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Fusion 17-18 Color Curves not working

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Fusion 17-18 Color Curves not working

PostSun Aug 07, 2022 8:47 pm

I get that error only on Windows, Mac version works.

The color curve node doesn't work. It turns red and does nothing.

Console gives me 'Cannot get Parameter for Clipping Mode at time 0' failed at time 0

I only have that on Windows using latest (2022) version. Same comp works on Mac. Haven't installed anything. Also tried to set OS language to various English settings etc.

OS: macOS 10.15.7 Catalina.
Hardware: MBP 15" 2019, 32GB RAM, Radeon Pro 560X
Software: Fusion and Resolve Studio 17
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Bryan Ray

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Re: Fusion 17-18 Color Curves not working

PostMon Aug 08, 2022 3:20 am

In Fusion Studio or Resolve? Or both?

I don't see any errors in my install of Fusion Studio 18, but I'm still on a beta build, so I'm a bit behind.

The Clipping Mode parameter is on the Settings tab. Try changing it to a different setting to see if that clears the error.

Also, try removing the Color Curves and putting a different color correction tool in its place to see if you get another error. It's possible that the actual problem is a node upstream of CCv, but that's the one that reports the error because it's the first tool that can't process for some reason.
Bryan Ray
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Re: Fusion 17-18 Color Curves not working

PostMon Aug 08, 2022 11:23 am

Ok found it, the clipping mode was not set. It was empty. You can't actually set it to none.
It looks like this was changed in Fusion 17 and if you saved a preset before it won't work. For example I always disable alpha on color correction.. logical, but not standard.. anyhow thats why in the preset the clipping mode is not set.

So some developer hasn't thought about that and hence the error comes up. Setting it manual or resaving the preset fix it. But maybe screws it in Fusion 16, not sure.

Thats a fusion studio area, thats why not wrote Resolve or Studio.. So, alway talking about Fusion Studio.

PS: I have no idea why the Mac version handles that error automatically.
OS: macOS 10.15.7 Catalina.
Hardware: MBP 15" 2019, 32GB RAM, Radeon Pro 560X
Software: Fusion and Resolve Studio 17
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Bryan Ray

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Re: Fusion 17-18 Color Curves not working

PostMon Aug 08, 2022 2:15 pm

Hmmm... usually if a parameter is added in a new version, it should get its default value when an older comp is loaded. Something to keep an eye on, no doubt.

I recommend submitting a bug report to Support.
Bryan Ray

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