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Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:41 am
by TCP786
I have some keyframes on a node in the color page that all of a sudden started changing the values instantaneously on the last keyframe instead of easing between the two keyframe values. To my understanding, this is essentially the behavior of a static keyframe rather than a dynamic one, but right clicking the keyframes and selecting "change to dynamic keyframe" isn't solving the issue. Any ideas? Could this be a bug? (I'm still using 17.2.2, by the way.)

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:46 am
by TheBloke
If the keyframes are dynamic, the values are changing smoothly. But the UI doesn't show it.

Unlike other pages and other software, the Color page doesn't update its UI for interpolated keyframe values. So you only see the correct value on frames where there is a keyframe, and just have to assume it'll be interpolated in-between.

From the manual (p2843):

You know something's poorly implemented when even its own manual causes it 'confusing'.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:27 pm
by TCP786
Well, I mean, I'm also seeing the image not change at all until that one last frame, so regardless of what the UI is showing, it's still changing on the last of the two keyframes.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:32 pm
by TCP786
Hmmm. It started working again when I disconnected that node's alpha input. Is that a bug or can certain (all?) parameters not be animated with keyframes when using alpha input or something?

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:46 pm
by Mike C Bonner
I also had this issue a couple weeks ago.
In my case I was trying to keyframe the keyer output, to reduce the effect of both a qualifier and a circular power window in the same node.
Instead of smoothly turning on and off like a dynamic keyframe, it flashed on and off like static keyframe.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:53 pm
by TCP786
Hey Mike,
I realized that for me, what happened was that the key input's "matte/mask" button was keyframed for some reason, though it was very unclear as to what the issue was, let alone why it happened. I don't remember pressing it, but I'm pretty sure I used the automatic keyframing mode to make my changes, so maybe it was a bug having to do with changing parameters on the same page? I only found it through what should have been an unnecessary amount of scrutiny, but I think it's ambiguously grouped in the "Color correct..." keyframe track. (I'm assuming that's just "color corrector", but even though I have plenty of screen space I can't widen the track names column at all apparently.)

Essentially what was happening was my key was inverted until the second keyframe, so my smooth changes technically happened correctly, just only to the parts of the image I didn't care about, and then it switched on the last frame to the affecting the part I was trying to use the power window on.

Long story short, if you're running into the same thing, check to see if that button get switched on the single keyframe where all the changes appear to be happening at once, and if so, enable auto keyframing, put the play cursor on the other keyframe and toggle it to match. I'm kind of curious to see if this is the same issue you're seeing, so if you feel like it, let me know if this works for you when you get a chance to try it.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:32 pm
by Mike C Bonner
Thanks Cody,
I never thought of checking the invert button.
I wanted to investigate further and post a possible bug report, but since I was up against a deadline before leaving for a holiday trip, all I did was restart the program. And, since it didn’t solve the problem, I just found another way of doing it, and shipped the video.

I’ll keep that in mind the next time i see something like that.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:01 am
by Sunlit777
TheBloke wrote:
You know something's poorly implemented when even its own manual causes it 'confusing'.

That kind of sucks, I could not believe the parameters were not animated - coming from Final Cut Pro where all the wheels and numbers turn to show the intermediate values between keyframes!
This is one of the worst drawbacks of Davinci vs other editors. How on Earth are you supposed to edit in-between the key-frames if you want to add an additional point of correction?

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:02 am
by mastix
Ok It just happened to me too . It happens when you drag the playhead through the keyframe window. Suddenly, before the keyframe change adjustment you can see the abrupt change. I got confused by that. But if you actually play the video, you don't see that abrupt change.

It would be amazing if you could drag the playhead through the keyframe window and actually see the change in real time. Unfortunately this is not the case.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 12:30 pm
by Steve Alexander
I get the feeling that keyframing on the color page was never fully thought out, however, for simple stuff it works quite well. Maybe someday we'll see support for keyframing in color and edit that rivals the capabilities in the Fusion page. Hard to imagine how the UI will accommodate this but one can hope.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:24 pm
by DuncanMcMillan
Also, a reminder that as of 18.5 beta 4, the colour warper still doesn't work with dynamic keyframes (all dynamic keyframes just act like static ones), despite being out for nearly three years.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:29 am
by idotal23
I'm in the same boat, no response from the keyframes. Only jumps between values when it reaches the keyframe and it looks like the dynamic keyframing just acting like the static ones, very frustrating.... Completely stuck here.

I'm on version 18.1.3

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:10 pm
by mastix
Davinci Resolve Keyframing is not very intuitivel. You have to get the grip of it. Let me explain. If you create a keyframe at one point YOU HAVE TO create another keyframe with a slight change in another point of the timeline.

Always think of them as two different points in time with different values to both (not just one)

Let me put an example I was having problems with. Imagine a tilt up shot where the exposure is different of the ground to the one of the sky. As it slowly tilts up and reveals the sky I need a gradient windows with a curve that compensates for the different exposure in the sky.

What I was doing wrong was going to the last frame where all the sky was revealed, marked a dynamic keyframe, applied the power window gradient with the change of exposure (with a curve adjustment) then I went to the first frame and selected that frame and created a dynamic keyframe. This was a failure as even with the keyframe marked as dynamic(right mouse click) the change in exposure of the sky was abrupt in the last frame, acting like it was a static keyframe.

For the transition to work I have to create a dynamic keyframe when the sky appears with the power window and an exposure adjustment and then do the same with the last frame. Then it works.

I guessed wrongly that as I was applying a dynamic keyframe at the end frame in the first example and then telling the first frame to act also as a dynamic keyframe it was all going to transition slowly from the original expoure to the desired exposure only in the sky in the last frame. It did not.

Always create two keyframes with different values for whatever change (and of couse mark the keyframe icon) .

I was confused by the fact that I needed to tell the program the ending result and I thought for the starting point would be enough to just point out it was the starting keyframe. It was not. Always create at least two keyframes with different values (power windows, color,exposure,....)

Somehow I do not like the way keyframes are presented and taken care in Davinci but once you get used to it, it works alright, but I think the visual presentation and the way it works could be really improved.

Re: Keyframes not easing between values (color page)

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2024 11:50 pm
by Peter McLennan
I'm attempting a fade from full color to monochrome over a duration about one second. If I implement this with pair of dynamic keyframes linked to a simple change in saturation from 100% to zero, it works fine. The fade from colour to monochrome is gradual.

But I don't want to simply decrease saturation, I want to simulate the effect of a red filter on BW film. Near-black skies, in other words. I need to dial the blue input to near zero.

If I do this using the RGB mixer and the "monochrome" checkbox, dynamic keyframes effectively become static keyframes and the color change effect is instantaneous. Not what I want at all. Nothing I've been able to discover will change this behaviour.

The UI still displays the ramp icons between the keyframes indicating dynamic keyframes, but they no longer work as dynamic keyframes.

Is this a "me" problem? Or a DR problem?