Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

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Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 1:45 pm


I am surprised that this Basic Important Idiom is not settled yet.
It is becoming frustrating.. similar to programming without subroutines, modules and libraries.

I have seen some posts related to this, here and on the net.
But they are not answering how to do this, in a direct, precise, reliable manner.

I have tried all kinds of methods from here and the internet.
They do not work, failing in many different ways.
But I do not want to digress into diagnosing and fixing those.

I would appreciate if some one can share a simple reliable proven procedure for Creating a Fusion Composition, Saving/Exporting it, and reusing in other projects -- without having to do anything (hacks for fixing media references, or other adjustments).

Here, for a concrete context. Say the fusion composition has 3-4 media items (images and videos) that are transformed, color corrected and merged to create a Video. I would be using it as opening and/or closing clips in my YouTube videos.

Thanks in advance



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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 2:48 pm

In fusion you can go to File - Export - Fusion Composition. This saves the fusion composition. Then, in a new project you can import the file by going to File - Import - Fusion Composition.

This works well enough for my uses and rarely run into media unlinking. If it does, maybe consider using a Loader node instead of a Media In node.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 3:03 pm


Thanks for your quick response outlining the procedure that works for you.

Just to be sure... I am using fusion in Davinci. Not the Standalone Fusion App.

Is this the way you are using it?

FYI, I have tried this before. The Media Links (even though they are fully qualified paths in the *.comp file) are lost when I import the *.comp in a different project.

I have also tried disconnecting the arc to the Media Out node in the Fusion composition, exported it (not sure where the Save is..) and when I import it in a different project, some Media pointers work and others break. Very perplexing.

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 3:19 pm

A few options you can explore:

Exporting / Importing Fusion Comps:
As Boosuf mentioned, with a Fusion Comp open go to File > Export > Fusion Composition.... You can then create an empty Fusion Comp in a new project and go to File > Import > Fusion Composition... and any media referenced will also be imported into the Media Pool. This only really works with MediaIn nodes that reference a Media Pool source as opposed to a Timeline source though. This means don't create your Fusion comp on a media clip in the timeline but rather create an empty Fusion comp and bring in your media from the Media pool to build out your comp.

Using Power Bins:
You can drag a Fusion comp from the timeline into a Power Bin and you'll be able to use it in other projects. There's a big catch with this method though, any media that's referenced won't automatically import when you drag that Fusion comp from the Power Bin into a new project. There's two ways around this:

1. Use Loader nodes instead of MediaIn nodes like Boosuf mentioned. These nodes will reference the media directly on disk as opposed to a media item in the media pool. This gets wonky with H.264 files and some other file types, so it's best to use image sequences.

2. Keep all the used media for that Fusion comp in a bin, and then put that entire bin and Fusion comp in your Power Bin. Then, when in a new project, just drag that bin with all the media and Fusion comp out of the Power Bin and into your Media Pool.

Fusion Generator Templates:
You can save any Fusion comp as a generator which will show up in the Effects panel on the edit page. I've done this before for intro and outro graphics that are used often. With this method, you can just drag the generator to the timeline and edit it like any other clip, but it allows you to further edit the Fusion comp by clicking on the Fusion icon in the inspector. And you can even expose specific node controls from the comp on the Edit page for quick fixes. This method will also need to use Loader nodes instead of MediaIn nodes as it won't automatically import the referenced media.

Here are some videos about creating Fusion Templates:



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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 3:31 pm

philipbowser thanks a million for the detailed note outlining the steps/approaches.
Will test them out soon.
Will watch your videos as well.

How do I give your post a Heart?

Just have one question:

Whenever I create a New Fusion Composition I always get a Panel to the effect Select the Folder and ensure that permissions are enabled.

What User is it using, and What Folder is it Talking about?

It always rejects any Valid Folder I select (enabled with Permissions, even for everyone).

br Sri.
BTW I am using Davinci on Mac M1 Mini Latest OS.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 4:15 pm

I've never seen that when creating a new Fusion comp. How exactly are you creating a new Fusion comp? Can you provide a screen shot?


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostMon Jan 08, 2024 7:28 pm


I will capture the screen shot on Mac where I use Davinci and post it here as soon as possible.
Right now I am on my Windows Machine!!

Thanks for your wonderful thoughtful help.

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostTue Jan 09, 2024 3:57 am

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.55.11 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.55.11 PM.png (50.58 KiB) Viewed 4443 times

Hiccups every step of the way.
Cannot easily capture a screen shot and paste it here.
Too Big..
So I will hold off on that.

I enabled to Show Power Bins. SUCCESS.
In the Powerbin I created a New Fusion Composition. SUCCESS.

Now I drag that Powerbin into Time line. ***

I get a Popup Panel to the effect:

Grant Access to Folder?
If your drive is listed in Preferences, Media Storage, Select the Folder to Continue.

