Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:41 pm
In theory there is a workaround, but in practice it doesn't always work well. And there may be some underlying reason why you're losing the links, which this operation may not cure, even if it does work.
Make sure you have at least one verified backup of the project before you try this one. And confirm that “Auto conform clips with media added into Media Pool" is selected in general preferences (if not, that could be your problem).
Delete all 2000 clips in the media pool (from the media pool; NOT FROM THE DISK). Now right-click the timeline icon in the media pool, select timelines, select import, select additional clips with loose file names and navigate to the folder (or folders, if you have to perform this operation more than once) where the clips you just deleted from the media pool reside. And select. And hope for the best. Sometimes this works, sometimes it misses more clips than it finds, for no apparent reason, as all the clips are undamaged and in the right place.
Before attempting this one, you'll want to satisfy yourself that you've found the right menu options, which you can do before you delete the clips.
Note that you can undo the entire operation, including the deletion of the clips -- though I've never tried it with 2000 clips. You might want to try it first on a more limited basis, to observe the results.