Resolve 18 and Postgresql 13 for QNAP

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Bob Zelin

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Resolve 18 and Postgresql 13 for QNAP

PostSun Jul 31, 2022 5:32 pm

Hi -
I have been doing PostgreSQL installs on QNAP all through Resolve 17, using PostgreSQL 9.5.4 without issue. When Resolve 18 came out, it required PostgreSQL 13, and my methods were no longer working as before on the QNAP. I found a wonderful article on this very forum from 2021 by Andy Dopierski, but I found some minor issues with the install with the new QuTS operating system and Container Station on the QNAP.

This is Andy's original article -

These are the changes that I made to make this work for me. It's all based on Andy's wonderful original work. I am making the assumption that you are running a late version of QTS or QuTS 5.0 firmware on the QNAP.

You should be familiar with the linux vi or vim program to make changes in some of the lines of code. Vim is not difficult - if you are going to put the effort out to do this, should should spend an hour learning some of the basics - like the i key is for going into insert mode, the ESC key gets you out of insert mode, and :wq! lets you save the file. Anyway - here we go -

Install Container Station on the QNAP, and launch Container Station

Click the Create button on the left column

In the upper right corner, click +Create Application

In the lower left corner, select PostgreSQL in the Sample dropdown window

You are no in the YAML window - make these changes -

Line 5 - the default shows 11.5, change this to 13 (this is for Postgresql 13)
Line 8 - replace with the IP address of your QNAP 10G port. Mine is, so
the line should look like this -
Line 12 - POSTGRES_USER = postgres (change it from qnap_postgres)
Line 13 - POSTGRES_PASSWORD = DaVinci (change it from qnap_postgres)
click Validate YAML
click CREATE

Click the Overview tab on the top left
click the Arrow Head icon next to postgre:13 (not edhong)
click the Terminal logo (>_) to the right of postgres:13
Enter /bin/sh (type that in)

You are now going to install VIM (the text editor) - type this into terminal
Apt update
Apt install vim
Y (that is YES when it prompts you).

We are now going to edit postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf
you will use vim to do this (put that effort out to learn vi or vim - you don't need much education here)
type this in
cd /var/lib/postgresql/data
vim postgresql.conf
ensure that the line
listen_addresses = '*'
is in this file. If its not hit that i key for insert, and type that in. When you are done hit ESC
save the file with :wq!

ok - one more -
vim pg_hba.conf
at the bottom of this file, add these 2 lines of code (hit i so you can type) -
host all all md5
or whatever IP address you use for your QNAP that will house the postgresql database
host all all trust
save it with :wq! (hit that ESC key to get out of insert mode before you type in :wq!)

Reboot the QNAP

now when you open Resolve 18, and click on Project Libraries> Network
you "Add Project Library"
name: this is your Resolve 18 database name (so don't forget it !)
Location: this is the IP address of the QNAP, not - so type in your IP - mine is
User Name: postgres
Password: DaVinci

In Resolve, don't forget to click on File> Multiple User Collaboration

that's it. It works.
Is it easier to just get a cheap Mac Mini, and use Resolve 18 Project Server, instead of going thru all of this - YUP ! Is it easier to just use Blackmagic Cloud for $5.00 bucks - YUP !

Bob Zelin
Bob Zelin


  • Posts: 2
  • Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:57 am
  • Real Name: Jack Wallace

Re: Resolve 18 and Postgresql 13 for QNAP

PostTue Aug 09, 2022 4:13 am

What do I need to modify if I want to allow connections to the database from several different 10G ports on our NAS?
We have 2 workstations connected via their own 10GbE and a 1GbE connection to the rest of the network.

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