Obviously I pick the SELECT_FOLDER
Now which Folder should I be selecting?
Does not matter which Folder I select I keep getting the Same Panel (Loop)
The folders I am selecting are listed in the Preferences and Media Storage.

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostTue Jan 09, 2024 4:04 am

Instead of dragging the New Fusion Composition from the Media Pool to the Timeline,

right click on the New Fusion Composition ->Insert Selected Clips to the Timeline

The earlier Panel disappeared.

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostTue Jan 09, 2024 4:30 am


. .Using Power Bins:
You can drag a Fusion comp from the timeline into a Power Bin and you'll be able to use it in other projects.

2. Keep all the used media for that Fusion comp in a bin, and then put that entire bin and Fusion comp in your Power Bin. Then, when in a new project, just drag that bin with all the media and Fusion comp out of the Power Bin and into your Media Pool.

drag a Fusion Comp into Powerbin?
put the entire bin in your Powerbin?

Can you clarify the mechanics of doing this.
The procedure is clear but I am lost in the mechanics.

br Sri.

I did create a special Bin LogoBin with media and the fusion composition.
It is sitting under master.
I am at loss as to how to move it under Power (up a level).
I do not see any menu for creating a bin under Power. Only under Master.

When I go to another project I am not seeing my LogoBin???


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostTue Jan 09, 2024 5:00 am

I found that Master under Media Pool and
Master Under Powerbin are not the same. Though they have same names.
Why create such confusions.


I created a Fusion Comp with all the media in


I saved the project.

Tnen I dragged MyLogoBin to

PowerBin -> Master ->

Now the fusion Comp along with the Media is all in that PowerBin->MyLogo Bin.

Save the project and close the project.

Open a new project.
The Power Bin has
PowerBin->Master->MyLogobin -> (my fusion and media components)

I click on MyLogo Bin
The contents show in MediaPool area under Master??

I put the fusion composition into the timeline and Play it.

Open it in Fusion Page.
It has only one element MediaOut.


Just do not know what is going on..
Why things that are so simple and logical do not work and are becoming idiomatic..

br Sri.
P.S. I am posting all these for everyones benefit.. Such a basic function is riddled with baffling failures.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostThu Jan 11, 2024 9:01 pm

To be honest, I'm not sure that I'm following all the problems you're having. DaVinci Resolve is really advanced software and there are a number of things that could be causing your issues. Some more advanced training may benefit you. Fusion is also its own beast, and its integration with DaVinci Resolve has a lot of quirks that are continuously being worked on.

Perhaps you can solve this by simplifying the process. Does your Fusion comp need to change with every video? If not, just render it out and use that render as an intro / outro instead. If just the text needs to change, then render out the background video or any other consistent graphics and then add custom text for each video.

If your graphics need to change with each video, then as mentioned before you can export and import Fusion comps. To do this, create a new Fusion comp by opening the Effects panel and dragging a "Fusion Composition" from the Effects category into your timeline. Create your graphics in that composition, bringing in any media you want from the Media Pool. Once you're happy with how your comp is looking, go to File > Export > Fusion Composition... and save it in a place that's easy to find for future projects.

Whenever you want to re-use that graphic, drag a new Fusion Composition from the Effects panel into the timeline again, open it in the Fusion page, then go to File > Import > Fusion Composition... and choose that .comp file that you previously exported. This will import any referenced media into the currently open bin in your Media Pool.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostFri Jan 12, 2024 6:56 pm


Thanks for your continued attention and diligence on this thread. I truly appreciate it.

Having said that, I come from a different perspective -- having spent 40+ years in the academia and industry advancing Software Engineering, Technology and Products -- and even now spending of time firsthand engineering.

Compromise of Rigor, User Empathy, Social Responsibility even with basic things is at the root. Even for a free product, as developers behind it are almost always admirable dedicated engineers.

The issues are much more pronounced as Larger number of Users embrace and invest their precious life time using and helping with the product evolution. Many of them are highly capable in their domains, and can learn technologies, frameworks, and tools from other domains pretty fast. Except when it requires "Reading the Creator's Mind".

Advanced, Complexity, Training are pure deflections. My favorite quote to my students, engineers and managers - "What is arithmetic to a quantum physicist immersed in Complex Partial Differential Equations? if they find issues with your product welcome them and listen".

Thanks also for suggesting other ways to get around. But this Create, Save, Load of Fusion Composition is too foundational to be rife with issues and needing "walk the thin edge" style of idioms. Though I have still not stumbled on that think edge where I can get things to work.

Four years ago, I fully embraced Davinci Resolve for many exciting reasons and I am happy for it and remain a loyal champion user. But why such basic issues remain in the product escapes me. Users are also responsible if they do not express their issues strongly -- but embrace hacky-idioms.

