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BUG:time stretcher disables audio

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:16 am
by JP Docherty
A minor bug but I thought I'd post it in case anyone else hits it.

If you are saving a quicktime or avi file with audio included in the saver node adding a timestretcher node will disable the audio from being included in the output file.

Attached a comp file and wav audio file to demonstrate.

If you disable the timestretcher you get audio in the output qt. If it's enabled you don't.

I know the audio support in Fusion is shall we say "rudimentary" but this can be irritating.

Re: BUG:time stretcher disables audio

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:21 am
by JP Docherty
Well I thought I'd attached the comp file but apparently "the extension comp is not allowed" which is amusing on a Fusion forum. Same for wav. Makes you wonder what is allowed.

So here's the simple comp as a text file - add any wav file in the loader.

Composition {
CurrentTime = 20,
RenderRange = { 1, 20, },
GlobalRange = { 1, 25, },
CurrentID = 22,
Version = "Fusion Studio 7.7.1 build 0",
SavedOutputs = 0,
HeldTools = 0,
DisabledTools = 1,
LockedTools = 0,
AudioFilename = "comp:audiotest.wav",
AudioOffset = 0,
Resumable = true,
OutputClips = {
Tools = {
Background1 = Background {
Inputs = {
GlobalIn = Input { Value = 1, },
GlobalOut = Input { Value = 25, },
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2", }, },
Gradient = Input {
Value = Gradient {
Colors = {
[0] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, },
[1] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 220, 136, }, },
TimeStretcher1SourceTime = BezierSpline {
SplineColor = { Red = 233, Green = 217, Blue = 243, },
NameSet = true,
KeyFrames = {
[1] = { 1, RH = { 7.33333333333333, 4, }, Flags = { Linear = true, }, },
[20] = { 10, LH = { 13.6666666666667, 7, }, Flags = { Linear = true, }, },
TimeStretcher1 = TimeStretcher {
PassThrough = true,
CtrlWZoom = false,
Inputs = {
SourceTime = Input {
SourceOp = "TimeStretcher1SourceTime",
Source = "Value",
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 439, 57, }, },
Left = AudioDisplay {
Right = AudioDisplay {
Saver1 = Saver {
CtrlWZoom = false,
Inputs = {
ProcessWhenBlendIs00 = Input { Value = 0, },
Clip = Input {
Value = Clip {
Filename = "comp:audiotest.MOV",
FormatID = "QuickTimeMovies",
Length = 0,
Multiframe = true,
Saving = true,
TrimIn = 0,
ExtendFirst = 0,
ExtendLast = 0,
Loop = 1,
AspectMode = 0,
Depth = 0,
TimeCode = 0,
GlobalStart = -2000000000,
GlobalEnd = 0,
OutputFormat = Input { Value = FuID { "QuickTimeMovies", }, },
SoundFilename = Input { Value = "comp:audiotest.wav", },
LeftAudio = Input {
SourceOp = "Left",
Source = "Data",
RightAudio = Input {
SourceOp = "Right",
Source = "Data",
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2", }, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "TimeStretcher1",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 711, 153, }, },
Views = {
FrameTypeID = "ChildFrame",
Mode = 3,
LayoutPreset = 0,
Left = 0,
Top = 0,
Width = 1616,
Height = 678,
Views = ordered() {
Main = MultiView {
Active = "Flow",
ViewList = ordered() {
Flow = "FlowView",
Console = "ConsoleView",
Timeline = "TimelineView",
Spline = "SplineEditorView",
Info = "InfoView",
Chat = "ChatView",
Flow = FlowView {
Flags = {
AutoHideNavigator = true,
AutoSnap = true,
RemoveRouters = true,
NavigatorSize = { 100, 100, },
Direction = "Horizontal",
PipeStyle = "Direct",
Scale = 1,
Offset = { 26, 29, },
Timeline = TimelineView {
TreeControlState = {
DisplayMode = "All Tools",
ShowCurrentTimeTools = false,
Filter = "Show All",
ShowSelectedTools = false,
ShowAnimatedToolsOnly = false,
ShowEditBoxes = false,
KeyFrameView = {
Position = { Left = 130, Bottom = 447, },
ScaleX = 0.751127819548872,
