Stereoscopic 3D alignment for offsync media ( left-right).

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Stereoscopic 3D alignment for offsync media ( left-right).

PostTue Jul 10, 2018 6:57 pm


This question has been four years un-resolved :-) , does anyone if current of newer versions of Resolve will fix this issue ?


Clyde Dsouza wrote:Hi,
I registered for the express purpose of trying to un-ravel a mystery pertaining to Stereoscopic 3D syncing of clips.

I'm not a colorist but work as a stereoscopic adviser. I recently had to assist in stereoscopic conform and the studio I visited has a fullblown Davinci resolve 11.

The colorist imported left and right clips on the timeline, but then we found out that in several clips one camera started recording about 22 to 23 frames earlier.

The thing that puzzles me, is I assumed, that Davinci would have one of the fancy "shuttle rings" assigned so that one could jog through the left or right clip on a time line and manually sync up the two camera's footage.

NO such facility exists! Am I missing something here? or is DaVinci?
I'm not looking at folder level "timecode offset", I'm looking for a way to do this:

1) Go through the process of combining left-right clips as stereo clips
2) Putting stereo clip on the timeline
3) choosing either left or right clip - and using a control or key-press to step through the frame to visually "line up" or align the correct frames so that left and right eye are now in sync.
4) Re-coupling the stereoclip to now start synchronized


1) Putting left and right clips on two rows on the timeline
2) using a 50% opacity on the top clip so that both clips now show/
3) jogging / shutting either clip to match any frame mis-sync.
4) once visually confirmed that frames are in sync, then join both left and right as a stereo clip

Anyone out there know of a way to accomplish this?
I'd hate to take Red footage into premiere CC simply to align them then spit out an EDL for Davinci to later do geometry / color matching in steresocopic 3D.

looking forward.
Kind Regards/


Re: Stereoscopic 3D alignment for offsync media ( left-right

PostFri Sep 21, 2018 7:33 pm

I know this is months late - but yes, there is a option for this.

When you've combined two Left and Right clips into 1 stereoclip, the controls are [ctrl+alt+<] and [ctrl+alt+>] to adjust stereo sync in the EDIT and COLOR windows.

You can switch to Stereo SideBySide view and see the sync being adjusted.

Adjusting to a slate works best of course, or a VFX flash works fine as well.


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Re: Stereoscopic 3D alignment for offsync media ( left-right

PostSun Feb 20, 2022 2:09 am

Does this still work in DaVinci 17 ? And in the MacOS version? Because I cannot see any effect pushing those buttons on my 3D footage!
Please advise...

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