JimCricket wrote:The Adjustment Clip is new to me, and I found it and tried it. And that is certainly promising ....BUT.... I quickly discovered that it applies itself to all the tracks below it. What I'm trying to do is make specific and different color changes to different tracks. So it would be useful if I could apply it to just one track below. (Or even better choose how many tracks below it that I want to affect.) Possible?
You can use reference fusion composition, you can use adjustment layer, you can use compound clip for example, if you don't want the first two. You can select all the clips you want to adjust in fusion the same way, and right click, make a compound clip, which essentially creates one clip with them all stitched together, so maybe you can to copy them as a duplicate first for easier way to get back to original. You can always decompose the clip but you will lose the fusion effects, so its good to make a duplicate first before making a compound clip. Once you have made such a clip open it in fusion and apply effect you want to all of them.
If you are interesting in color grading individual clips, I suggest you do it in color page, which as the tools and everything you need to do it quickly, easily and with lot of flexibility. Fusion is not ideal for that that kind work.
In the color page you have access to everything, literally with a click of a button. Middle mouse click is what can be used to copy grades from one clip to the next. Super easy and quick. You have thumbnail view and mini timeline in the color page so you can copy it bellow tracks, above track and anywhere you like. There are all kinds of version and groups you can make for bulk work or versioning. You can create complex and simple node trees and save it as power grade (still) and apply them across projects or timelines or clips. That would be the best appraoch. For compositing work and special tasks , use fusion, for color grading use color page, editing edit page, audio farillight page etc. They are all in the same program.
It is also possible to make fusion macros as DRFX files, which are just packaged fusion macros so they can be used as drag and drop, simplified effects on the edit page. Its extra work to set it up and generally if you are used to fusion its not really needed, but if you want to have fusion like macros on the edit page, it is possible.