB) Viewed 6876 times

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:30 pm
by Dermot Shane
Semi yearly request #2 - audio mapping in deliver:
Again from DS, this is a simple matrix router from timeline to deliver with option to set what is being monitored:
audio mapping 1.jpg
audio mapping 1.jpg (348.79 KiB) Viewed 6859 times

and another simple reliable mapping from input to export, this time in DCP-0-Matic:
audio mapping 2.jpg
audio mapping 2.jpg (164.38 KiB) Viewed 6859 times

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:21 pm
by Trensharo
Jim Simon wrote:
VioletWolf wrote:If they could add the ability to choose it would be great.

Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I would advise adapting your work flow. I did when I made the switch from Adobe, with no regrets or inconvenience.

I don't think moving to a non-database workflow would be a fundamental change in anything, and it's certainly worth pursuing. Options are a good thing, for everyone.

Store the settings in the Project File, and off you go.

Having to change the way you work just to fit to an outdated model based on a user working at one stationary location on a dedicated machine is an inconvenience. You may not mind the inconvenience, but that doesn't make it any less of an inconvenience.

Adobe isn't the only company that uses project files that aren't locked to the machine unless you set up an internet connected database server in your house to be able to access projects without endless export-import round tripping between desktop and laptop.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:23 pm
by Trensharo
I'd like Track-Level Video Effects.

Maybe this exist, but I haven't been able to find them (if so, please let me know)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:38 pm
by Jean Claude

Ability to export all projects one by one as .drp from a folder (1st project screen) in one request
(VS backup Database)

(I have folders that have more than 5, 10, 15 projects .... in differents versions) :oops:

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:05 pm
by Over Docker
I would like to request that the support be added, so that Dacinvi supports decoding / encoding h264 / h265 with AMD cards.

Clip selection issues/request

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:08 pm
by Tyler Purcell
-EDIT- this issue was fixed in 15.3! Sorry !

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:54 pm
by Adrian Mcyorian
Well my sugested "improves" or changes on edit UI

can you spot UI changes? squared stile and more little changes.

Well... Debranded tools Fusion tab is now "post" and Fairlight tab is just "audio" the only brand is DAVINCI RESOLVE and BLACK MAGIC

-New Timecode style and Time for in, out and selected region
-Buttons for global disable Tracks options
-More visible tracks color
-Now Tracks support FX / OFX and audio plugins.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:04 pm
by Adrian Mcyorian
dont forget to right click on ui to "view image fill size"

i know im very OCP with UI, but i´d like more effective space and some of this changes... soon my suggestions on color tab. and name the power windows "MASKs"

thnx all of you guys ... and sorry for my poor english

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:59 am
by Seth Goldin
Trensharo wrote:Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I think you might be underestimating how deep the database architecture goes. Creating a disk database as an option itself is quite an engineering achievement.

Really though, just take the time to learn how to configure and manage the PostgreSQL databases. It's superior in every way: speed, stability, collaborative workflow, and remote rendering. It's definitely a steeper learning curve than just having a .prproj file, but it's well worth it.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:28 am
by MikeMeagher
Single click of a media file in the EDIT page, and it does not update the focus to that newly selected file. I wish it did. A double click is required to change the focus of a media file in my bin.

I wish that this focus behavior was identical to selecting files in MEDIA page. When I'm in the MEDIA page, I can single click on a video file to select its focus, then single click the viewers PLAY button, or hit the space bar, or use J,K,L to play the clip.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:38 am
by Trensharo
Seth Goldin wrote:
Trensharo wrote:Certainly no harm in asking, but...I strongly suspect moving to a non-Database work flow would be a fundamental change that may not be worth pursuing.

I think you might be underestimating how deep the database architecture goes. Creating a disk database as an option itself is quite an engineering achievement.

Really though, just take the time to learn how to configure and manage the PostgreSQL databases. It's superior in every way: speed, stability, collaborative workflow, and remote rendering. It's definitely a steeper learning curve than just having a .prproj file, but it's well worth it.
There is no learning curve.

I'm not setting up an internet facing server on my desktop workstation. That's absolutely out of the question.

The database has literally (not figuratively) no benefits to me. Zero. It's just a pile of inconvenience/workarounds.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:08 am
by Adrian Mcyorian
two weeks ONLY working with RESOLVE without any adobe software... audio, comp, edit, color... text...
learning fast but notice something that result uncomfortable or even anoying!

