« Layout presets » Keyboard Mapping Shortcuts Issue

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vincent pierre

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« Layout presets » Keyboard Mapping Shortcuts Issue

PostWed Sep 20, 2017 1:31 pm

Object : « Layout presets » Keyboard Mapping Shortcuts Issue


First : a lot of thanks to the team for your incredible work on DaVinciResolve. DVR14 is an amazing release ! Best regards from France.

At the end of my message : my system configuration.

Now this is the report of my issue. (I can recreate the issue systematically)

- Note : i'm french, sorry for my bad english. -

1. i have created two Layouts Presets « layout preset A » «layout preset B»
2. i want to create shotscuts to switch between the two « users Layouts Presets »
3. the issues :

i go to DaVinciResolve>Preferences>KeyboardMapping> ,
i create a new set « NEW SET TEST », ( using «  save as » because there's not « new » )
after i search the command workspace> layout presets> « layout preset A » >load preset> 
i double click on the shortcuts, i assign for exemple « 1 », i save.

issue A
When i re-open the keyboardmapping, my shortcut does not appear: it has disappeared

issue B
the same for the layout «layout preset B»

issue C
new test : i create the shortcuts using key “1” for « layout preset A »
i go to >« NEW SET TEST »( my user SET) search “shorcut” and i put “1”
the key “1” is assigned for
workspace>primarydisplay>display 1
workspace>primarydisplay>display 2
workspace>« layout preset A »>load preset
workspace>« layout preset A »>update preset
workspace>« layout preset A »>export preset
workspace>« layout preset A »>delete preset

note :
i can assign a key to “fullscreen” without any problem.

AND sometimes ( depending of the scenario of previously test )
issue D
i can assign in the same time “davinci resolve>about davinci resolve” and “file>capture” to F1 key without any error message.

issue E
if i assign to « layout preset A » any F “key” ( F1 F2 F3... F5... F12) , DVR14 tell me : F “key” is already in use by DVR

issue F
after this issue, if i want to assign another value : “1” for exemple, it continue to tell me : F “key” is already in use by DVR


Name : Vincent Pierre
Da vinci Resolve
Computer : HP Z400 Workstation / bios 3.57
proc :Xeon L5630 @2.13ghZ
ram : 24 Go
os win :7 x64 pro sp1
gpu : nvidia gtx 750
video monitoring : Black Magic Intensity Pro (PCI-E) using hdmi output and analog audio output.
screen : 2x27inches – 1920x1080 native résolution
audio : m-audio delta44 (PCI)
hdd : system on ssd + video files on raid0 array.

French fully happy Da Vinci Resolve user
edit : Win7x64 | HP Z400 Xeon L5630 | 24 Go | GTX 750 | Intensity Pro
shoot : Canon 700D (H264 24P) | Tascam DR60 mk2
prod : short film & experimental video


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Re: « Layout presets » Keyboard Mapping Shortcuts Issue

PostSun May 26, 2024 11:02 am


In DaVinci 19, there is not keyboard shortcut available for workspace layout, any clue on how to add a keyboard shortcut for a workspace layout as you did?

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Re: « Layout presets » Keyboard Mapping Shortcuts Issue

PostMon May 27, 2024 4:21 am

Moulaythami wrote:In DaVinci 19, there is not keyboard shortcut available for workspace layout, any clue on how to add a keyboard shortcut for a workspace layout as you did?

As far as I know, there's never been a keyboard shortcut to jump from one layout to another. What might be possible with a 3rd party keyboard macro program would be to literally have the cursor jump up to the Workspace menu, slide to the right to Layout Presets, and then choose a specific custom preset you created. It would take some work to do, but it's possible with the keyboard macro programs I've used in the past.

I think it might be a pretty good Feature Suggestion to have a "Toggle Custom Workspace Presets," but we don't have that at the moment.
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer • AdvancedColorTraining.com

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