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Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes?

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 12:38 pm
by Michael Moore
I bought few day ago a 32" monitor because many people say that for UHD 27" its not enough. Until now i use a 27" monitor and for my eyes the difference from 27" inch to 32" inch its huge and I can't get used to it. I want to find advice from a 32" monitor owner. What is your safe distance to work all day to a 32" monitor?What is the secret to work day by day in health for eyes with a 32" monitor?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 12:41 pm
by Jim Simon
I sit 18" to 24" away.

Having said that, one should be taking 10 minute breaks every hour to avoid various ills. Stop looking so close and for just a bit, look at things much father away, preferably outside when possible.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 1:16 pm
by Michael Moore
I stay already at more that 27 inch (68 cm) away from my 27" monitor. Then i may to stay more that 32 inch (81 cm) away from my new 32" monitor? Its a formula between monitor screen size and eyes safe distance? I also start using low blue light function. At 4 level (max low blue light function) all is very warm and my eyes get tired fast. Level 3 is more tolerable for my eyes.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 2:45 pm
by mpetech
The ideal viewing distance for UHD with 32" panel is about 1m.

You don't want to strain your eyes. Fine details should be comfortable to see. Brightness and contrast should be calibrated properly.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:20 pm
by Michael Moore
All of you use a 32" monitor for video editing and color corrector? Its just my impression that a 32" monitor could damage more the eyes that a 27" monitor?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:58 pm
by Jim Simon
The monitor itself won't 'damage' your eyes. Nor does 'blue light'.

It's the closeness of the looking over long periods of time that has a deleterious effect, but even that is on the 'psyche', not the eyes. You get the same effect reading a book for eight hours.

Hence the regular breaks to focus on things farther away for a bit, to look out at the world.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:25 pm
by Andrew Kolakowski
It's better when you ave GUI monitor and bigger TV which is further away.
Without any thinking you will be focusing between those 2 which helps a lot. Biggest problem is focusing for 8h at the same screen (distance).

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 7:50 pm
by Wouter Bouwens
Jim Simon wrote:The monitor itself won't 'damage' your eyes. Nor does 'blue light'.

It's the closeness of the looking over long periods of time that has a deleterious effect, but even that is on the 'psyche', not the eyes. You get the same effect reading a book for eight hours.

Hence the regular breaks to focus on things farther away for a bit, to look out at the world.


I am an optician and I can tell you a monitor or viewing distance will not damage anything, nor will "blue light" from a monitor. What will happen is seriously fatigueing your eyes because they have to converge and focus on a short distance if you dont limit your time behind a monitor and/or take regular breaks.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:59 am
by Roen Davis
I am 60 in a few months.
I grew up being told that if I watched too much TV or sat too close to it I would go blind.
(We all know blindness is caused by something else anyway!)
I started working as a trainee editor in 1981 and since then I have sat in front of screens of one type or another for up to 24 hours a day. My eyesight has deteriorated in parallel with my peers who did not spend hours a day in front of screens. In fact, I think that my eyesight is modestly better than many. I need glasses for focusing closer than about 10cm.
An anecdote from 1 does not make good research but when I look around at the people I have worked with over nearly 40 years, they are much the same.
I think "going blind" is a bogey man, wheeled out by parents concerned with children and screen time...
The old "stop it, you'll go blind!" strategy.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:03 am
by Dan Sherman
here is a calculator that 'helps' you optimize viewing distance based on screen size and resolution. I say helps as it assumes 20/20 vision and a fixed 70 degree field of view.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:07 am
by Uli Plank
I'm older and I'm sitting comfortably around 70cm away from my 27" screen with 5K.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:57 am
by Marc Wielage
Roen Davis wrote:The old "stop it, you'll go blind!" strategy.

Can I just do it until I need glasses?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:42 am
by Gary Hango
Marc Wielage wrote:
Roen Davis wrote:The old "stop it, you'll go blind!" strategy.

Can I just do it until I need glasses?
...or get married?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:27 am
by SylvestCorp
I have a 43” 4k philips momentum i use as dual 1920x2160 or 4x1080p. Much better than a dual screen setup.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:05 pm
by Dan Sherman
SylvestCorp wrote:I have a 43” 4k philips momentum i use as dual 1920x2160 or 4x1080p. Much better than a dual screen setup.

