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Canvas/viewport size in Fusion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:30 am
by birdus
I have an image (a map) that's about 4k x 4k. I want to animate a path that goes from the top to the bottom. I will start by showing the top of the map, but as the path moves towards the bottom, I will gradually move the map upwards until revealing the bottom of the map as the animation arrives at the destination.

I can't figure out how to make this work. I know how to animate a path. I just can't get the entire path to show up on the map, and then move the overall map+animation. Seems like it shouldn't be that difficult. Any ideas?


Re: Canvas/viewport size in Fusion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:21 am
by xunile
You can start by adding your map to the timeline. Then you can set your Project Settings>Image Scaling to Center Crop With No Scaling. When you switch to the Fusion Page, your image will be full size. You can then add a Background node, make it transparent by setting its alpha to 0. Connect the Background node to the Background input of a Merge Node, then connect your MediaIn1 to the Foreground Input. Set the size of your Background node to 1920x1080 or whatever your final project dimensions are. Add a Transform node after your MediaIn1 node. You can then use the Transform control to move your map around and only a 1920x1080 size part of the map will show at any one time. You can then add a Paint node after your MediaIn node and paint your path. You can keyframe its Write On parameter to draw your path.

Re: Canvas/viewport size in Fusion

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:10 am
by birdus
Thank you so much, Eric! That worked perfectly!!!
