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Relinking media in Fusion R16? How to?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:13 pm
by daktulus

I want to archive a project to a different HDD, but when I use media management in R16, only clips in the Resolve timeline are copied, saved and relinked, nothing I imported directly into Fusion is there.
Fusion compositions are shown as media offline.

Is there a way to automatically save/copy/archive all Fusion media and relink?

If not, I need to copy each clip to new HDD and relink.
How do I relink media in Fusion?

Re: Relinking media in Fusion R16? How to?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:51 pm
by Scotty Why
One thing I just found out about with Fusion is the "Loader Node". Apparently the "MediaIn" node is not able to keep track of the media it is connected to. (Why? I have no idea.) SO if you are using a separate file as part of your Fusion Comp (like a photo, clip, or logo) and you plan on using that comp again anywhere else... you need a loader node instead of the standard MediaIn node. The loader node allows to you point to a specific file so that Fusion can find it again.

If you already built your comp using MediaIn and it says it is offline, just disconnect that node, open the bin with the file and drag it into the Fusion work area and connect the new node where the old one was connected and it should come back online. Of course you will have to do this over and over again, so best to just use a loader node.

I find this whole thing to be ridiculous. Just have the loader be the default.

Re: Relinking media in Fusion R16? How to?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:47 pm
by dedpnda
The downside of loader is it only works with certain file types.
Any video type does not work, mp4, mov, ....

I have been looking for a solution for archiving timeline with fusion comps but no such result, my current solution is to duplicate entire project, then delete any thing un-used. (cant depend on the metadate usage since it does not account for anything in fusion comps)

then i archive that. it's super annoying.