-Try to unify Fairlight and Edit hotkeys!
-If two or more clips are selecterd and you make an operation over one of selected ( volume, move, strecth, riple etc,...) all selected clips must obey that operation!!!

i love Resolve and Fusion, But fairlight uhhhhh. is too far to be fast and comfortable to work complex audio sesions.
hopefully Blackmagic take a look on "Cocoks Reaper" thats a really powerfull DAW. i`d love audio tab could be a choice and open Reaper instead Fairlaight (i like walk on mud)

Great work guys... love davinci.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:37 am
by Trensharo
Ask Reaper developers to implement native AAF support. Round tripping is not hard if the DAW supports the necessary interchange formats. Everything needed for this is already implemented in Resolve.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:39 am
by VioletWolf
Trensharo wrote:Ask Reaper developers to implement native AAF support. Round tripping is not hard if the DAW supports the necessary interchange formats. Everything needed for this is already implemented in Resolve. AATranslator apparently works quite well for round trip with Reaper but I've never tried it.

I've been a music producer for 35 years and can agree Reaper is the best DAW out there. Black Magic should steal as much as they can for Fairlight :)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:48 am
by Adrian Mcyorian
... I've been a music producer for 35 years and can agree Reaper is the best DAW out there. Black Magic should steal as much as they can for Fairlight :)

I`be been Audio producer for 21 years (radio broadcast and Music Producer) worked with, Protools, nuendo, logic, Audition, Dalet, Adas, and today the power of Reaper is Absolute!

BMD. buy cockos! hahahahahaha integrate reaper into Davinci! all of you will know how fast and powerful is this Software!

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:10 am
by Shrinivas Ramani
Ray, you have a few options... the recommended method is to keep your database in a location that you can access from all your workstations - this can be a disk-database (just a network folder or a folder on your USB drive) that you can point your project manager to, or a PostgreSQL database over a network.

If you have even the remotest chance of it being open simultaneously on multiple machines, I would recommend using the PostgreSQL database for integrity of data.

If your work is linear - i.e. you always know which version you're working with and are ok rendering and tracking versions manually, you can archive your project from the project manager... this consolidates your project metadata and media and saves them in a single folder. You can then copy this archive and restore it in other DaVinci Resolve installations as needed. If you prefer not to copy media, just export the project as a drp file into your location of choice. Apart from relinking your media (pointing it to the right media folder path), the drp will serve the same purpose.

Lastly, also look up the Media Management section in the manual - it allows you to copy/move/transcode your project media - with options to grab only the used media sections, or all of them or even per-timeline, allowing you to manage projects in progress easily and transfer between workstations.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:53 pm
by DomR2019
Hi All,

So excited by downloading and starting on DaVinci Resolve free version. I have been reviewing manual and You Tube gurus to get best out of equipment - I have HP Envy Laptop, Windows 10, and Logitech Pro HD C920 WebCam.

I have been able to start projects using a variety of media but DaVince will not open or recognize MP4 video files recorded with the Logitech and no error or information messages.

It will visualize stock video files, audio and finished MP4 files already edited in MS Photo editor.

What files or settings do I need to access MP4 video files captured with the Logitech ?


Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:14 pm
by SteveMulcahy
My three Linux centric requests:

Give us the option to use FFMPEG in lieu of an OS level decoder so we can import h.264 footage in the free version.

Fix USB mic issues. Blue Yeti works fine in Audacity, but not in Resolve.

Hire Daniel Tufvesson to make an official .deb version ;)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:25 pm
by roger.magnusson
Australian Image wrote:The other reason why I'd like to do it this way is so that I don't have to keep all of my files, even the junk parts. I'd love to just be able to save the edit itself, including edited files, so that I then would have a clean compilation. This is akin to culling RAW photo files that are unusable. This would save a tremendous amount of storage space.
That's precisely what Peter meant. Take his advice word for word, that feature is already available under Media Management. :)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:28 pm
by Gary Hango
Australian Image wrote:Haven't gone through all the posts, so maybe it was mentioned and I'd like to add another vote if it has.

I'd love to have the option to save project data in the folder where the RAW project files reside, rather than in a common folder stored separately. I store all raw video files in their individual folders based on project names, this includes photos when applicable.

Capture One, my photo processing software has this option and it just make moving finished or partly completed projects to different locations a lot easier, as everything is in one place. I don't do any sort of collaboration, so I'm the only one accessing and modifying files.

You may have missed my post above, but what it said is you can create a new disk database for every project, placing the database at any location, including the drive your source files are on. An added benefit of this is the database won’t get bloated with hundreds of different projects and any accidental corruption of a database won’t affect other projects.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:40 am
by VioletWolf

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:37 am
by VioletWolf
Australian Image wrote:Holy crap! Do you really have to go through all of that for each new project?


Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:51 am
by Gary Hango
Australian Image wrote:Holy crap! Do you really have to go through all of that for each new project?