A coworker of mine had a setup like this that he let me tryout, and I hated it. It felt like sitting in the front row at the movie theater.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:26 pm
by dariobigi
Gary Hango wrote:
Marc Wielage wrote:
Roen Davis wrote:The old "stop it, you'll go blind!" strategy.

Can I just do it until I need glasses?
...or get married?
Where is everybody?... it’s so dark in here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2020 10:26 am
by Michael Moore
Uli Plank wrote:I'm older and I'm sitting comfortably around 70cm away from my 27" screen with 5K.

I 'm 45 years and me too sitting comfortably around 70 cm (aprox 27") away from my 27" UHD monitor. At what distance must to stay away form my new 32" UHD monitor?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:04 pm
by Michael Moore
Why a 27" monitor its not ok for UHD and a 32" monitor is? How many of you work every day at 32" monitor and do you fatigue yours eyes?

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 11:27 am
by emteepee
Michael Moore wrote:Why a 27" monitor its not ok for UHD and a 32" monitor is? How many of you work every day at 32" monitor and do you fatigue yours eyes?

I use a 32" 4K monitor viewed at 70cm for at least 8 hours a day (with breaks!!). I have no problems at all using Adobe apps, Word, CorelDraw and the dozens of others that I use - but DVRS always gives me eye strain because UI contrast is so low and text size is so small.

I'd love the ability to adjust the UI palette to suit me and this should be relatively trivial (depending on how coherent the software structure is). Changing font size is likely to a little trickier, but should be do-able if the will was there.

"The usually-touted relationship between viewing distance and screen size arises from watching TV screens in the early days, when the distance was calculated to provide the best balance between the screen and artefacts. It lost some of its relevance with digital TV - although there is still a (somewhat variable) relationship between visibility of artefacts and how big the screen appears to your eyes (image compression systems make some assumptions on the viewed image size to conceal artefacts).

"Computers are a different matter, and ideal distance must take into account different factors - the most important of all is your own personal natural/comfortable viewing distance. If you're too close or too far, you will cause eye problems (note I say "problems", not "damage"!) because the eyes are having to permanently adjust their accommodation more than they would otherwise do. How much this affects you depends on age - and eye accommodation drops dramatically from about age 10.

"Another important aspect is how much your eyes/head have to move to view things at different parts of the screen. This strains the eye (and sometimes neck) muscles and also, on a big screen, the eye is constantly having to refocus.

"The eye's ability to refocus largely depends on your age and the contrast of the image, which is why small and low-contrast text is very bad. A properly-designed UI will allow the user to make adjustments, especially if it is dark as depth of field at low brightness is severely reduced, making eye accommodation work even harder (that's why you're advised to use a decent light when reading)."

The above is extracted from something I wrote a few years for a software company.

Although my honours degree is in psychology, my career was in broadcast media, but with a lot of experience in software design (including as editor of a computer magazine for a while), and I now do a lot of voluntary video editing. I also worked as an occasional consultant on a couple of UI design projects (including one military), with advice from two professors of ophthalmology.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 7:01 am
by Marc Wielage
Gary Hango wrote:...or get married?

Already married.

I'm generally about 7-8 feet away from a 55" display at work, and I think that works pretty well. I do take a break about every 4 hours and use eyedrops when necessary.

Re: Safe distance from a 32" monitor to avoid damage my eyes

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:15 am
by Michael Moore
Many people tell that for video editing at UHD resolution 27" monitor its not ok because at 27" the pixel density is 163 PPi. At that destiny it can be hard to see edge details without zooming in. At 32" ppi drops to 137, so it's better. I have until now 2 PC, connected at one single monitor. PC nr 1 with UHD resolution is connected with Display Port for editing and color grading. PC nr 2 with full HD resolution is connected with HDMI and used for office work. My desk work is 70 cm long. I spent already a lot of money in a Asus PA32UC but for my eyes firs impression is that is too big at 70 cm distance. My old monitor is a Dell P2715Q and with 27" screen size i am more comfortable at 70 cm distance. What to do?