If you prerender that mask and read it in in Fusion you can use that mask for doing things, masking areas of interest to exclude them from tracking for example. But tracking a mask itself isn’t that useful in most cases, except when it is for example an object moving over bg where similarity of bg or some other factor confuses regular tracking methods. In that case tracking a high contrast mask image itself can work better.
I have a small bird flying through the frame. Planar Tracker and Tracker in Fusion can't follow it. On the color page the Magic Mask follows it perfectly, so I want to use that track to do a locked on stabilization which I think requires Fusion. I can export an alpha of the color page track. Now how do I get this into the timeline and use it to do the stabilization?
Alpha mask is not a track. There is no tracking data. Best you can do with it is run regular tracker over the mask image and track the high-contrast shape.
Yes that is what I meant to do. I rendered the alpha channel from the color page, added it to the media pool, added it to the timeline above the original clip, tracked that in fusion, now struggling with how to end up with a locked on stabilization of the original clip.