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Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 2:29 am
by TCP786
I didn't think it was possible to move the input nodes around in the node tree on the color page, but somehow I just did and I can't figure out how. I've wanted to be able to do this for a while anyway, so can anyone tell me what I accidentally did so I can do it intentionally in the future?

Re: Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 2:33 am
by TCP786
Update: this looks like a bug, but I hope they never fix it. Haha. If anyone wants me to describe how to do it, let me know.

Re: Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:10 am
by TheBloke
Is it a bug? I can drag them easily, you just need to drag in the right place. It won't move if you click and drag on the coloured circle (green or blue), but if you click on the little rectangular surround it moves fine.

Re: Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:15 am
by TCP786
I'm still in 17.2.2, but assuming it isn't a new feature, that doesn't work for me. They also reset to their original positions if I go to the edit page and back.

Re: Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:19 am
by TheBloke
I can get them to move easily, but yes they do reset when going back and forth to Edit.

Re: Move color page input nodes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:37 am
by TCP786
Oh, turns out I actually can move them, but it's a bit of a pixel hunt. A lot of places I try to click are either unresponsive or just start a connecting line as though I started from the circle (I haven't been able to get it to move yet by clicking above the circle, for example). But if you're supposed to be able to move them, it's weird that their positions aren't saved the same as other nodes. That's actually the reason I thought it was a bug in the first place.

Ok, I just need to take a minute to appreciate this moment as the first time I've ever experienced something with a piece of software that I first thought was a feature I already wanted and didn't know existed, then concluded it was really a bug that looked like the feature I wanted, only to find out it was actually the feature I wanted, just with a bug that made me think it wasn't a feature. I never thought I'd write out a sentence like that because it was actually describing something real. Haha.