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We Suck Less offline alert!

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Pieter Van Houte

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We Suck Less offline alert!

PostSun Feb 25, 2024 7:11 pm

This email is being sent to inform you that your site steakunderwater.com has been identified as a cause of instability on your shared web server.
To prevent your site from causing service issues for other users, we've had to temporarily disable it by renaming its directory. You can re-enable it by changing it back to the original directory name.
Please do not re-enable your site until you've had a chance to investigate and correct this issue. If your site continues to cause instability for other customers, we may be forced to disable it in a more permanent manner until we're able to verify that the issues are resolved.

This is a first for me from my host and I’ve asked them to investigate while I’m literally on a train right now to catch an 11 hour flight.

Thank you all for your patience while i’m doing what I can. Looks like WSL is about to outgrow its trusty server on the eve of its 10th (!!!) anniversary.

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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostWed Feb 28, 2024 12:10 am

WSL is back online! With caveats…

I can’t see anything out of the ordinary in the logs, neither has anything changed so I’m waiting for their support to tell me what exactly the problem is.

Let’s hope they don’t take it offline again, usually they let me know beforehand when anything weird happens…
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostFri Mar 01, 2024 1:59 am

So I seem to have been able to establish that it wasn't WSL causing server instability or capacity problems, but WSL is offline again... :(

I've been chatting with support for literally 4 days now and they still can't tell me if I need to switch servers because support is not allowed to tell me the maximum capacity of a shared server, but it's at the same time up to me to determine if I need a VPS or not :roll:

Plus people need to stop using ChatGPT to write support emails.

I mean this is ridiculous:

Thanks for replying.

In addressing the recent site disablement, I wanted to shed light on the
process involved. Notifications are typically dispatched at the moment of
site deactivation, albeit contingent upon the circumstances. In your
case, the heightened traffic, among other contributing factors,
precipitated server instability. Regrettably, preemptive communication is
not always feasible; however, instances where consistent issues are
observed prompt proactive user outreach.

Regarding your inquiry about preemptive resource allocation, our protocol
necessitates user-initiated contact in the event of site-related
concerns. While we extend technical hosting support, proactively
mitigating hosting issues falls within the purview of the account
administrator to maintain site health and preempt potential disruptions.

Concerning your observation on email notifications for support replies,
the absence of real-time alerts within the panel is by design.
Regrettably, our system does not furnish notifications for incoming

We've received the screenshots you provided, for which we are grateful.

I will now proceed to close this support ticket, though do not hesitate
to reach out should further assistance be required.

Warm regards,
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostFri Mar 01, 2024 7:54 pm

Maaaan this sucks. Sorry about this everyone.

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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostFri Mar 01, 2024 9:35 pm

We Suck Less online again!

I've decided to migrate WSL to a private server to avoid this in the future. This particular downtime, that started yesterday (!), was due to the server's script request queue becoming clogged up which can be solved with a simple restart, which I can't perform myself on a shared server.

The previous downtime turned out to be caused by (an)other site(s) but WSL was also flagged as requiring resources (duh) so they disabled multiple domains as a catch-all. This won't happen with a private server either.

So there you go everyone, bear with me as I'll be migrating probably over the next couple of days and don't hesitate to support WSL either by direct support on Patreon (links in my signature) or stream my music on Spotify or elsewhere:

https://open.spotify.com/artist/2edfLzu ... CfAxV8vpEg

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Rick van den Berg

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostSun Mar 03, 2024 7:53 pm

Thanks for replying.

In addressing the recent site disablement, I wanted to shed light on the
process involved. Notifications are typically dispatched at the moment of
site deactivation, albeit contingent upon the circumstances. In your
case, the heightened traffic, among other contributing factors,
precipitated server instability. Regrettably, preemptive communication is
not always feasible; however, instances where consistent issues are
observed prompt proactive user outreach.

Regarding your inquiry about preemptive resource allocation, our protocol
necessitates user-initiated contact in the event of site-related
concerns. While we extend technical hosting support, proactively
mitigating hosting issues falls within the purview of the account
administrator to maintain site health and preempt potential disruptions.

Concerning your observation on email notifications for support replies,
the absence of real-time alerts within the panel is by design.
Regrettably, our system does not furnish notifications for incoming

We've received the screenshots you provided, for which we are grateful.

I will now proceed to close this support ticket, though do not hesitate
to reach out should further assistance be required.

Warm regards,

I love these kind of emails :roll:

May i ask what hosting provider this was? Then i know which i should avoid :D
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostSun Apr 07, 2024 8:06 pm

Rick van den Berg wrote:I love these kind of emails :roll:

May i ask what hosting provider this was? Then i know which i should avoid :D

Hey Rick,

It's Dreamhost - I've been with them since 2006.

Please don't see this event, however frustrating it was, as a reason to avoid them. Frankly they've been terrific for 99.9% of the time, and we're also running www.realmfx.com on them. So far all on shared servers - nope, haven't transitioned WSL yet - which is impressive for a forum with that many custom features.
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: We Suck Less offline alert!

PostTue Apr 16, 2024 4:32 pm

In fact, I even put a referral link on my site for anyone looking for a host:

https://www.steakunderwater.com/wesuckl ... 669#p41669

no one ever signed up through that link but hey, who knows.

For reference, I've been updating WSL and adding lots of new features and it's still running on a shared server. Until I get some more Patrons it will stay that way too.
Support We Suck Less on Patreon -> https://www.patreon.com/wesuckless


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