If you want your project database in the same location as your source files, yes. It's not really that much more work.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:18 am
by Adrian Mcyorian
Australian Image wrote:
Gary Hango wrote:
Australian Image wrote:Holy crap! Do you really have to go through all of that for each new project?

If you want your project database in the same location as your source files, yes. It's not really that much more work.

Overall it can be quite painful. First, you have to remember to address all the points mentioned in the video and go through quite a number of steps, then you have shut down and restart Resolve and rinse and repeat for every project.

OH HELL YEAH!!! We need options!

I cant figure doing those steps on every project!... so many clients wants all your project stuff in one folder or disk... and this method is really really tricky.. Personally, I prefer options.
One that tells me that I can use a single folder for each project and another that uses the database and lets fill the hard drive with files that we will not use again or simply garbage that is heavy and we do not even know its existence

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:00 am
by Jack Swart
It's not quite the answer you are looking for BUT...

I export a .drp project file at the end of each day.

This single file contains everything needed to recreate your project.

Quick and easy and can be saved anywhere you desire...Even with your media.

Mostly small enough to email as well.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:29 am
by Dermot Shane
i export a DRP several times a day... fast, easy and safe as safe can be

NAB - 2019 | Major Feature Upgrades

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:23 am
by gauravkieten
Hey all, I am starting this threat to invite the major feature upgrades you all think will be announced in Resolve 16 (if it will be there) at NAB 2019.

Feel free to give out guesses. @Peter I know you are reading this, at least give us some hints at what to expect? ;)

Cheers. :D

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:05 pm
by Alexandre Westphal
- No more advertising on the studio version's startup windows (or at LEAST something less ugly). Pretty easy to do I guess. Because unless the purpose is to make the client laugh at the sight of some lady eating noodles, it is mostly counterproductive.

- and on the UI side : the possibility to set more precisely the brightness of the interface (in order to go darker in the color tab). Pretty easy too I guess.... or at least a darker version of the global interface.

- of course, improving the mapping functiuns for all surfaces as Dermot suggested would be awesome but I guess that will never happen...

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:24 pm
by Tom Early
Alexandre Westphal wrote:- No more advertising on the studio version's startup windows (or at LEAST something less ugly). Pretty easy to do I guess. Because unless the purpose is to make the client laugh at the sight of some lady eating noodles, it is mostly counterproductive.

speak for yourself, I think they are awesome, much better than the bland offerings some other companies go with. I'd only hope that they add more/update the current pictures now and again. Maybe change up the main background colour so it's not blue every year.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:47 am
by Alexandre Westphal
Tom Early wrote:
Alexandre Westphal wrote:- No more advertising on the studio version's startup windows (or at LEAST something less ugly). Pretty easy to do I guess. Because unless the purpose is to make the client laugh at the sight of some lady eating noodles, it is mostly counterproductive.

speak for yourself, I think they are awesome, much better than the bland offerings some other companies go with. I'd only hope that they add more/update the current pictures now and again. Maybe change up the main background colour so it's not blue every year.

Hey Tom,
Let's forget about taste and aesthetic considerations, but to me it is more a matter of principle : I pay for the soft (I'll be ready to pay more and I did in the past when it was a thousand dollars), I pay for the panel and for all the hardware needed to get a proper system (decklink and converters)... I don't need any add to tell me how good is the BMPCC to film a noodle bowl (and BMD doesn't too really). There should be a difference there between the free and the studio version IMHO. The software has to speak for itself, not because it is a part of a big family of cameras, panels, and all that hardwares that comes allong. But yeah, I speak for myself there. ;)

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:33 pm
by qnstie
I know most of DRS users will probably see it as a lame request, but I would really love to have better support for video transitions. I often make movies for my family in Resolve, which will never win Academy Award, but could be so much easier to assemble if the tooling was slightly better. I suppose that there are now (with growing popularity of Resolve with such noobs as I am) more and more people looking for that too.

My requests/suggestions are as follows:

1. Please make a generic "Matte Transition", which would allow selecting any given matte as a source. There are thousands of nice mattes available online (like RampartDesign), why not allow editors to reuse them in a simple way in the edit window (without all the hassle of Color tab to do such a trivial thing)?!

2. Please support a generic "Fusion Transition".
The idea here is to be able to create and simply reuse transitions created in Fusion, for different clips.
I suspect that this may be more tricky, but maybe not. I found a number of great transitions distributed as .settings files to be dropped in Fusion (typically on a Fusion Clip) which work great. It would be so much easier, if instead of cutting the clips, creating a Fusion Clip and then adding a transition from file, one could simply select a Fusion Transition from the Effects Library!

Thanks in advance!


Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:40 am
by Tom Early
qnstie wrote: I would really love to have better support for video transitions

it's already got Star Wipe, everything else is redundant

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:23 am
by xunile
qnstie wrote:I know most of DRS users will probably see it as a lame request, but I would really love to have better support for video transitions. I often make movies for my family in Resolve, which will never win Academy Award, but could be so much easier to assemble if the tooling was slightly better. I suppose that there are now (with growing popularity of Resolve with such noobs as I am) more and more people looking for that too.

My requests/suggestions are as follows:

1. Please make a generic "Matte Transition", which would allow selecting any given matte as a source. There are thousands of nice mattes available online (like RampartDesign), why not allow editors to reuse them in a simple way in the edit window (without all the hassle of Color tab to do such a trivial thing)?!

2. Please support a generic "Fusion Transition".
The idea here is to be able to create and simply reuse transitions created in Fusion, for different clips.
I suspect that this may be more tricky, but maybe not. I found a number of great transitions distributed as .settings files to be dropped in Fusion (typically on a Fusion Clip) which work great. It would be so much easier, if instead of cutting the clips, creating a Fusion Clip and then adding a transition from file, one could simply select a Fusion Transition from the Effects Library!

Thanks in advance!


2. You can sorta do what you are asking already. You can create a Transition in Fusion, then you can make it into a Fusion Title for drag and drop use on the Edit tab.

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:10 am
by qnstie
Interesting trick, I admit (thank you).
Unfortunately, unless my lack of experience did not prevent me from seeing the obvious, this could be useful for very specific transitions only.
I tested it and a transition saved as a macro in Fusion/edit/titles folder does not seem to be able to handle any inputs (to be more specific - the "MediaIn1" node) and therefore it is not possible to anyhow modify the input clip. All what such macro renders once inserted as a title is a red "Media Offline" warning.
I can understand that, because the title macros are supposed to be rendered on top of the footage and the only interaction between them and the clips is the composition mode (which sadly does not even allow applying the title as a mask as far as I can tell).

So the only transition possible to create in this way is a "cover the whole clip with something" type, which not very useful (quite similar to adding a pre-rendered transformation on top of the clips).

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:27 pm
by Tom Early
qnstie wrote:Interesting trick, I admit (thank you).
Unfortunately, unless my lack of experience did not prevent me from seeing the obvious, this could be useful for very specific transitions only.
I tested it and a transition saved as a macro in Fusion/edit/titles folder does not seem to be able to handle any inputs (to be more specific - the "MediaIn1" node) and therefore it is not possible to anyhow modify the input clip. All what such macro renders once inserted as a title is a red "Media Offline" warning.
I can understand that, because the title macros are supposed to be rendered on top of the footage and the only interaction between them and the clips is the composition mode (which sadly does not even allow applying the title as a mask as far as I can tell).

So the only transition possible to create in this way is a "cover the whole clip with something" type, which not very useful (quite similar to adding a pre-rendered transformation on top of the clips).

have you tried using a replace edit within the fusion clip?

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:48 pm
by qnstie
Tom Early wrote:have you tried using a replace edit within the fusion clip?

AFAIK (and as far as I tested it :) ) you cannot replace anything in a fusion macro once it is saved as a title template. Which is exactly the reason why this "title" trick does not help much.

That is why I would so much like to have a proper "fusion transition".

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:55 pm
by waltervolpatto
Tom Early wrote:
Alexandre Westphal wrote:- No more advertising on the studio version's startup windows (or at LEAST something less ugly). Pretty easy to do I guess. Because unless the purpose is to make the client laugh at the sight of some lady eating noodles, it is mostly counterproductive.

speak for yourself, I think they are awesome, much better than the bland offerings some other companies go with. I'd only hope that they add more/update the current pictures now and again. Maybe change up the main background colour so it's not blue every year.

I would like a change in that:
Out of the box it does show blackmagic images
There is a "client folder": if I populate that, it will load those images instead.

Would it be nice I'd I can show images from my projects in startup?

Re: DAVINCI 16 | Big feature request list.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:41 am
by Alexandre Westphal
waltervolpatto wrote:
Tom Early wrote:
Alexandre Westphal wrote:- No more advertising on the studio version's startup windows (or at LEAST something less ugly). Pretty easy to do I guess. Because unless the purpose is to make the client laugh at the sight of some lady eating noodles, it is mostly counterproductive.

speak for yourself, I think they are awesome, much better than the bland offerings some other companies go with. I'd only hope that they add more/update the current pictures now and again. Maybe change up the main background colour so it's not blue every year.

I would like a change in that:
Out of the box it does show blackmagic images
There is a "client folder": if I populate that, it will load those images instead.

Would it be nice I'd I can show images from my projects in startup?

A big +1 !
Even if it comes with Resolve's logo automatically (but nicely) watermarked on my own project pictures coming from that folder.