OffsetX = -50.3255639097744,
OffsetY = 0,
AutoScaling = "scroll",
AutoSnapTo = "frame",
AutoSnapToGuidelines = true,
GuidelinesGrabEnabled = true,
GuidelinesSnapTo = "none",
Spreadsheet = { LeftPos = 130, Visible = false, },
Spline = SplineEditorView {
LeftPos = 225,
ScaleX = 0.2,
ScaleY = 0.348432055749129,
OffsetX = -3.6,
OffsetY = -53.3101045296168,
AutoScaling = "scroll",
AutoSnapTo = "frame",
AutoSnapToGuidelines = true,
GuidelinesSnapTo = "frame",
ShowKeyMarkers = false,
IndependentHandles = false,
ShowNonSplineModifiers = false,
GuidelinesGrabEnabled = true,
ToolStates = {
Current = {
Editable = { "TimeStretcher1SourceTime", },
NonEditable = { },
ShowOneToolOnly = false,
ShowSelectedTools = false,
ShowAllInputs = false,
Filter = "Show All",
Controls = MultiView {
Active = "Tools",
ViewList = ordered() {
Tools = "ControlView",
Modifiers = "ModifierView",
Left = "PreviewContainer",
Right = "PreviewContainer",
Transport = "TransportView",
Time = "TimeView",
Layout = {
Columns = 2,
RatioX = 1,
RatioY = 1,
Rows = 3,
RatioX = 0.833420365535248,
RatioY = 98,
Columns = 2,
RatioX = 1,
RatioY = 0.473305954825462,
{ ID = "Left", RatioX = 0.500313873195229, RatioY = 92.1995661605206, Pop = true, },
{ ID = "Right", RatioX = 0.499686126804771, Pop = true, },
Pop = true,
{ ID = "Main", RatioY = 0.471252566735113, Pop = true, },
{ ID = "Time", SnapY = 52, Flat = true, },
Rows = 2,
PixelX = 317,
{ ID = "Controls", RatioX = 1, RatioY = 1, },
{ ID = "Transport", FixedY = -2, },
Prefs = {
Comp = {
Memory = {
FramesAtOnce = 4,
Render = {
SimultaneousBranching = true,
Interactive = {
SimultaneousBranching = true,
NumberStyles = {
ClipFrame = 2,
Views = {
Right = {
SideB = {
PrevCtrlInactiveColor = 65280,
PickW = 1,
PickH = 1,
PrevCtrlActiveColor = 255,
Viewer = {
EnableLUTs = false,
LUTPlugin = "FusionViewLUT",
FitMarginY = 0,
FitMarginX = 0,
FitMarginType = 0,
FarZ = -1000,
NearZ = 0,
Left = {
SideB = {
PrevCtrlInactiveColor = 65280,
PickW = 1,
PickH = 1,
PrevCtrlActiveColor = 255,
Viewer = {
EnableLUTs = false,
LUTPlugin = "FusionViewLUT",
FitMarginY = 0,
FitMarginX = 0,
FitMarginType = 0,
FarZ = -1000,
NearZ = 0,
View1 = {
PrevCtrlInactiveColor = 0,
PickW = 1,
PickH = 1,
SideB = {
PrevCtrlInactiveColor = 65280,
PickW = 1,
PickH = 1,
PrevCtrlActiveColor = 255,
Viewer = {
EnableLUTs = false,
LUTPlugin = "FusionViewLUT",
FitMarginY = 0,
FitMarginX = 0,
FitMarginType = 0,
FarZ = -1000,
NearZ = 0,
PrevCtrlActiveColor = 0,
AlwaysOnTop = true,
FullScreen = false,
View3 = {
PickH = 1,
PickW = 1,
AlwaysOnTop = true,
FullScreen = false,
View2 = {
PickH = 1,
PickW = 1,
AlwaysOnTop = true,
FullScreen = false,
FrameFormat = {
Width = 1920,
Height = 1080,
GuideRatio = 1.31619537275064,
DepthFull = 3,
DepthPreview = 2,
DepthInteractive = 2,
DepthLock = false,
LastFile = "U:\\projects\\distant\\output\\audiotest.wav",
Unsorted = {
GlobalStart = 1,
GlobalEnd = 25,
RenderSettings = {
Configs = {
Final = {
StepRender = false,
PriorityClasses = "all",
SizeType = 1,
MotionBlur = true,
CustomAspect = true,
CustomHeight = 160,
ShowSlaves = false,
CustomWidth = 200,
StepSize = 5,
UpdateMode = "Some",
UseNetwork = false,
Quality = true,
Preview = {
StepRender = false,
PriorityClasses = "all",
SizeType = 1,
MotionBlur = true,
CustomAspect = true,
CustomHeight = 160,
ShowSlaves = false,
CustomWidth = 200,
StepSize = 5,
UpdateMode = "Some",
UseNetwork = false,
Quality = false,
PreviewConfig = "Preview",
CurrentConfig = "Final",
AVI = {
Preview = {
Handler = 541215044,
SplineEditor = {
AutoSnap = {
Keys = 18,
FreehandPrecDlg = {
Window = {
Left = 668,
Top = 371,
Paths = {
DiskCache = {
CacheLoaders = {
Enable = true,
QuickTime = {

Re: BUG:time stretcher disables audio

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:22 am
by JP Docherty
Sorry, I meant "add any audio file in the saver", not loader. Long day.