HAMCORE wrote:I don't think I understand how I would use the camera separate from the one that is rendering it.
Well, you can have multiple cameras in the scene, depending on what you need.
If you have ever used camera for projections of images onto 3D geometry and another camera for viewing or flying trough the projected scene.
Or if you used 3D camera for stabilization, which can be really good. Where you do 3D tracking, than you solve and export the scene, you than duplicate the camera and delete all keyframes for the camera movement expect first and last keyframe, which retain start and end position but make smooth linear line between them, giving smooth movement. And than you use that camera to render out, giving you nice smooth footage.
You can also have multiple cameras and multiple rendered for multiple passe to composite later. I would have to play with this situation you are in right now, but I think it could work, where second camera would keep the line in frame, since point cloud can be separate from the camera. But I would have to experiment to see how it would actually work in this example.
HAMCORE wrote:What I am currently doing is making the PolyLine and publishing those points, then using the Locator 3D nodes to move the points. That's where I get that issue I explained above. I was going to use a PolyLine since I can use it to draw over time easily. Also, I would like to do a parabola but I don't know how I would make it look decent in 3D space. I'm really stuck here honestly and it just flying off screen is unfortunate cause I feel so close haha
I'll see if I can find some golf footage and give it a try.