I am still hoping that I am wrong on my side and doing a misstep. As environmental issues can be formidable to diagnose and fix. But not yet seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel !

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostFri Jan 12, 2024 8:56 pm

I totally appreciate your perspective, thanks for sharing. Simplicity should definitely be a focus for even the most complex operations.

That said, Resolve is currently very complex, and that's probably not going to change any time soon. So in the meantime training is our best tool to achieve what we want with this software. There's definitely lots of room for improvement though, and if you have a good idea for how a feature can be improved I encourage you to make a Feature Request with a detailed description of how you think that feature should work.

Feature Request Sub-Forum

As for current solutions to your current problem, did you try my previous suggestion to export Fusion comps using File > Export > Fusion Composition...? Where specifically did it go wrong? Perhaps try a test with a very simple Fusion comp, importing a single piece of media from the Media Pool then exporting the comp and importing it into a new project. Does it bring in the referenced media to the Media Pool? If so, then work your way up from there to determine where exactly in your Fusion comp you are experiencing issues.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostFri Jan 12, 2024 11:57 pm


Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I am happy that we are on the same page.

As you suggested, I will write a feature request (fix the bug, doc and more) asap.

I want to first get this "Reuse Paradigm" fixed, some way or other, so I am better organized for using reusable building blocks - and avoid creating things every time.

I will carefully repeat the procedure you had outlined, slowly and carefully, and hope for the best - that whatever is causing the issues VANISH and I can then figure out what it was.

Thanks also for the Videos - they are very good. Not sure if it is your channel. Kudos if it is you.
I am going to try those procedures as well. Hopefully those steps do not turn out to be a "Garden Path" (for unknown reasons) and run into the same issues, I am facing.

br Sri.


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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostSat Jan 13, 2024 3:23 am

A lot of the problems that Resolve has are an integral part of its history. It started as a color correction standard used and admired world wide. It then became more flexible by adding additional modules edit, Fairlight, etc. This was accomplished by purchasing that capability by buying it from someone else. The implications of that are many.

Each module’s software development were done by different software teams with different standards and an architecture that was not designed for integration with anybody else’s code. A rather minimum effort was given to fixing the most vital links, but nothing was totally rewritten to fit into any integrated framework, including the basic resolve color correction.

To rewrite all of these modules from scratch to a common architecture is a huge effort, and would come at the cost of not adding any new features, or patching existing bugs. The result of doing this would result in a new entity riddled with new bugs and lacking the functional maturity of what exists for many years.

From the perspective of many years as a Director of Software Engineering, few companies can justify that massive investment from a commercial entity.
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Sam Steti

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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostSat Jan 13, 2024 10:46 am


First, I confess I didn't read the whole thread :oops: Sorry then if the answer has be given here but :
1/ learn how to make some and make macros
2/ alternatively, have a look to what's connected to a .setting file, which may be very handy too
Have a nice journey in Fusion ;)
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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostTue Jan 16, 2024 4:11 am

Sam Steti

Thanks for posting your thoughts.

Sorry to disagree with you. I am neither condescending or questioning your wisdom.
The following is also not directed at Davince Resolve Product or the Team, but is only about your statements.

You are just arguing in favor of "rigor compromise and shamelessly transferring costs over to users" and making dubious justifications and arguments with the facade of "fashionable self-serving economics" which is counter to serving society responsibly and ethically. I will leave it at that and we can continue over PM.

Sam Setti:
I have rigorously tried everything and have written about them in my earlier notes.
Using Templates and Macros is shifting the focus from the original succinct definition of the original objective - "Create/Save/Reuse" of Fusion clips. I do not know the subtle semantic differences between these terms in DaVinci Resolve, but will find out soon.



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Re: Creating, Saving and Reusing Fusion Compositions

PostWed Jan 24, 2024 3:26 am


I don't believe Dave1943 is arguing in favor of anything, but rather providing a pretty factual, historical context for the situation we find ourselves in. DaVinci Resolve did start out as a color correction platform. Blackmagic did purchase existing software from other companies and bundle them together. To rewrite all of this software from scratch to be better integrated is a huge effort. An effort that Blackmagic has simply chosen not to do in favour of allocating resources towards new features and much needed bug fixes. Those are just facts, not arguments.

I get that you don't like it, and you don't think Blackmagic is being 'socially responsible' for not rewriting their software on a timescale that suites you, but no amount of idealism is going to help you get the job done today.

I re-use Fusion comps in DaVinci Resolve every day. And while I agree there's always room for improvement, it is still very possible to do and not at all too complex for someone who understands how to use the software. I've outlined a method previously which should only take about a minute or two of your time to test and see for yourself. The process is about as close to 'Create/Save/Reuse' as you can get and hopefully it's ethical enough for you.

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